Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Letter by Rabbi Shteinman - Regarding an Attempt to Receive an Exemption from Military Service - Lucerne, 1941

Opening: $700
Long interesting autograph letter signed by Rabbi "Aharon Leib" Shteinman. Lucerne, Av 1941.
Two written pages. In the margins are another four lines, handwritten and signed by "Yosef Wond---".
The letter was sent to his esteemed friend Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik and discusses receiving a medical exemption from the Swiss army. At the beginning of the letter, he writes that one of their friends had attained an exemption and expresses hope that the merit of the Torah and of Rabbi Moshe's ancestors will unveil Heavenly assistance and compassion. Further he writes of his own exemption, of a medical authorization which he miraculously received and which he sent to the "Central Leitung". He adds: "I hope that I will receive a full exemption and will not need to undergo an examination". On the second page of the letter, he writes that "many things have changed for the good", he has received the letter from the "Central Leitung" and since he is living at a health resort he only needs a local medical authorization and will not need to appear before a medical committee. Members of the Sternbuch family who were very active in rescuing Jewish refugees in Switzerland are mentioned several times in the letter.
Throughout the letter, the burning faith of Rabbi Aharon Leib is clearly discerned, as well as his faultless integrity [even while carrying out various plots to be saved from the army draft], his faith in the strength of Torah learners and his devotion to Torah study.
Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman was born in Brisk, Lithuania and studied in Lithuanian yeshivas. Evading the Polish army draft, he traveled to Switzerland in the summer of 1938 together with his friend Moshe Soloveitchik to study at the Montreaux Yeshiva. This journey right before the outbreak of World War II proved to be the miracle which saved these two Torah giants who impacted the whole Torah world in our times: Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik from Zurich led the Torah-faithful Jews in Europe and Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman from his modest apartment in Bnei Brak.
[2] written pages, 27 cm. Approximately 43 handwritten lines (in pencil). Fair condition. Open tears to margins in the center of the leaf.
Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah - Letters, Documents and Books
Holocaust and She'erit HaPletah - Letters, Documents and Books