Lot 80
Two Decorated Damascene Bowls – Early "Bezalel"
Two bowls, decorated with exceptional Damascene craft (brass inlaid with silver and copper), created by a "Bezalel" artisan. Jerusalem, one dated: 1911, the second probably from the same period.
1. Taller bowl. Decorated with six alternating medallions, three of them featuring the words "Bezalel," "Yerushalem" and the Jewish year 5671 [1911], and three showing an image of a five-branched Menorah.
Height: 11.5 cm, diameter of base: 13.5 cm. Good condition.
2. Shorter bowl. Decorated with eight medallions, one featuring the word "Bezalel" and the others alternating, showing a decorated Star of David or a seven-branched Menorah.
Height: 9 cm, max. diameter: 18 cm. Good condition.
Included is a letter written by Jaroslav Kuntoš, Head Curator of the Metalworks Collection at the Jewish Museum in Prague, confirming the authenticity of the two bowls.