Two Decorated Damascene Bowls – Early "Bezalel"

Opening: $3,000
Two bowls, decorated with exceptional Damascene craft (brass inlaid with silver and copper), created by a "Bezalel" artisan. Jerusalem, one dated: 1911, the second probably from the same period.
1. Taller bowl. Decorated with six alternating medallions, three of them featuring the words "Bezalel," "Yerushalem" and the Jewish year 5671 [1911], and three showing an image of a five-branched Menorah.
Height: 11.5 cm, diameter of base: 13.5 cm. Good condition.
2. Shorter bowl. Decorated with eight medallions, one featuring the word "Bezalel" and the others alternating, showing a decorated Star of David or a seven-branched Menorah.
Height: 9 cm, max. diameter: 18 cm. Good condition.
Included is a letter written by Jaroslav Kuntoš, Head Curator of the Metalworks Collection at the Jewish Museum in Prague, confirming the authenticity of the two bowls.
Rare and Important Items
Rare and Important Items