Auction 87 - Jewish and Israeli Art, History and Culture
Including: sketches by Ze'ev Raban and Bezalel items, hildren's books, avant-garde books, rare ladino periodicals, and more
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A portfolio of documents belonging to the commander of the "Mishmar Ha'Am" (lit. "People's Guard, " the Jewish Civil Defense Force) in Jerusalem's Montefiore (Kiryat Moshe) neighborhood, Sarah HaMeiri Ostrovsky, wife of Rabbi Moshe HaMeiri Ostrovsky, one of the leaders of the Mizrachi movement. The portfolio contains dozens of forms, lists, pages of guidelines and instructions, and notes, handwritten and printed, that were used in managing neighborhood affairs in the period of the Arab siege on Jerusalem during Israel's War of Independence. 1947-48.
Included: • Handwritten notebook documenting various operations in wartime and under siege – the collection of articles and various types of donations (blood donations, donations of blankets), a "community kitchen, " a list of neighborhood water cisterns and convalescent homes. • Dozens of forms confirming the borrowing of equipment (flashlights, socks, helmets, scarves) from neighborhood residents. • A list of people who refused or were unable to pay the "Defence Tax" (along with comments such as "gave only one lira, " "had no good reason for refusing to give, " "was lacking in means, " or "will pay a visit to the rabbi's wife tomorrow.") • A hand-drawn color sketch of three buildings in the neighborhood, indicating entrance locations. * Several pages of instructions regarding defensive measures in case of aerial bombardment. * "Communiqué / Orders" calling upon members to attend urgent meetings of the "Mishmar Ha'Am, " along with a list of members' names and their signatures. • Several forms to be used by members of "Mishmar Ha'Am, " including a form for listing buildings and the people responsible for them, power of attorney for people collecting equipment, instructions for those collecting equipment, and more. Some of the forms are filled out; others are left blank. • And more.
Duplicate copies of some forms. The documents are kept in an official paper portfolio of the World Mizrachi Organization.
Approx. 95 items. Size and condition vary.
• Nineteen photographs depicting soldiers who volunteered for service in the British army, as well as soldiers in the incipient Israel Defense Forces (IDF), including a number of senior IDF officers such as Yaakov Dori, Yigael Yadin, and others. Three photos marked with the inked stamps of the photographers: "W. Herz, " (Jerusalem); the IDF's "Map and Photograph Service"; and Kurt Triest.
Average size: 11.5X17 cm. Condition varies.
• Album comprising some 110 photographs of a soldier who first served in the British armed forces, and then fought for the newborn State of Israel in the War of Independence on the Southern (Negev) front; photographs from Nirim, Halutza, Beersheba, Abu Ageila, and other locations.
Average size: 8X6 cm. Condition varies.
Provenance: The Rimon Family Collection.
Photographs depicting armored vehicles breaching the blockade on the road to Jerusalem in the course of Operation Nachshon (April 1948); MV Altalena in flames in the waters off Frischmann Beach, Tel Aviv (June 1948); Kibbutz Negba in the aftermath of the battles there (1948); conquest of the Arab villages of Khulda and Abu Shusha (1948); Haganah forces in the Ben Shemen Youth Village (1947); airplanes on the tarmac of the Tel Nof air base; and more. At the beginning of the album are a number of photographs showing Haganah forces engaged in training exercises before the war (1946), and at the end are photos of excursions to places throughout the country (to Eilat, Naharyim, Beersheba, and additional locations in the days following the war, 1949).
The photographs are arranged in an album with handwritten captions and dates, and most are also titled and dated on verso.
Roughly 230 photographs, size and condition vary. Overall good condition. A few are mounted onto the album leaves with adhesive tape. Album: approx. 25X36 cm. Several leaves partly detached. Creases, stains, and tears to edges of tissue guards. Binding slightly worn, with adhesive tape to length of spine. Several newspaper clippings mounted onto inside binding.
Photo album documenting the soldiers of the 51st Battalion of the Givati Brigade during the War of Independence. [Israel, late 1948 / 1949].
Album with roughly 750 photographs taken by a soldier in the 51st Battalion of the the Givati Brigade during the War of Independence and thereafter. The photographs document the opening of the road to the Negev in the course of Operation Yoav (October 1948); and the day-to-day functioning of soldiers of the battalion and brigade during the war, in battle sites where the Egyptian army was defeated and evicted, during ceasefire periods, and while performing routine tasks on the army bases.
