Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
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Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $213
Including buyer's premium
Quelques idées sur l'usure des juifs, dans les départemens du Haut et du Bas-Rhin, en allemand et français, Un Sundgauien [Riegert]. Published by Scherff. Paris, 1818. French and German.
Anti-Semitic book about Jewish usurers. German and French, page facing page.
223 pp, 18.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Worn edges of leaves. Wavy leaves. Rebound in plain paper wrapper.
Anti-Semitic book about Jewish usurers. German and French, page facing page.
223 pp, 18.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Worn edges of leaves. Wavy leaves. Rebound in plain paper wrapper.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $200
Including buyer's premium
The Riddle of the Jews' Success by Ferdinand Roderich-Stoltheim. Leipzig: Hammer-Verlag, 1927.
Capel Pownall translation of the book "Das Rätsel des jüdischen Erfolges" by Theodor Fritsch who used the pen name Ferdinand Roderich-Stoltheim. The author tried in this anti-Semitic book to solve "one of the greatest riddles in human history" – the riddle of the Jews' success. Information throughout the book attempts to explain the financial and business talents of Jews; references from the Bible and Talmud trying to present Jews as racists and many other classic anti-Semitic motifs.
288 pp. Table of contents leaf, bound at the end of the book, should have probably appeared after the title page. 22 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Original binding. Stains and wear to binding.
Capel Pownall translation of the book "Das Rätsel des jüdischen Erfolges" by Theodor Fritsch who used the pen name Ferdinand Roderich-Stoltheim. The author tried in this anti-Semitic book to solve "one of the greatest riddles in human history" – the riddle of the Jews' success. Information throughout the book attempts to explain the financial and business talents of Jews; references from the Bible and Talmud trying to present Jews as racists and many other classic anti-Semitic motifs.
288 pp. Table of contents leaf, bound at the end of the book, should have probably appeared after the title page. 22 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Original binding. Stains and wear to binding.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Eight booklets printed by the Jewish congregation in Nazi Germany. Published by "Vortrupp". Berlin, 1934-1938. German.
* "wir deutchen juden" by Hans Joachim Schoeps, 1934.
* "Wille und Weg" anthology of essays, 1935.
* "Briefe Aus Amerika", collection of letters, 1938.
* "USA als Einwanderungsland" by Hans Martin Schwartz, 1938.
* "Gegenwartsaufgaben Jüdischer Jugenderziehung" by Heinz Frank, 1938.
* "Familie auf Wanderschaft", by Hans Reisser, 1938.
* "Jüdischen Jugend zwischen Gestern und Morgen" by Günter Friedlaender, 1938.
* "Zur jüdisch-religiösen Gegenwartslage" by Hans Joachim Schoeps, 1938.
Approx.22.5X15.5 cm. Condition varies. Good overall condition.
* "wir deutchen juden" by Hans Joachim Schoeps, 1934.
* "Wille und Weg" anthology of essays, 1935.
* "Briefe Aus Amerika", collection of letters, 1938.
* "USA als Einwanderungsland" by Hans Martin Schwartz, 1938.
* "Gegenwartsaufgaben Jüdischer Jugenderziehung" by Heinz Frank, 1938.
* "Familie auf Wanderschaft", by Hans Reisser, 1938.
* "Jüdischen Jugend zwischen Gestern und Morgen" by Günter Friedlaender, 1938.
* "Zur jüdisch-religiösen Gegenwartslage" by Hans Joachim Schoeps, 1938.
Approx.22.5X15.5 cm. Condition varies. Good overall condition.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $63
Including buyer's premium
Five Hebrew study books, published in Germany and in Austria after the rise of Hitler to power.
* Hebräisch part 1, by Dr. Moshe Goldman. Tel-Aviv – Berlin, 1935.
* Hebräisch für Jedermann, Hebrew for everybody, advanced, by Dr. S. Kaleko. Berlinb, 1939.
* Lerne Hebräisch, Hebrew for beginners – for adults, based on a new method, by Ben Haviv. Vienna, 1935.
