Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
viewing at noon
Kitzur Mordechai – Old Manuscript on Parchment (15th Century)
Opening: $5,000
This old manuscript was written using black and red ink which burned through the parchment and some of the material is only legible by how the ink burned through the paper. The glosses are in an old Ashkenazi style handwriting around the same period as the writing of the manuscript.
Portions of the Talmudic tractates of Berachot and Ketubot. Manuscript has not been researched. [It is possible that there is additional subject matter – Chiddushei HaRan?]
8 leaves. 30 cm. Parts of the manuscript have been pressed and restored by adding paper. The pages are not whole with much damage to text. Cloth binding with parchment spine.
Portions of the Talmudic tractates of Berachot and Ketubot. Manuscript has not been researched. [It is possible that there is additional subject matter – Chiddushei HaRan?]
8 leaves. 30 cm. Parts of the manuscript have been pressed and restored by adding paper. The pages are not whole with much damage to text. Cloth binding with parchment spine.