Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Displaying 1 - 12 of 402
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $3,000
Including buyer's premium
Babylonian Talmud set, 12 volumes, printed in Amsterdam and Frankfurt am Main [one volume printed in Berlin], originally bound together and served as a complete Talmud. Volumes contain: 1. Berachot, Seder Zera'im. Amsterdam, 1714-1715. 2. Shabbat and Eiruvin, Amsterdam, 1716. 3 Pesachim, Beitza, Chagiga, Mo'ed Katan. Berlin, 1735. 4. Rosh Hashanah, Ta'anit, Yoma, Succah, Megilah. Amsterdam, 1716. 5. Yavamut, Ketubot (missing title page), Kidushin. Amsterdam, 1719. 6. Gittin, Nedarim, Nazir, Sotah. Frankfurt a. M, 1716. 7. Bava Kama, Bava Metzi'a. Frankfurt a. M, 1716. 8. Bava Batra, Avodat Kochavim (Avodah Zarah). Frankfurt a. M, 1716. 9. Sanhedrin, Shavuot, Eduyot, Horayot, Makot, Masachtot Ketanot. Frankfurt a. M, 1716. 10. Zevachim, Minchot, Bechorot. Frankfurt a. M, 1716-1717. 11. Chulin, Kritut. Temurah, Me'ilah, Kinim, Tamid, Midot, Arachin. Frankfurt a. M, 1716. 12. Nidah, Seder Taharot. Frankfurt a. M, 1716. Ancient ownership inscriptions, in Hebrew, on endpapers of the volumes, among them: "This Talmud belongs to Yitzchak Yokl Bamberg---Basbach", "... Itzk and Yokl sons of the deceased Leib", "Lipman son of Sender of Heitzfeld…", "Nehm Hirsch Leicht of Arnstein", "Yehudah ben Yitzchak …", "HaKatzin – Meir—of Heitzfeld", "This Talmud belongs to… Lipman Masbach Segal, from this Talmud I began to learn… Ya'akov…", "from this Talmud I began to learn… Menachem Mendel… Lipman Segal…", "Neta[?] Hirsch of Furth", and more. 12 volumes. 36 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, tears and wear. Several detached leaves. Original bindings, wood covered with leather, with metal clasps (missing or damaged in some of the volumes). Stamps of Hermann Gumpertz, Rabbi in Hamburg.
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $3,250
Including buyer's premium
Babylonian Talmud, with commentaries. Amsterdam edition, 1644-1648, printed by Emanuel Benveniste. A complete set with the exception of Tractate Gittin. Some volumes contain several tractates, as follows: · Berachot with Seder Zera'im. · Shabbat, Eruvin (missing two leaves). (Signature on title page of "Moshe bar Menachem Galicho"). · Pesachim, Beitza, Chagiga, Moed Katan. · Yoma, Rosh Hashanah, Succah, Ta'anit, Megillah. · Yevamot. · Ketubot. · Nazir, Sotah. · Kiddushin (glosses in Italian writing). · Avodah Zara, Shekalim (Yerushalmi). · Bava Kama (signature of "Moshe Galico" and several glosses). · Bava Metzi'a. · Bava Batra (missing two leaves). · Sanhedrin. · Makot, Shevuot, Nedarim. · Zevachim. · Menachot, Bechorot. · Chulin. · Arachin, Me'ila, Kinin, Midot, Kritot, Temura. · Nidah, Eduyot, Horayot, Masechtot Ketanot. · Mishnayot Seder Taharot. · Enclosed is another copy of Tractate Berachot (without Seder Zera'im). For further information about the edition of the Talmud, see: R' N.N. Rabinowitz, article on the printing of the Talmud, Jerusalem 1952, pp. 93-96. 21 volumes. Varying condition among the volumes. Stains and wear, worming, detached leaves, tears. From the library of Prof. Moshe David Cassuto.
