Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Ma'adanei Melech – Prague, 1628 – First Edition

Opening: $800
Sold for: $4,500
Including buyer's premium
Rabbeinu Asher, Part 1. With Ma'adanei Melech and Lechem Chamudot commentaries, by Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman HaLevi Heller, author of Tosfot Yom Tov. Prague, 1628. Printed by Moshe son of Yosef Bezalel Katz. First edition. The title of the composition Ma'adanei Melech was changed in later editions to Ma'danei Yom Tov and to Pilpula Charifta because of the famous libel which sent the author to prison claiming that he aspired to rebel against the king and therefore named his composition Ma'adanei Melech. The fourth part of the composition on Seder Nezikin was printed in 1619. This Part 1 was printed in 1628 on Tractate Berachot, Halachot Ketanot, Tractate Chullin, Tractates Nedarim and Nidah. Part 2-3 on Seder Moed and on Seder Nashim were not printed at all. In the book are hundreds of erasures and many censor corrections, in an ancient handwriting from the time of printing. (At each place the words "Talmud", "Talmuda", "Goy", "Nations of the World", "Avodah Zara", etc. appear). On the title page is an ownership signature in Italian handwriting, of "The Modena brothers” – 1679). [2], 2-7, 7-320 leaves. 34 cm. Good condition. Dark-colored paper typical of Prague printings. New binding. From the library of Prof. Moshe David Cassuto.
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot
Talmud, Mishnayot and Pirkei Avot