* Lerne Hebräisch, Hebrew for beginners – for adults, based on a new method, by Ben Haviv. Vienna, 1939.
5 books. Condition varies. Good overall condition.
* Hebräisch part 1, by Dr. Moshe Goldman. Tel-Aviv – Berlin, 1935.
* Hebräisch für Jedermann, Hebrew for everybody, advanced, by Dr. S. Kaleko. Berlinb, 1939.
* Lerne Hebräisch, Hebrew for beginners – for adults, based on a new method, by Ben Haviv. Vienna, 1935.
* Lerne Hebräisch, Hebrew for beginners – for adults, based on a new method, by Ben Haviv. Vienna, 1939.
5 books. Condition varies. Good overall condition.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $200
Including buyer's premium
Struwwelhitler, a Nazi Story Book by Doktor Schrecklichkeit by Robert and Philip Spence. The Daily Sketch and Sunday Graphic publishing, [London, ca. 1941]. English.Struwwelhitler, parody on the German children's book Struwwelpeter, mocking Hitler and other leaders of the Nazi party amongst them Rudolph Hess, Herman Goering and Joseph Goebbels, as well as Mussolini and Stalin.The original illustrations of the book were adapted in such a way that Hitler's figure replaces the figure of Struwwelpeter. The rhymed tales were also adapted and they describe in a satiric way the misdeeds of Hitler.
24 pp, 17.5 cm. Good condition.
24 pp, 17.5 cm. Good condition.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $113
Including buyer's premium
Two booklets printed right after the liberation of Auschwitz and Majdanek camps by the liberating forces, 1944-1945. German.
* Kommuniqué – der Polnisch-Sowjetischen Ausserordentlichen Kommission zur Untersuchung der von den Deutschen im Vernichtungslager Majdanek bei der Stadt Lublin begangenen Missetaten. Moskow: Verlag fur fremdsprachige Literatur, 1944. A booklet published in Russia closely following the liberation of Majdanek camp. 1944. * kwiaty oswiecimia [Auscwitz flowers], tolkaczew zinowij, 1945. Numbered copy 120/969. The book features 24 drawings by tolkaczew zinowij, a Russian artist who joined the Red Army forces that liberated Auschwitz and documented the camp. 1945. Partly detached binding, stains.
Approximately 15.5 cm, condition varies.
* Kommuniqué – der Polnisch-Sowjetischen Ausserordentlichen Kommission zur Untersuchung der von den Deutschen im Vernichtungslager Majdanek bei der Stadt Lublin begangenen Missetaten. Moskow: Verlag fur fremdsprachige Literatur, 1944. A booklet published in Russia closely following the liberation of Majdanek camp. 1944. * kwiaty oswiecimia [Auscwitz flowers], tolkaczew zinowij, 1945. Numbered copy 120/969. The book features 24 drawings by tolkaczew zinowij, a Russian artist who joined the Red Army forces that liberated Auschwitz and documented the camp. 1945. Partly detached binding, stains.
Approximately 15.5 cm, condition varies.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $400
Including buyer's premium
Crimes Nazis, Photos Inedites [Nazi crimes, unpublished photographs]. [France, 1945?].
Thirty-one photographs of concentration and extermination camps (mostly from Bergen-Belsen) upon their liberation, revealing Nazi atrocities and portraying S.S. officers and their subordinates imprisoned by the liberators. Most of the photographs were taken in Bergen-Belsen. Printed on the reverse of each photograph are the location and a caption in French and English.
About 31 photographs. 12X9 cm. Good condition. Inserted in three fallen-apart cardboard binders with a picture and inscription.
Thirty-one photographs of concentration and extermination camps (mostly from Bergen-Belsen) upon their liberation, revealing Nazi atrocities and portraying S.S. officers and their subordinates imprisoned by the liberators. Most of the photographs were taken in Bergen-Belsen. Printed on the reverse of each photograph are the location and a caption in French and English.
About 31 photographs. 12X9 cm. Good condition. Inserted in three fallen-apart cardboard binders with a picture and inscription.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $63
Including buyer's premium
12 books about the holocaust and World War II, printed during the war or shortly afterwards, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, England and Eretz Israel, 1943-1947, Yiddish, English and German.
