Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
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Displaying 1 - 12 of 518
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $600
Including buyer's premium
Hochberühmten Jüdischen Geschichtschreibers Historien und Bücher: Von alten Jüdischen Geschichten zwentzig sampt einem von seinem Leben, Flavii Josephi. Frankfurt, 1581. German. A large volume, begins with "Antiquities of the Jews" which includes twenty chapters depicting the history of the Jewish people from the creation of the world until the Great Revolt (66 CE). The second part is book V of "Wars of the Jews" recounting the destruction of Jerusalem. A separate title page for the part about Jerusalem: Egesippi, des hochberühmten fürtrefflichen christlichen Geschichtschreibers, fünff Bücher, vom jüdischen Krieg und endlicher Zerstörung der herzlichen und gewaltigen Statt Jerusalem. Numerous impressive woodcuts illustrate both parts throughout text. [5], 348, [13] leaves; 177, [8] leaves, volume 34 cm. Good condition. Minor worming. Wood and vellum binding with metal clasps.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $300
Including buyer's premium
Tractatus de imposturis et ceremoniis Iudaeorum nostri temporis, Conrado Husero. Basel: Pernam, [1575]. Latin.
A Christian book presenting Jewish customs and rituals in a critical and negative light. The book, bearing the pseudonym Conrad Huser, was actually written by Marcus Lombardus.
66, [1] pp. 21 cm. Good condition. Slightly faded title page. Stains. Rebound in cardboard.
A Christian book presenting Jewish customs and rituals in a critical and negative light. The book, bearing the pseudonym Conrad Huser, was actually written by Marcus Lombardus.
66, [1] pp. 21 cm. Good condition. Slightly faded title page. Stains. Rebound in cardboard.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $188
Including buyer's premium
Introductiones Apotelesmaticae In Physiognomiam, Complexiones hominum, Astrologiam naturalem, Naturas Planetarum, Joannis Ab Indagine. Printed by Lazari Zetzneri. Strassburg, 1622. Latin.
A 'natural' astrology book (by the author's definition) and other matters, by Johanne of Indagine (1467-1537), German astronomer and astrologer, member of the Carthusian Order. Included in the 1559 list of books banned by the Vatican for stating that the planets determine man's destiny. Woodcuts, drawings and charts demonstrating palm reading, astrological map analysis and physiognomic principles.
384 pp, 15 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Leather binding with ornate spine, worn. Ex Libris. Detached cover boards. Endpaper torn in two.
A 'natural' astrology book (by the author's definition) and other matters, by Johanne of Indagine (1467-1537), German astronomer and astrologer, member of the Carthusian Order. Included in the 1559 list of books banned by the Vatican for stating that the planets determine man's destiny. Woodcuts, drawings and charts demonstrating palm reading, astrological map analysis and physiognomic principles.
384 pp, 15 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Leather binding with ornate spine, worn. Ex Libris. Detached cover boards. Endpaper torn in two.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Concordantiae Bibliorum Hebraicae, by Johannis Buxtorf. Basel: Ludovici König 1632.
At the end of the book appears a table of Parshiyot. Hebrew title page: "Concordance about Daniel and Ezra" (Hebrew); the table of Parshyiot ends with a colophon: "Printed in Basel under the command of the esteemed Sir Ludwig König in his home in the year of 1630" [However, the book was actually printed two years later].
The book opens with a preface in Latin by Johannes Buxtorf, the son, who completed the concordance, based on the Meir Nativ concordance by Rabbi Yitzchak Nathan.
[467] leaves.
Bound with:
Tiberias Sive Commentarius Masorethicus Triplex Historicus Didacticus, Criticus, Johannis Buxtorfi P.. Basel: Johannis König, 1665. Review of the Tiberian Masorah and its history. Hebrew and Latin. [8]; 108 pp.
41 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Leather binding, back binding is lacking.
At the end of the book appears a table of Parshiyot. Hebrew title page: "Concordance about Daniel and Ezra" (Hebrew); the table of Parshyiot ends with a colophon: "Printed in Basel under the command of the esteemed Sir Ludwig König in his home in the year of 1630" [However, the book was actually printed two years later].
The book opens with a preface in Latin by Johannes Buxtorf, the son, who completed the concordance, based on the Meir Nativ concordance by Rabbi Yitzchak Nathan.
[467] leaves.
Bound with:
Tiberias Sive Commentarius Masorethicus Triplex Historicus Didacticus, Criticus, Johannis Buxtorfi P.. Basel: Johannis König, 1665. Review of the Tiberian Masorah and its history. Hebrew and Latin. [8]; 108 pp.
