Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Damaged copy. 60, [4] leaves. 18.5 cm. Fair-poor condition. Many stains, including dark stains. Large, severe dampstains to most leaves. Heavy wear. Tears, including many open tears, to title page and many other leaves, affecting title frame, and text in several places, repaired with paper and dark tape (with handwritten replacements of some text). Worming, affecting text. Some words in several places thickened by hand over printed text (including title of book on title page and colophon on last leaf). New binding.
Yaari 25; Otzar HaHaggadot 33; CB, no. 2684; Zedner, p. 440; Roest, p. 689; Cowley, p. 559.
36 leaves (leaves 33-36 bound out of sequence). 19.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including dark stains. Light wear. Close trimming bordering text, slightly affecting title frame and headers. Old paper binding.
Yaari 44; Otzar HaHaggadot 58; CB, no. 2691.
Incomplete copy. [21] leaves. Lacking 3 leaves: leaves [2]-[3] and last leaf (with photocopy replacement; on leaves [2]-[3] the pages were photocopied out of order). 18.5 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains and foodstains. Tears, including many open tears to title page and other leaves (large tear to one leaf), affecting text and illustrations, repaired with paper filling (with photocopy replacements in several places). New parchment binding.
Rare edition, listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book based on a photocopy from the Gans collection in Amsterdam.
Yaari 46; Otzar HaHaggadot 65; CB, no. 2693; Cowley, p. 560.
Yaari 59; Otzar HaHaggadot 93.
[26] leaves. Approx. 34 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Tears and open tears to title page and other leaves, affecting title frame, text and illustrations, repaired with paper filling. Margins of many leaves repaired with paper filling. New binding.
Yaari 116; Otzar HaHaggadot 188.
[2], 64 leaves + [1] folded map. 23 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including dampstains (dark food stains to several leaves). Worming, slightly affecting text and illustrated title page frame, partially repaired with paper. Tears, including small open tears affecting text and marginal tears to several leaves, partially repaired with paper. Map complete and in good condition, with stains. Inscriptions to several leaves. New binding.
First illustrated Haggadah to be printed in France, and one of the first printed Hebrew books in Metz. The illustrations were based on the Amsterdam 1695 edition. See: C. Roth, HaHaggadah HaMetzuyeret ShebiDefus, Areshet, III, 1961, p. 24.
Yaari 162; Otzar HaHaggadot 251.
Otzar HaHaggadot 273; Zedner, p. 485; Roest, p. 734.