Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Raziel HaMalach - First Printing, Amsterdam, 1701 - Segulah Book

Opening: $1,000
Raziel HaMalach, "This book was given to Adam HaRishon by the Angel Raziel". Kabbalah and segulot. Amsterdam, 1701. Printed by Moshe Mendes Coutinho. First edition. Many Kabbalistic illustrations.
This book is the source of many known segulot; for strengthening memory, amulet for protection of a woman giving birth. Possessing this book is a verified Segulah for protection from disaster and fire as written on the title page of this book: "Excellent segulah for wise and clever children and for success and blessing and to extinguish fires and to keep away any demon and harm from your dwelling. Anyone who possesses this book concealed with his silver and gold will be speedily saved when in trouble. All Torah-observant Jews will testify to this". Some say that it is a segulah for childless couples and for women experiencing difficult labor.
18, [1], 19-45 leaves. 23.5 cm. Fair-poor condition. Stains. This book was professionally restored. Damages with open tears to the margins of all the leaves, the damages were restored and replaced with paper. In several places, the text was affected. New leather binding.
Kabbalah - Books, Glosses and Manuscripts
Kabbalah - Books, Glosses and Manuscripts