Online Auction 05 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Fifteen Poetry Books and Pirodicals in Yiddish, Early 20th century

Opening: $300
Sold for: $525
Including buyer's premium
Fifteen poetry books and periodical in Yiddish, early 20th century.
* Liebshaft, Avraham Ṿieṿiorḳa. Published by "Shulamit". Krakow, 1911.
* Oyfn veg, poeme, Ya'akov Preger. Published by Uyter. Warsaw, 1919.
* Vayte Shayn, fragment un perzn, Yididya Morgolis. Published by the author. Moscow, 1922.
* Prose un lider, Z. Shneur. Published by "Binstock". Odessa, 1912.
* Fartag, M. Shapira. Published by "Lirik". Kiev, 1922.
* A ber tanst, Moishe Lifshitz. Published by "Erbeterhaym". Riga, 1922. Title page and illustrations by Mikhail Ya.
* Matatron, apokliptishe poeme. Aharon Zeitlin. Published by "Alt-Yung". Warsaw, 1922
*Ale lider, Asher Shwartzman. Published by "Kultur-Lige". Kiev, 1923.
* Of der erd, Izzy Kharik. Published by "Shul un Bukh". Moscow, 1926.
* In shen fun libshaft, lider un poems, Esther Shumiatcher. Published by Vilner Farlag fun B. Kletzkin. Vilnius, 1930.
* Risner, Childe Harold, Moishe Kolbak. Published by Melukhe-Farlag fun Vaysrusland. Minsk, 1933. Illustrator: Idelman.
* Asher Shwartzman, lider un briv, M. Levitan, M. Erik. Published by Farlag fun der ukraynisher visenshaft-akademye. Kiev, 1935.
* Inzikh, sershaynt yeder khoydesh, I.A. weisman. Published by Inzikh. New York, 1935.
Single leaves.
* Asher Shwartzman. Published by Uḳrmelukhenatsmindfarlag. Kiev, 1939.
* Yosl Loksh fun Khelm, Ya'akov Glatstein. Published by Machmadim. New-York, 1944.
Illustrations by Yitzchak Lichtenstein.
Size and condition vary.
Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Jewish and Israeli History and Culture