New to Kedem Auctions? Selling at Kedem is simple

We evaluate the price of an item based on our experience in selling similar items in the past and based on our knowledge of world trends in the field of collectibles. It is important to understand that the physical condition of an item and any information about its provenance and originality are factors which have significant effect on the price. Therefore, our appraisal may change after inspecting and researching the item at our offices.

Evaluating your items

Ever wonder how much your item is worth?
Try one of the following options for a free evaluation:
1. Email: Send Kedem an email at [email protected]. Detailed information and photographs will help us provide you with a more accurate preliminary evaluation.
2. Visit our offices: We will be happy to meet with you and view your item in our Jerusalem offices (8 Ramban Street) during regular office hours.
3. Home visits: If relevant, we can coordinate a home visit at your location to view a large collection or large items that are difficult to transport.

Items on consignment

If you decide to consign your item for auction, the next step is to transfer it to Kedem. Consigned items can be brought in person to our offices or sent to us by mail. (All shipping expenses lie with the consignor, including insurance and customs duties.) Kedem will then prepare a detailed consignment receipt listing the items you’ve consigned and their auction opening prices (the minimum price reserved for the sale of the item) and Kedem’s Terms and Conditions of sale.

Auction your items

Your consigned item will appear in the relevant upcoming Kedem auction catalog with the description and photograph prepared by our cataloging team. Once listed in the catalog your item will get wide exposure to ensure it is seen by as many potential buyers as possible. Kedem’s catalogs are distributed to an extensive mailing list of customers, are available online on the Kedem website and are also posted on numerous international online auction portals.


After the sale of your consigned item, Kedem collects payment from the buyer. The proceeds due to you will be transferred no later than 45 business days after the auction. Kedem's seller’s premium depends on the hammer price of the item, as detailed in the Terms and Conditions of the consignment receipt. If for some reason your item did not sell, we kindly request that you collect it from the Kedem office no later than 14 days after the auction. There is no fee for lots that do not sell.

Contact Us

Letter of Rabbinic Ordination Signed by the Noda BiYehuda, with the Signatures of the Dayanim in His Beit Din, Leading Prague Torah Scholars – 1760

Sold for: $40,000


"Redeem the Land" – Poster Issued by the Jewish National Fund 

Sold for: $3,000


Pair of Torah Finials - Abraham Lopes de Oliveyra - London, 1740

Sold for: $160,000


Illustrated Manuscript on Parchment – "Tikun Seder Se'udah" – Book of Blessings – Germany/ Austria, the 18th Century

Sold for: $120,000



How do I ensure that my item won’t be sold at too low a price?

Kedem evaluates your item and in consultation with you recommends an appropriate auction opening price. Bids lower than the opening price are not accepted.

What is Kedem's seller’s premium?/Upgrade Issues?

We charge a seller’s premium (plus Israeli VAT) only on items that were sold. The premium is a function of the item’s auction hammer price, as detailed in the Terms of Use on our website.

When will my item be offered for sale?

When consigning your item we will give you an estimate of when it will be offered for auction. Items are assigned to our various auctions according to the appropriate category (eg Judaica or Israeliana), the order in which the items were consigned to Kedem and other considerations.

What should I do if I’m interested in selling a collection or a large quantity of items?

Please contact us by email at [email protected]. A Kedem representative will get back to you promptly to get more details and set up a meeting at your location to view the collection and evaluate it. We will be happy to evaluate your collection even if it is located outside of Israel.

What if I can’t send a photograph of the item?

We don’t need a professional photograph; even a photo taken with your cellphone will suffice at first. If nonetheless you still have a problem sending us a photo, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help resolving the issue.

If Kedem has evaluated my item, must I consign it to Kedem?

No. The evaluation by Kedem is free of charge (and confidential) and you are under no obligation to sell the item through us.