* Tomorrow in Germany, Antoni Krzewina, Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 1943. English. 112 pp.
* When hostilities cease, the Fabian society, London: Victor Gollancz, 1943. English. 124 pp.
* Soll ich meines Bruders Hüter sein? [Am I my brother's keeper?], Zurich: Zollikon- Zürich. 1944. German. 108 pp.
* Flüchtlinge wohin? Zurich: Zentralstelle für Flüchtlingshilfe, 1945. German. 318 pp.
* Report from Germany, Leonard O. Mosley, London: Victor Gollancz, 1945. English. 125 pp. Ex-library copy.
* Der letzte jude aus polen, Stefan Szende, Zurich-New-York: Europa Verlag, 1945. German. 310 pp.
* Das Urteil von Nürnberg: vollständiger Text, Munich: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung, 1946. German. 208 pp.
* Erden Hölle auf der in Häftling…X…, udo dietmar, thuringer volksverlag, Weimar, 1946. German. 208 pp.
* Geopfertes volk der untergang des polnischen judentums, M. Chersztein, Stuttgart: C.F. Rees printing press, 1946. German. 122 pp.
* Heimloze idn, Israel Efrat, Buenos Aires: Tsentral-farband fun Poylishe idn in Sau Paulo, 1947. Yiddish. 249 [6] pp.
* Bleter vegn vilna, Lodz: farband fun vilner idn in Poylin bay der tsentraler idisher historisher komisye, 1947. Yiddish. 77, [1], XLII, [5] pp. Ex-Library copy.
12 books. Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition.
Books were not thoroughly checked and are sold As Is.
* Tomorrow in Germany, Antoni Krzewina, Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 1943. English. 112 pp.
* When hostilities cease, the Fabian society, London: Victor Gollancz, 1943. English. 124 pp.
* Soll ich meines Bruders Hüter sein? [Am I my brother's keeper?], Zurich: Zollikon- Zürich. 1944. German. 108 pp.
* Flüchtlinge wohin? Zurich: Zentralstelle für Flüchtlingshilfe, 1945. German. 318 pp.
* Report from Germany, Leonard O. Mosley, London: Victor Gollancz, 1945. English. 125 pp. Ex-library copy.
* Der letzte jude aus polen, Stefan Szende, Zurich-New-York: Europa Verlag, 1945. German. 310 pp.
* Das Urteil von Nürnberg: vollständiger Text, Munich: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung, 1946. German. 208 pp.
* Erden Hölle auf der in Häftling…X…, udo dietmar, thuringer volksverlag, Weimar, 1946. German. 208 pp.
* Geopfertes volk der untergang des polnischen judentums, M. Chersztein, Stuttgart: C.F. Rees printing press, 1946. German. 122 pp.
* Heimloze idn, Israel Efrat, Buenos Aires: Tsentral-farband fun Poylishe idn in Sau Paulo, 1947. Yiddish. 249 [6] pp.
* Bleter vegn vilna, Lodz: farband fun vilner idn in Poylin bay der tsentraler idisher historisher komisye, 1947. Yiddish. 77, [1], XLII, [5] pp. Ex-Library copy.
12 books. Size and condition vary. Good-fair overall condition.
Books were not thoroughly checked and are sold As Is.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $275
Including buyer's premium
1-6. Six Yiddish books printed for She'erit Hapletha in Europe:
* Kitzur Shulcahn Aruch oyf Idish. Landsberg. 1947.
* Berg khurban, kapitln foylen, Zrubavel. Stuttgart, 1948. Photographs.
* Podlishe in umkum, M. Y. Feigenbaum. Munich, 1948. Photographs.
* Umkum fun der Idisher Kovne, by Yosef Gar. Munich, 1948. Photographs.
* Fun Letztn Khurban, by Israel Kaplan. Munich, 1948.
* Partisaner fun Kaunaser Geto, by Meir Yelin. Moscow, 1948.
7-10. Lands and People, Reading and exercise. Four booklets: 2-3, 5-6. Munich, 1947, 1948.