Among other things, the photographs highlight the work of the Givati Brigade's technical units, responsible for radio, mapping, and other matters; equipment, including mortars, armored vehicles, and aircraft used in Operation Yoav; specific sites, including the vicinity of the Arab village of Beit Jibrin and the Beit Jibrin villa, the Iraq Suwaydan police station (site of today's Yoav Fortress) and presumably the village of Iraq Suwaydan as well, Tegart forts, and unidentified Arab villages in the regions of the Coastal Plain and northern Negev; roll calls; erecting a sign for "Givat Arnon" (a hilltop outpost, No. 113 – one of the so-called "junction" hilltop outposts – named after Ya'akov Arnon who fell in the line of duty in the battle for the site); erecting a sign for “Migdal Yoav” at the site of the Iraq Suwaydan police station; erecting a sign for “Mishlat Haim” (named after Haim Bolman who fell in the line of duty in the course of one of the battles for Huleiqat, adjacent to Kibbutz Gvar'am); erecting a sign for "Givat Shimshon"; various sites in Beersheba following its capture by Israeli forces; water wells excavated in the desert; Arab villagers; portrait photographs of soldiers; and photos of leisure activities, including trips and excursions. A few photographs are signed in the plate (in Hebrew) "Photo Service – Givati." A handful of photographs are of personal events or trips of a non-military nature.
The photographs were mostly likely taken by Yosef (Joachim) Ehrenberg, born in 1924, who studied at the Technion (Haifa) in the mid-1940s and served in Givati Brigade during the War of Independence.
Photographs of varying sizes, from approx. 4X5.5 cm to approx. 11X15 cm. Mounted onto thin paper leaves bound into an album. Leaf size: 25X36 cm. Overall good condition. Stains to edges of some photographs and minor distortions resulting from mounting. Several photographs detached, at times along with paper leaf.
Enclosed: two photo albums with photographs by Ehrenberg, comprising roughly 200 personal photographs, including photos from trips throughout the country and from his student days at the Technion. The photos seem to indicate that Ehrenberg's role in the military was somehow related to his professional training at the Technion, possibly in what was known as the “Photographic Service” or in some other technical capacity.
Israeli propaganda leaflet which presents enemy soldiers with two options: death or surrender. One side features a large photograph of dead soldiers on the battlefield, with the inscription " كذا...? او" [Thus…? or]; on the other side appears the inscription " كذا" [thus], and photographs of the allegedly comfortable life led by Arab POW's in Israeli prisoner-of-war camps.
Approx. 24X17 cm. Fair condition. Fold lines and creases. Tears to edges and along fold lines (minor damage to text). Pen inscriptions.
Provenance: The Rimon Family Collection.
The issue's headline announces with great pathos the outcome of the vote, held in the UN's General Assembly the day before, November 29; the assembly has approved the "partition plan", which will end the British Mandate for Palestine, and allow for the establishment of a Jewish state alongside an independent Arab state.
4 pp., 58 cm. Good conditions. Stains. Creases and fold lines. Tears (including minor open tears) to margins and fold lines.
BeGalut Kenya [In the Exile of Kenya], daily newspaper of the Jewish detainees interned at camp Gilgil (Kenya). Issue no. 357, typewritten, with handwritten corrections and additions (master copy). Camp Gilgil: 14.5.1948. Hebrew.
The issue comprises news on the war being fought in Palestine, which presumably reached the camp the same day: the fall of Gush Etzion, battles in Sha'ar HaGai, the surrender of Jaffa, and more. An article printed in page 2 in larger script reads: "Tonight the State of Israel will be Declared."
The news items in the issue were collected from various available news outlets: Radio London in Arabic, Radio Brazzaville, Radio Paris, Radio New York, the New York Herald Tribune, and others (sources are written before every passage.)
An item at the end of the issue quotes a telegram received from the Zionist Executive Committee in New York. The committee seeks to reassure the internees that the time of their release is near (signed in print by Hadassah activist Judith Epstein, Zionist Revisionist leader Meir Grossman, and American Zionist leader Baruch Zuckerman.)
6 ff. (6 printed pages), unbound. 33.5 cm. Minor stains and creases. Pinholes and minor tears. The end of the telegram on last page is printed on a separate piece of paper, pasted to the bottom of the page.
Enclosed: page 2 of the evening issue, published the same day (14.5.48; printed after the Declaration of Independence took place, ) consisting three news items: the evacuation of British forces from Jerusalem, report on the numbers of Palestinian Arab refugees, and the end of a report on the state of affairs in the war's various fronts (typewritten.)
