Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Three Letters with the Signature of Rabbi Shach
Opening: $500
Three letters, with the signature and stamp of Rabbi "Elazar Menachem Mann Shach", head of the Ponovezh Yeshiva. Bnei Brak, Tevet 1986-Kislev 1987. The first two letters are good wishes for the convention of the executive committee of Agudat Yisrael, in which Rabbi Shach writes that he sends his blessing via his personal representative "my close friend who all his life is trustworthy in his activities on behalf of the public Rabbi Shlomo Lorencz… and it is very essential to find the way to join together…'. The third letter is to the members of "Tze'irei Agudat Yisrael" in which he writes: "At the time I heard from my honorable friend Rabbi Shlomo Lorencz, that this Shabbat Parshat VaYetze is dedicated for the sake of Heaven to think of ways to strengthen Torah and fear of G-d and for public activities… The benefit of such conventions is very great… Because of my weakness and age, it is difficult for me to participate and I send you my blessing from the depth of my heart, that you should merit seeing the elevation of the strength of Haredi Jewry and the full redemption”. 3 leaves, official stationery, 28 cm. Typewritten, with his signature and stamp. Good condition.