Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Letter by Rabbi Shraga Feivel Hindis – Son-in-law of Rabbi Shimon Shkop

Opening: $400
Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shraga Hindis, one of the heads of the Sha'ar HaTorah Yeshiva in Grodno, on the stationery of his father-in-law, Rabbi Shimon Yehuda HaCohen Shkop. Grodno, [1930s]. Sent to Rabbi Yosef Shub, chairman of the Va'ad HaYeshivot in Vilna requesting 50 dollars for ill yeshiva students "as promised by Rabbi Chaim Ozer… because the poverty we are facing is impossible to fathom". Rabbi Shraga Feivel Hindis (1878-1936), eminent son-in-law of Rabbi Shimon Shkop as well as his assistant in managing the yeshiva in Grodno. He himself studied at the Telz and Slobodka Yeshivot and from his youth was world renowned as the "Slutsk Illuy." An outstanding genius and amazing in his ability to produce novellae, he was still a young man when appointed head of the Torat Chesed Yeshiva in Lodz where he taught many disciples. Later, his father-in-law, Rabbi Shimon called him to stand by his side in managing the Brańsk Yeshiva. After Rabbi Shimon moved to Grodno, he called his cherished son-in-law to assist him in managing the yeshiva, in delivering discourses and in managing the yeshiva's finances. Upon his arrival in Grodno, new life streamed into the yeshiva and Rabbi Hindis captured the yeshiva students' hearts. He was beloved by the city residents as well and was active in all areas of education and religion. He served as community activist on behalf of the Charedi sector and Agudat Yisrael and was responsible for the city's educational institutes, the Talmud Torah and Beit Ya'akov. Beloved by all his acquaintances, Rabbi Shraga Feivel had solid Torah views and understood human nature. Rabbi Chaim Ozer once said that he only knew a few truly original people in the world and Rabbi Shraga Feivel was one of them. He devoted himself to the yeshiva but the dire financial straits of Sha'ar HaTorah weighed upon him heavily to the point it affected his health. He died in Vienna at the age of 58. His death was kept a secret from Rabbi Shimon for several months. Official stationery, approximately 17 cm. Good condition. File holes to text.