41 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Leather binding, back binding is lacking.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Erotematum linguae sanctae Libri duo, Johann Heinrich Hottinger. Published by Joh. Jacobi Tigury, Bodmeri (Zurich), 1647.
Composition by the theologian and philologist Johann Heinrich Hottinger, about Hebrew grammar.
[5], 200 pp, 15.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Original leather binding, detached and damaged.
Composition by the theologian and philologist Johann Heinrich Hottinger, about Hebrew grammar.
[5], 200 pp, 15.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Original leather binding, detached and damaged.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Tractatus de punctorum vocalium, et accentuum, in libris Veteris Testamenti Hebraicis, origine, antiquitate, & authoritate: oppositus Arcano punctationis revelato, Ludovici Cappelli, Johannis Buxtorfi Filii. Martini Wagneri Printing Press. Basel, 1658. Latin.
Jonnane Buxtorf the younger was a well-known Christian Hebraist and inherited the Hebrew Chair in the Univeristy of Basel from his father who studied the same subjects. This is a polemic book, one of several, composed after an argument with Louis Cappelli about the antiquity of niqqud.
[12] leaves, 437, [3] pp. 15 index pages are missing. 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Worming. Foxing and staining. Creases and tear to endpaper. Restored tear to title page. Vellum binding, stains.
Jonnane Buxtorf the younger was a well-known Christian Hebraist and inherited the Hebrew Chair in the Univeristy of Basel from his father who studied the same subjects. This is a polemic book, one of several, composed after an argument with Louis Cappelli about the antiquity of niqqud.
[12] leaves, 437, [3] pp. 15 index pages are missing. 20 cm. Good-fair condition. Worming. Foxing and staining. Creases and tear to endpaper. Restored tear to title page. Vellum binding, stains.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Two books about Jewish-Christian polemics:
1. Disputa del christiano con l'ebreo di Melchior Palontrotti. Ad istanza di Pietro Pauolo Romaldi romano. Doue si proua chiaramente contra l'ebreo, che la riduttione temporale, che aspetta fù adempita nella liberatione di Babilonia [ dispute between a Christian and a Jew]. Girolamo Barberi Printing Press, Rome, 1647. Italian.
27, [1] (i.e. 37, [1]) pp, 20 cm. one leave lacking. Fair condition. Worming. Open tears. Adhesive tape. New binding.
2. Gespräch in dem Reiche der Todten über die Bibel und Talmud zwischen Dr. Luther und Raschi, [conversation in the kingdom of the dead about the Bible and the Talmud between Dr. (Martin) Luther and Rashi]. Schwabach: Johann Jacob Enderes, 1737-1738. German and some Hebrew. Frontispiece engraving of Rashi and Luther. Parts 1-2.
14; 88 pp + [1] engraving, 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Worming. Damaged binding. Tears to spine.
1. Disputa del christiano con l'ebreo di Melchior Palontrotti. Ad istanza di Pietro Pauolo Romaldi romano. Doue si proua chiaramente contra l'ebreo, che la riduttione temporale, che aspetta fù adempita nella liberatione di Babilonia [ dispute between a Christian and a Jew]. Girolamo Barberi Printing Press, Rome, 1647. Italian.
27, [1] (i.e. 37, [1]) pp, 20 cm. one leave lacking. Fair condition. Worming. Open tears. Adhesive tape. New binding.
2. Gespräch in dem Reiche der Todten über die Bibel und Talmud zwischen Dr. Luther und Raschi, [conversation in the kingdom of the dead about the Bible and the Talmud between Dr. (Martin) Luther and Rashi]. Schwabach: Johann Jacob Enderes, 1737-1738. German and some Hebrew. Frontispiece engraving of Rashi and Luther. Parts 1-2.
14; 88 pp + [1] engraving, 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Worming. Damaged binding. Tears to spine.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $75
Including buyer's premium
Tiberias, sive Commentarius Masorethicus triplex: historicus, didacticus criticus, ad illustrationem operis Biblici Basiliensis conscriptus, quo primùm historia Masoretharum tiberiensium, Johannis Buxtorfi P. Joh. Jacobi Deckeri Printing Press. Basel, 1665. Latin.
A book by the Christian Hebraist Johanne Buxtorf (1564-1629), one of the first Christian scholars to study Judaism. The book studies the Tiberian Masorah from three aspects, details the changes introduced by Buxtorf into the version of the Bible which he published several years earlier and justifies them in light of Masorah.
[12] leaves, 430 pp, 20.5 cm. Wide margins. Good condition. Foxing. Rebound.
