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Samuel Bak – Collection of Catalogues and Drawings

Six catalogues and a portfolio with prints of drawings, presenting reproductions of works by the artist Samuel Bak:
* Landscapes of Jewish Experience, Paintings by Samuel Bak. Boston: Pucker Gallery, 1997.
* Bak. Tel-Aviv: Hadassa Klachkin Gallery, [1973] (double copy).
* Bak, Denkmaler unserer Traume, Rolf Kallenbach. Munich: Limes Verlag, 1977.
* Bak, paintings of the last decade. Artistic development: The metaphysical works / Paul T. Nagano. Conversation with the artist / A. Kaufman. New-York: Aberbach Fine Art, 1978.
* Views of Jewish History, (Hebrew), Samuel Bak, Jerusalem: "Debel" gallery, 1978. Catalogue of an exhibition in Debel gallery. Enclosed are leaves with a transcript of a talk between Ruth Debel and Samuel Bak towards the exhibition.
* Ewiges Licht, Samuel Bak, eine Kindheit im Schatten des Holocaust, Georg Heuberger und Eva Atlan. Frankfurt am Main: Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt am Main, 1996.
* War drawings, (Hebrew), Samuel Bak. Published by General Staff – Chief Education Officer, Ministry of Defense, 1968. Portfolio with 16 reproduction-plates of drawings from the Six Day War. Introduction by Mordechai Bar-On (Chief Education Officer). Enclosed is an interview with the artist which was published in the "Yamim VeLaylot" supplement of "Ma'ariv" newspaper.
Size varies. Overall good condition.