Samuel Bak – Collection of Catalogues and Drawings

Opening: $50
Six catalogues and a portfolio with prints of drawings, presenting reproductions of works by the artist Samuel Bak:
* Landscapes of Jewish Experience, Paintings by Samuel Bak. Boston: Pucker Gallery, 1997.
* Bak. Tel-Aviv: Hadassa Klachkin Gallery, [1973] (double copy).
* Bak, Denkmaler unserer Traume, Rolf Kallenbach. Munich: Limes Verlag, 1977.
* Bak, paintings of the last decade. Artistic development: The metaphysical works / Paul T. Nagano. Conversation with the artist / A. Kaufman. New-York: Aberbach Fine Art, 1978.
* Views of Jewish History, (Hebrew), Samuel Bak, Jerusalem: "Debel" gallery, 1978. Catalogue of an exhibition in Debel gallery. Enclosed are leaves with a transcript of a talk between Ruth Debel and Samuel Bak towards the exhibition.
* Ewiges Licht, Samuel Bak, eine Kindheit im Schatten des Holocaust, Georg Heuberger und Eva Atlan. Frankfurt am Main: Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt am Main, 1996.
* War drawings, (Hebrew), Samuel Bak. Published by General Staff – Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Defense, 1968. Portfolio with 16 reproduction-plates of drawings from the Six Day War. Introduction by Mordechai Bar-On (Chief Education Officer). Enclosed is an interview with the artist which was published in the "Yamim VeLaylot" supplement of "Ma'ariv" newspaper.
Size varies. Overall good condition.
International and Israeli Art, Bezalel Artists, Bibliophile Books and Artist Books
International and Israeli Art, Bezalel Artists, Bibliophile Books and Artist Books