A book by the Christian Hebraist Johanne Buxtorf (1564-1629), one of the first Christian scholars to study Judaism. The book studies the Tiberian Masorah from three aspects, details the changes introduced by Buxtorf into the version of the Bible which he published several years earlier and justifies them in light of Masorah.
[12] leaves, 430 pp, 20.5 cm. Wide margins. Good condition. Foxing. Rebound.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $400
Including buyer's premium
De republyk der hebreen, of de Gemeenebest der Joden. Handelende van de bedieninge des tempels; zoo die was in de daagen van de Zaligmaaker en korts voor de verstooringe van Jerusalem, Petrus Cunaeus. Four volumes: part one, published by Wilhelm Goeree. Amsterdam, 1682. Part two and part three, published by Wilhelm Goeree. Amsterdam, 1683. Part four, published by Jan Roman. Amsterdam, 1735. Dutch.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $63
Including buyer's premium
Historia s. Petri persice conscripta, simulque multis modis contaminata. Latine reddita, & brevibus animadversionibus notate [history of Saint Peter, a composition in Persian translated into Latin with comments] by Ludovico De Dieu. Leiden (Holland): Ex Officina Elseviriana printing press, 1693. Persian and Latin.
A composition in two parts by Jerome Xavier, translated into Persian according to a request by Akbar (Mughal Emperor in India), [in 1602].
Offered here is a later edition of the second part by Ludovico De Dieu, which contains the original text in Persian with the Latin translation, page facing page.
Ludovico De Die (1590-1642), a priest and an orientalist, edited this composition, translated it and added in the margins some grammatical comments about the Persian text. Titles on title page are woodcuts in black and red ink.
Included in this edition is an additional part about the basic principles of Persian Grammar by Ludovico De Dieu. His work was the first Persian grammar book ever published in Europe.
[4] leaves, 144 pp, 18.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Rebound.
A composition in two parts by Jerome Xavier, translated into Persian according to a request by Akbar (Mughal Emperor in India), [in 1602].
Offered here is a later edition of the second part by Ludovico De Dieu, which contains the original text in Persian with the Latin translation, page facing page.
Ludovico De Die (1590-1642), a priest and an orientalist, edited this composition, translated it and added in the margins some grammatical comments about the Persian text. Titles on title page are woodcuts in black and red ink.
Included in this edition is an additional part about the basic principles of Persian Grammar by Ludovico De Dieu. His work was the first Persian grammar book ever published in Europe.
[4] leaves, 144 pp, 18.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Rebound.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $88
Including buyer's premium
Seven manifests and decrees concerning various subjects issued by German emperors for their subjects from the years 1693 to 1767. Among the decrees – one that deals with coins and features engravings of many coins in engraving plates; a manifest announcing the coronation of an emperor and a decree which concerns Frankfurt Jewry.
[12] leaves; [4] leaves, 6, VII-VIII engraving plates; [5] leaves; [13] leaves; [5] leaves; [11] leaves; [2] leaves, approx. 32 cm. Six manifests are bound together. Condition varies. Restored tears. Significant foxing.
[12] leaves; [4] leaves, 6, VII-VIII engraving plates; [5] leaves; [13] leaves; [5] leaves; [11] leaves; [2] leaves, approx. 32 cm. Six manifests are bound together. Condition varies. Restored tears. Significant foxing.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 06 - Jewish Art and Artists
January 17, 2017
Opening: $50
Sold for: $200
Including buyer's premium
Synagoga Judaica, by Johann Buxtorf. Henau: Haeredum Guilielmi Antonii, 1614. Latin.
An important book composed by the Hebraist and scholar Johann Buxtorf (1564-1629). Buxtorf accurately documented customs, prayers and way of life of Ashkenazi Jews. Although the book's tone is explicitly anti-Semitic, it is considered a milestone in the study of the Jewish religion and even Jews of the period used it often enough.
13.5 cm. [1] 644 [should be 624], [60] pp. Good-fair condition. Vellum binding (of the period). Worming, creases and stains. Ownership ink stamp and inscription in pen on the inner side of front binding. Labels on spine.
An important book composed by the Hebraist and scholar Johann Buxtorf (1564-1629). Buxtorf accurately documented customs, prayers and way of life of Ashkenazi Jews. Although the book's tone is explicitly anti-Semitic, it is considered a milestone in the study of the Jewish religion and even Jews of the period used it often enough.
13.5 cm. [1] 644 [should be 624], [60] pp. Good-fair condition. Vellum binding (of the period). Worming, creases and stains. Ownership ink stamp and inscription in pen on the inner side of front binding. Labels on spine.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature