Auction 61 - Rare and Important Items
Manuscript, Letters from Eretz Israel - Kadino, 1790 - Earliest Known Copying of the Letters of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, Rabbi Avraham of Kalisk and their Disciples / Letters of the Baal HaTanya
Opening: $3,000
Sold for: $11,875
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, "Igrot M'Eretz Israel" [Letters from Eretz Israel] - copying of the letters of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, R. Avraham HaCohen of Kalisk (Kolyshki) and their disciples, and letters of R. Shneur Zalman of Liady, the Baal HaTanya. Kadino (near Vitebsk), [1790].
Fine handwriting, designed layout, with calligraphic and floral decorations.
These are letters which great Chassidic leaders, who immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1777, sent to their communities - their foremost disciples and friends - whom they left behind in the state of Reisen. This manuscript is the earliest known extant copying of the letters, and one of the only copyings done during the lifetime of R. Avraham of Kalisk and close to the passing of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk (in 1788).
The manuscript consists of two parts, each with its own title page. The first title page reads: "Letters from Eretz Israel, Part One. From the holy city of Safed and the holy city of Tiberias, from our holy and pure Rabbis... who reside in the Holy Land... the honored Rabbi... Rebbe Menachem Mendel, and the honored Rabbi... Rebbe Avraham HaCohen... Written in Kadino... Ziskind Kerfil son of R. Betzalel of Konigsberg". The second title page reads: "Igeret HaKodesh [The Holy Letter] - Part Two. From the holy words of the Rabbi... R. Shneur Zalman... Written in Kadino...".
The first part includes copies of letters by the fathers ofChassidism in Reisen (Belarus), who immigrated to Eretz Israel: R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, R. Avraham HaCohen of Kalisk, R. Yisrael Politzker, and their great disciples: R. Aharon the Great of Tiberias, R. Moshe son of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, R. Shlomo Zalman Wilner, R. Zvi Hirsch Harker, and more. The final pages of this part contain several additional copyings (by another copyist - in a later period): a paragraph from Likutei Moharan, Torah 47, bearing the heading: "I heard this from the Rabbi" (p. 48b); the will of Rabbi Aharon the Great of Karlin, and part of the confession rite he composed for the eve of Yom Kippur (leaves 51-54).
The second part includes copies of letters by "HaAdmor HaZaken" R. Shneur Zalman of Liady (author of Tanya), from the beginning of his leadership. This part also contains: "Iggeret HaTeshuva" [by R. Shneur Zalman, Mahadura Kama version, with differences to the printed Mahadura Kama (Zhovkva, 1799)]; the letter of R. Aryeh Leib Haneles of Tiberias to his son (leaf 18); the "Tena'im" hymn for Shavuot by R. Yisrael Najara (using the date: Shavuot, 1787).
According to the researcher of Chassidism, R. Y. Mondshein (Cathedra, Nissan 1992, issue 63, p. 66), this manuscript is the earliest copying (known today) of the letters of the great Chassidic leaders who immigrated to Eretz Israel.
These letters have been printed in various books and anthologies. A number of them were first printed in "Igeret HaKodesh" (Mezhyriv, 1794) and in "Pri HaAretz" (Kopys, 1814). There are also many manuscript copyings of these letters extant. The various manuscripts and printed versions all differ from each other, both in which letters are included and in their wording. This manuscript too contains unique wording not appearing in any other source.
The following are some examples of the unique aspects of this manuscript:
· In the letter of R. Menachem Mendel from Vitebsk to the Baal HaTanya, dated Shevat 1786 [p. 30b], this manuscript contains the following addition: "My sons… and grandsons, and especially my little grandson Shmuel, send regards and request your blessing…". This sentence has been omitted from all other copyings and has not been printed.
· Leaf 39 contains a copy of the letter sent by Rabbi Aharon the Great of Tiberias, one of foremost disciples of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, to the Baal HaTanya, asking forgiveness for his impertinence to him. He recounts in the letter that since that episode, his teacher R. Menachem Mendel refuses to see him. Two other inaccurate copyings of this letter have survived and it has been printed according to one of them (Yagdil Torah, New York, Year 4, pp. 372-374), however in the present manuscript, the wording is clearer. Another letter concerning the same polemic, by R. Shneur Zalman of Liady, appears in the second part (leaf 4). This letter is found merely in one other copying and was only printed in the later editions of "Igrot Kodesh Admor HaZaken" (see Kehot edition, 2012, p. 39).
· This manuscript contains copies of the letters sent by the leaders in Tiberias to R. Shneur Zalman of Liady, appointing him as head of the Chassidic leadership in Reisen, as well as the will of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, in which he clarifies his motives for this appointment. This is the earliest extant copying of these historical documents.
Ownership inscriptions and various other inscriptions. Ownership inscription on the last page (25b): "Belongs to… R. Yisrael son of R. Yitzchak Isaac. Today, Thursday, 14th Elul 1821…".
Approx. [129] written pages. [1], 8, [4], 12-66 leaves; 1-15, 18-20, 22-23, 25 leaves. [Several numbered blank leaves were removed from the second part]. 20 cm. Thick, blueish paper. Good-fair condition. Detached leaves. Stains. Worming. Original binding; worn and damaged.
Provenance: Estate of the researcher Avraham Kahana
(1874-1946), who used this manuscript and published
letters from it in "Sefer HaChassidut" (Warsaw, 1922).
Fine handwriting, designed layout, with calligraphic and floral decorations.
These are letters which great Chassidic leaders, who immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1777, sent to their communities - their foremost disciples and friends - whom they left behind in the state of Reisen. This manuscript is the earliest known extant copying of the letters, and one of the only copyings done during the lifetime of R. Avraham of Kalisk and close to the passing of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk (in 1788).
The manuscript consists of two parts, each with its own title page. The first title page reads: "Letters from Eretz Israel, Part One. From the holy city of Safed and the holy city of Tiberias, from our holy and pure Rabbis... who reside in the Holy Land... the honored Rabbi... Rebbe Menachem Mendel, and the honored Rabbi... Rebbe Avraham HaCohen... Written in Kadino... Ziskind Kerfil son of R. Betzalel of Konigsberg". The second title page reads: "Igeret HaKodesh [The Holy Letter] - Part Two. From the holy words of the Rabbi... R. Shneur Zalman... Written in Kadino...".
The first part includes copies of letters by the fathers ofChassidism in Reisen (Belarus), who immigrated to Eretz Israel: R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, R. Avraham HaCohen of Kalisk, R. Yisrael Politzker, and their great disciples: R. Aharon the Great of Tiberias, R. Moshe son of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, R. Shlomo Zalman Wilner, R. Zvi Hirsch Harker, and more. The final pages of this part contain several additional copyings (by another copyist - in a later period): a paragraph from Likutei Moharan, Torah 47, bearing the heading: "I heard this from the Rabbi" (p. 48b); the will of Rabbi Aharon the Great of Karlin, and part of the confession rite he composed for the eve of Yom Kippur (leaves 51-54).
The second part includes copies of letters by "HaAdmor HaZaken" R. Shneur Zalman of Liady (author of Tanya), from the beginning of his leadership. This part also contains: "Iggeret HaTeshuva" [by R. Shneur Zalman, Mahadura Kama version, with differences to the printed Mahadura Kama (Zhovkva, 1799)]; the letter of R. Aryeh Leib Haneles of Tiberias to his son (leaf 18); the "Tena'im" hymn for Shavuot by R. Yisrael Najara (using the date: Shavuot, 1787).
According to the researcher of Chassidism, R. Y. Mondshein (Cathedra, Nissan 1992, issue 63, p. 66), this manuscript is the earliest copying (known today) of the letters of the great Chassidic leaders who immigrated to Eretz Israel.
These letters have been printed in various books and anthologies. A number of them were first printed in "Igeret HaKodesh" (Mezhyriv, 1794) and in "Pri HaAretz" (Kopys, 1814). There are also many manuscript copyings of these letters extant. The various manuscripts and printed versions all differ from each other, both in which letters are included and in their wording. This manuscript too contains unique wording not appearing in any other source.
The following are some examples of the unique aspects of this manuscript:
· In the letter of R. Menachem Mendel from Vitebsk to the Baal HaTanya, dated Shevat 1786 [p. 30b], this manuscript contains the following addition: "My sons… and grandsons, and especially my little grandson Shmuel, send regards and request your blessing…". This sentence has been omitted from all other copyings and has not been printed.
· Leaf 39 contains a copy of the letter sent by Rabbi Aharon the Great of Tiberias, one of foremost disciples of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, to the Baal HaTanya, asking forgiveness for his impertinence to him. He recounts in the letter that since that episode, his teacher R. Menachem Mendel refuses to see him. Two other inaccurate copyings of this letter have survived and it has been printed according to one of them (Yagdil Torah, New York, Year 4, pp. 372-374), however in the present manuscript, the wording is clearer. Another letter concerning the same polemic, by R. Shneur Zalman of Liady, appears in the second part (leaf 4). This letter is found merely in one other copying and was only printed in the later editions of "Igrot Kodesh Admor HaZaken" (see Kehot edition, 2012, p. 39).
· This manuscript contains copies of the letters sent by the leaders in Tiberias to R. Shneur Zalman of Liady, appointing him as head of the Chassidic leadership in Reisen, as well as the will of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, in which he clarifies his motives for this appointment. This is the earliest extant copying of these historical documents.
Ownership inscriptions and various other inscriptions. Ownership inscription on the last page (25b): "Belongs to… R. Yisrael son of R. Yitzchak Isaac. Today, Thursday, 14th Elul 1821…".
Approx. [129] written pages. [1], 8, [4], 12-66 leaves; 1-15, 18-20, 22-23, 25 leaves. [Several numbered blank leaves were removed from the second part]. 20 cm. Thick, blueish paper. Good-fair condition. Detached leaves. Stains. Worming. Original binding; worn and damaged.
Provenance: Estate of the researcher Avraham Kahana
(1874-1946), who used this manuscript and published
letters from it in "Sefer HaChassidut" (Warsaw, 1922).