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $800
Sold for: $4,500
Including buyer's premium
Rabbeinu Asher, Part 1. With Ma'adanei Melech and Lechem Chamudot commentaries, by Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman HaLevi Heller, author of Tosfot Yom Tov. Prague, 1628. Printed by Moshe son of Yosef Bezalel Katz. First edition. The title of the composition Ma'adanei Melech was changed in later editions to Ma'danei Yom Tov and to Pilpula Charifta because of the famous libel which sent the author to prison claiming that he aspired to rebel against the king and therefore named his composition Ma'adanei Melech. The fourth part of the composition on Seder Nezikin was printed in 1619. This Part 1 was printed in 1628 on Tractate Berachot, Halachot Ketanot, Tractate Chullin, Tractates Nedarim and Nidah. Part 2-3 on Seder Moed and on Seder Nashim were not printed at all. In the book are hundreds of erasures and many censor corrections, in an ancient handwriting from the time of printing. (At each place the words "Talmud", "Talmuda", "Goy", "Nations of the World", "Avodah Zara", etc. appear). On the title page is an ownership signature in Italian handwriting, of "The Modena brothers” – 1679). [2], 2-7, 7-320 leaves. 34 cm. Good condition. Dark-colored paper typical of Prague printings. New binding. From the library of Prof. Moshe David Cassuto.
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $250
Sold for: $313
Including buyer's premium
Omek Halacha, illustrations and explanations of Talmudical treatises, by Rabbi Ya'akov Koppelman son of R' Shmuel Bunim. Amsterdam, [1710]. Second edition. Contains dozens of illustrations and diagrams explaining difficult Talmudic treatises (from Zera'im to Taharot). [2], 36, [1] leaves. 19 cm. Good condition. Stains. Contemporary binding, with leather spine (damages).
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
Lechem Shamayim, on the Mishnayot, Part 1. Kuntress Binyan Beit HaBechira, by Rabbi Ya'akov Emden – the Ya'avetz. Wandsbek, [1733]. First edition. The first book which the Ya'avetz printed in his lifetime and the only one not printed in Altona, the place in which he established his printing press. On the verso of the title page is an illustration of the altar according to the Ra'avad. [1], 118, 120-121 leaves. Missing last leaf (122) of the list of errors. 34 cm. good condition. Dark-colored paper with dampstains, minor worming. New binding.
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Mincha Chadasha, Pirkei Avot with a compilation of ten commentaries, by Rabbi Yechiel, known as Michel of Ropczyce. Frankfurt am Main, [1722]. Approbation by Rabbi Ya'akov Cohen of Prague, Av Beit Din of Frankfurt [author of Shev Ya'akov]. [1], 131 leaves. 12.5 cm (pocket edition). Good condition. Wear and stains, semi-leather binding, ancient and slightly damaged. Signature on title page: "Avraham ---".
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $250
Pirkei Avot, vowelized, with commentaries of Rabbi Ovadya of Bartenura and Rabbeinu Moshe Alshich. Rashi commentary and Chasdei Avot by the Chida on the sixth chapter. Safed, [1865]. Printed by Dov Ber Kara. Ancient stamps [from Safed], of "Ya'akov Daktir – son of Avraham Segal". 43 leaves. 19 cm. Good-fair condition, some leaves are cut bordering the text. Illustrated ex-libris, new binding. Illustration in the center of the title page: "Tombstone of the G-dly Tana Rashbi and his son R' E. and R' Y”. On the last page is a list of subscribers "People who paid in advance for this book".
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,200
Sold for: $2,500
Including buyer's premium
Babylonian Talmud, with Rav Alfas and Mordechai. Zhitomir, 1858-1864. Printed by the Shapira brothers. 20-volume set. Twenty volumes: Berachot, with Seder Zera'im; Shabbat (half-title from another tractate); Eruvin; Betza, Moed Katan, Megillah, Ta'anit, Rosh Hashana, Yoma, Succah, Pesachim, Chagiga, Yevamot, Sota, Ketubot (without half-title), Kiddushin, Nedarim, Gittin, Nazir, Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Bava Batra, Sanhedrin, Bava Batra (without title page for Bava Batra. With cover printed on greenish paper); Makot, Horayot, Eduyot, Avot and Masechtot Ketanot. Shevuot, Avoda Zara, Zevachim, Menachot (with front cover printed on yellow paper), Chulin, Bechorot, Arachin, Temura, Kritot, Me'ilah, Tamid, Nidah. 36 cm. Condition varies, good-fair. Stains, tears to several leaves (some with damage to text), worming and wear. New bindings. Ownership inscriptions, signatures and stamps.