Issue of May 15, 1948. The front cover features a report on the declaration of independence ceremony, which took place the previous day in Tel Aviv: " It was a simple, almost informal, ceremony of 40 minutes which established the Jewish state of 'Israel'". The article goes on to compare between the modest ceremony in Tel Aviv, and the extravagant ceremony held two years prior in Amman, in similar circumstances. This is followed by reports on one of the participants in the ceremony, Dr. Isidor Schalit, a Zionist leader and Theodor Herzl's secretary, the rapid growth of Jewish immigration to the newly formed state, reactions of the surrounding Arabic countries to the declaration of independence, and fears of Arab invasion. The news section features additional articles about the situation in the country, including a report on an aerial attack on Tel Aviv. The culture section features a positive review of HaBima's theater productions on Broadway.
The Christian Science Monitor was founded in Boston in 1908, and is still being published today. Despite its association with the Church of Christian Science, its reports are considered objective and reliable, and some of its reporters won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for Journalism.
17, [1] pp., 57 cm. Good condition. Leaves detached. Minor tears, including marginal open tears. Thin strips of paper pasted for reinforcement to front page and along spine (between first and last page). Filing holes. Fold lines.
Issue of the Jewish daily newspaper Der Tog. The front page features reports on Ben-Gurion's declaration of independence, which took place the day before in Tel Aviv, and on the cancellation of the British White Paper, American president Truman's recognition of the newly established country, and efforts to achieve support for the country in the UN. With a picture of the Israeli flag, and portraits of Herzl, Truman and Ben-Gurion.
Der Tog – a secular daily newspaper in Yiddish – was published between 1914 and 1971. The newspaper operated independently of political affiliation, aiming to maintain high journalistic standards, and offer its readership a rich variety of cultural and literary sections. Among its writers were Shmuel Niger, David Pinski and Chaim Zhitlowsky.
[4] pp. (one sheet folded in two, ) 58 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Fold lines and creases. Closed and open tears to margins and along fold lines, with minor damage to text. Framed.
The headline reads: "The State of Israel has Been Established;" beneath it are photographic portraits of Theodor Herzl and Ze'ev Jabotinsky. The subheading celebrates the end of "1878 years of enslavement and exile;" the text of the declaration of independence speech, held the day before by the Irgun's commander, Menachem Begin, is printed in the center of the page.
The entire issue is dedicated to the war raging throughout the country, the invasion of the Arab armies, and territorial gains made by the Jewish forces, with an emphasis on the, alleged, central role played by Irgun's forces in the struggle for independence.
4 pp., 55 cm. Good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Fold lines. Minor tears to margins and along fold lines.
Volume of bound issues of the second year of publication of "Unzer Ziel" (last year of publication), published by the Zionist Revisionist movement, for holocaust survivors ("Sh'erit HaPletah") in Austria. Issues accompanied by pictures and illustrations (Olei HaGardom, Irgun fighters in the 1948 war, Warsaw ghetto, and more.)
Issue no. 13 (May 19, 1948) features a detailed account of the declaration of independence of the State of Israel.
Hardcover, with label pasted onto front board – the name of the newspaper and its logo, which was designed to resemble the symbol of the Irgun, a map of Greater Israel, and years of publication – 1947-1949.
24 issues bound together (most comprise six pages). One leaf (in issue no. 17) bound out of sequence. Approx. 45 cm. Good condition. Stains. Minor creases. Marginal tears to some leaves (mostly minor; some restored tears). Two leaves detached. Cover worn, with marginal abrasions.
Provenance: The Rimon Family Collection.
The photograph shows Faisal seated on a sofa, reading a newspaper. Next to him is Sheikh Ibrahim Sulayman. In the foreground is an issue of a daily newspaper, the "New York World-Telegram, " laid down on a chair. The main headline of the "World-Telegram" reads "Jewish Nation Proclaimed." The picture was taken in Flushing Meadows Park in the Borough of Queens, New York City, next to the Flushing Meadow arena, a converted skating rink where the United Nations General Assembly was convening at the time.
The back of the photograph bears the inked stamp of the "INP – International News Photos" news agency, and a description of the photo and its place and date, all printed in French.
Throughout his lengthy tenure as foreign minister, from 1930 to 1960, Faisal remained a steadfast and outspoken opponent of Zionism. He acted tirelessly to formulate a unified Arab position on the subject, and to give prominence to this unified Arab stance on the international and geopolitical stage.
Approx. 21.5X17 cm. Good condition. Stains. Minor blemishes to edges. Minute holes to top.