Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

The Rebbe of Falticeni - A Printed Invitation

Opening: $250
A printed invitation by The Rabbi of Falticeni – Rebbe Elazar Twersky, to the ceremony of naming his daughter. Falticeni (Romania), 1924.
"I will be honored to affectionately invite you to take part in my joyous event… of giving a name to my newborn daughter…". Hebrew and Romanian.
Rabbi Elazar Twersky of Falticeni (1893-1976, Encyclopedia of Chassidut, A, page 289) was a renowned genius and tzaddik, from the Chernobyl-Skvira lineage, son of Rebbe Shlomo of Skvira. His sermons and novella were printed in Pekudat Elazar (Brooklyn 1999).
17 cm. Fair condition. Many stains. Folding marks. The invitation was sent by post, on reverse side is the Rebbe's stamp [partial], postal stamp and address written in foreign language.