Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Letter by Rabbi Pesach Pruskin – Head of the Kobryn Yeshiva

Opening: $500
A long letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Pesach Proskin. Kobryn, Erev Rosh HaShanah 1938. Sent to England to Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman, who served at that time as Av Beit Din of Liverpool (England), with a request for assistance in supporting the yeshiva in Kobryn: "Our holy yeshiva which merited a good name and is celebrated among the important yeshivas in our country, for the many students which are educated there, Torah scholars and truly G-d fearing, who spread the light of Torah among the Jewish people". He bewails the financial state of the Torah institutes "And what shall we do for the young courageous Torah scholars who sacrifice their lives on the altar of Torah, and are in a state of poverty and lack". At the beginning of the letter is a blessing for a "Good year, joy in all good things and much success in all your endeavors". Rabbi Pesach Pruskin (1879-1940), a leading Lithuanian yeshiva head. In his youth was one of the 14 students (HaYad HaChazaka) sent by the Saba of Slabodka to establish the yeshiva in Slutzk headed by Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer. After his marriage, Rabbi Pesach was appointed a Rosh Metivta. In 2008, he moved to Shklow and established his yeshiva – one of the six close disciples who followed him from Slutzk to Shklow was Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, author of Igrot Moshe. In 1924, he was appointed to the Kobryn rabbinate and established his yeshiva there which developed into a prominent Lithuanian yeshiva. Official stationery, 28 cm. 22 handwritten lines. Good-fair condition, creases and light stains.