Online Auction 05 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Literary Anthologies and Periodicals in Yiddish

Opening: $70
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Collection of literary anthologies and periodicals in Yiddish
* Leben un visenshaft [leben un visenshaft]. [Vilnius], 1909.
*Amol in a yovel, zamlbukh far beltristik. Publisher not indicated. Warsaw, 1929.
*Antologye fun nayer ukrainisher proze, D. Feldman, L. Kvitko. Published by Melukhe-Faalrag fun Ukrayne. Kharkov, 1920.
* Di kolonistn, a ramn fun Rumaniyen un Eretz Israel, Yitzchak Halevi Lewinsky. Published by Yitzchak Braisblat. Warsaw, 1930.
2 volumes.
* Globus, khodesh-dzurnal far literature. Printed by Drukarni Uniwersalnej, Warsaw, 1933.
Two issues: January, February.
* Deklamater fun der sovyetisher yiddisher literature, I.Dobroshin, I. Rabin. Published by "Emes". Moscow, 1934.
* Tsen yor artef. Published by Posi-Shoulson Press. New York, 1937.
* Estrade, literarishe zamlung tsum laynen un farlaynen, M. Khashṭsheṿatsḳi, Fayvl Sito. Published by Uḳrmelukhenatsmindfarlag. Soviet Union, 1938. Not listed in National Library catalogue.
10 books and booklets.
Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Jewish and Israeli History and Culture