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $3,000
Sold for: $5,000
Including buyer's premium
Ein Ya'akov (Kutnot Or), Talmudic Aggadot. Three volumes, Berachot-Nidah. Slavita, 1834-1835. Printed by Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira. In all the books are many stamps of Rebbe "Eliezer Menachem ben Moshe, Jerusalem", as well as many stamps, made like a handwritten signature of the Rebbe's son Rebbe "Alter ben R' Eliezer Menachem". Many stamps of "Avraham Bezalel Natan Neta ben R' Elazar Menachem Biderman, Jerusalem". Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mendel Biderman (1827-1883), son of Rebbe Moishele of Lelów and son-in-law of the son of the Chozeh of Lublin, immigrated with his father to Eretz Israel in 1851. After a short while, Rebbe Moshe died and Rabbi Biderman succeeded him as Rebbe. He was renowned for his prayers and did not miss even one day of prayer at the Western Wall. The Lelów Rebbes were the first Chassidic rebbes who established a Chassidic community in Jerusalem. Until that time, most Chassidic groups settled in Tiberias and Safed whereas mostly Pharisees resided in Jerusalem - disciples of the Vilna Gaon and of the Chatam Sofer. Following the years 1836-1850 (after the earthquake in the Galilee) a Chassidic community began to form in Jerusalem, [among its members: Rabbi Aharon Moshe of Brad, disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin, Rabbi Israel Bak, the printer of Safed, and Rabbi Asher Shapira, the Rabbi of Zalin]. His son, Rebbe Alter Biderman (1862-1933), was born in Jerusalem. His father named him Avraham Bezalel Natan Neta; but still, he was known by the name Alter. In 1894, he traveled to Poland and led a Chassidic community in the city of Sosnowica; there he was called "Der Eretz Israel Rebbe". 3 volumes: [6], 260 leaves; 298 leaves; 300 leaves. Approx. 23 cm. Bluish and white paper. Good-fair condition. Wear and stains. Ancient leather bindings, slightly worn.
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium
Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin. Slavita, [1820]. Printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira. Bound with Tractate Avodah Zara. Slavita, 1820. Printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira. 126, 41 leaves; 99, 16 leaves. 35 cm. Blue paper, good-fair condition, wear and stains. Ownership inscriptions and inscriptions of words of Torah. Ancient leather binding, slightly worn.
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium
Babylonian Talmud – Tractates Bechorot, Erchin, Temura, Kritot, Me'ila – Kinim, Tamid and Midot. Slavita, [1821]. Printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira and Rabbi Dov Ber Segal. [Variations of dates and the printer's name among the four title pages]. · Bound with: The Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shevuot. Berdychiv 1821. (Lacking 14 leaves at the beginning of Tractate Bechorot) 15-71 leaves; 36 leaves; 35 leaves; 30 leaves; 42, [2] leaves; 50 leaves. 32.5 cm. Varying condition. The Slavita Talmud, on blue paper, good-fair condition, wear damages, with minor damages to text. Restored worn leaf corners. Tears to the maps of the Beit HaMikdash at the end of Tractate Midot. Tractate Shevuot is printed on soft worn paper in fair condition, leaves cut on border of titles (damaging the titles). Non-contemporary binding.
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $425
Including buyer's premium
Collection of books printed in Zhitomir, by the Shapira family, grandsons of the Slavita Rabbi: · Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Ketubot. Zhitomir, 1860. Ancient leather binding. · Shulchan Aruch HaRav, Part 3, Orach Chaim, Simanim 429-651. Zhitomir, 1861. Original ornamented leather binding, damages. · Shulchan Aruch HaRav, Part 3, Yoreh Deah and Choshen Mishpat. Zhitomir, 1859. · Bound with: She'elot U'Teshuvot. Zhitomir, 1857. Original adorned leather binding, slightly damaged. · Ein Ya'akov, Part 1. Zhitomir, 1850. Original leather binding, ornamented. · [2] title pages of Mishnayot Seder Kodshim. Zhitomir, 1860. 4 volumes + 2 leaves. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition.
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland