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Collection of Literary Anthologies and Periodicals in Yiddish

Collection of literary anthologies and periodicals in Yiddish
* Leben un visenshaft [leben un visenshaft]. [Vilnius], 1909.
*Amol in a yovel, zamlbukh far beltristik. Publisher not indicated. Warsaw, 1929.
*Antologye fun nayer ukrainisher proze, D. Feldman, L. Kvitko. Published by Melukhe-Faalrag fun Ukrayne. Kharkov, 1920.
* Di kolonistn, a ramn fun Rumaniyen un Eretz Israel, Yitzchak Halevi Lewinsky. Published by Yitzchak Braisblat. Warsaw, 1930.
2 volumes.
* Globus, khodesh-dzurnal far literature. Printed by Drukarni Uniwersalnej, Warsaw, 1933.
Two issues: January, February.
* Deklamater fun der sovyetisher yiddisher literature, I.Dobroshin, I. Rabin. Published by "Emes". Moscow, 1934.
* Tsen yor artef. Published by Posi-Shoulson Press. New York, 1937.
* Estrade, literarishe zamlung tsum laynen un farlaynen, M. Khashṭsheṿatsḳi, Fayvl Sito. Published by Uḳrmelukhenatsmindfarlag. Soviet Union, 1938. Not listed in National Library catalogue.
10 books and booklets.