Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Sechiyot HaChemda – Venice, 1772

Opening: $400
Sechiyot HaChemda, tikunim for the month of Nissan according to the book Chemdat Yamim. Venice, [1772]. Before the title page is a prayer in Italian writing to recite at the time of the burning of chametz. Under the prayer is an illustration of Yitzchak's ram. Next to the illustration is a poem beginning with the words Sechiyot Chemda. Under the poem are the initials of the signature of the writer: YMY. On the margins are glosses in Italian writing with addition to the phrases. 48 leaves. 15 cm. Good condition. Stains. Worming. Contemporary leather binding, with damages.
Italian Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Printed Items
Italian Jewry – Manuscripts, Glosses and Printed Items