11. Netzach Israel, periodical of Va'ad HaHatzala that operated in Germany. 1st issue. Munich, May 1948. Yiddish.
Size varies. Good overall condition. Wear.
* Kitzur Shulcahn Aruch oyf Idish. Landsberg. 1947.
* Berg khurban, kapitln foylen, Zrubavel. Stuttgart, 1948. Photographs.
* Podlishe in umkum, M. Y. Feigenbaum. Munich, 1948. Photographs.
* Umkum fun der Idisher Kovne, by Yosef Gar. Munich, 1948. Photographs.
* Fun Letztn Khurban, by Israel Kaplan. Munich, 1948.
* Partisaner fun Kaunaser Geto, by Meir Yelin. Moscow, 1948.
7-10. Lands and People, Reading and exercise. Four booklets: 2-3, 5-6. Munich, 1947, 1948.
11. Netzach Israel, periodical of Va'ad HaHatzala that operated in Germany. 1st issue. Munich, May 1948. Yiddish.
Size varies. Good overall condition. Wear.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $63
Including buyer's premium
In memory of our Jewish brethren who died for Kidush Hashem. Memorial plaque for Jews of Kiskőrös who were massacred during the holocaust. Kiskőrös, 1949.
Photograph of a memorial plaque inscribed and illustrated by hand. A large illustration on top (titled "Yizkor"), depicting a synagogue hall and scenes of Jewish history during the holocaust: wandering, forced labor, cargo trains, etc. On the borders appears the inscription: "Made by Yehiel Kline and mounted by Achi-Ezer Akiva – in 1949, in memory of his beloved ones who were murdered…from 1943 to 1945". The edges are decorated with iron chains, in each link appears an illustration and a text based on the Passover Haggadah, on verses from Jewish sources and on the liturgical poem "Unetane Tokef". In the center appear 400 names of victims murdered in Kiskőrös during the holocaust.
34X29.5 cm. Good condition.
Photograph of a memorial plaque inscribed and illustrated by hand. A large illustration on top (titled "Yizkor"), depicting a synagogue hall and scenes of Jewish history during the holocaust: wandering, forced labor, cargo trains, etc. On the borders appears the inscription: "Made by Yehiel Kline and mounted by Achi-Ezer Akiva – in 1949, in memory of his beloved ones who were murdered…from 1943 to 1945". The edges are decorated with iron chains, in each link appears an illustration and a text based on the Passover Haggadah, on verses from Jewish sources and on the liturgical poem "Unetane Tokef". In the center appear 400 names of victims murdered in Kiskőrös during the holocaust.
34X29.5 cm. Good condition.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $188
Including buyer's premium
The famous poem "Babi Yar" by Yevgeny Yevtushenko in which he protested against the Soviet indifference towards the remembrance of Jewish victims. Translated into Hebrew by Elchanan Indelman. With artistic illustrations designed as woodcuts created by Baruch Solomon. [no date indicated].
[10] leaves, 36X41 cm. Good condition. Leaves are inserted in a cloth-covered cardboard folder.
[10] leaves, 36X41 cm. Good condition. Leaves are inserted in a cloth-covered cardboard folder.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $113
Including buyer's premium
Terezin. 6 Lithographien zu einem Kindergedicht aus Theresienstadt. Freiburg: Syrinx Presse, 1968.
Portfolio with 6 lithographs by Roger Loewig (1930-1997), inspired by a children's poem written in Terezin Ghetto. All of the lithographs are signed, dated and numbered 48/120. Portfolio includes an introduction and the artist's biography as well as the poem in German and Czech.
[4] leaves + 6 lithographs, 30X30 cm. Good condition. Stains. Damage to portfolio.
Portfolio with 6 lithographs by Roger Loewig (1930-1997), inspired by a children's poem written in Terezin Ghetto. All of the lithographs are signed, dated and numbered 48/120. Portfolio includes an introduction and the artist's biography as well as the poem in German and Czech.
[4] leaves + 6 lithographs, 30X30 cm. Good condition. Stains. Damage to portfolio.
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism