Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Letter by Rabbi Aharon Kotler – Kletsk, 1928
Opening: $800
Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Aharon Kotler. Kletsk, Kislev 1928. Sent to Vilna, to Rabbi Meir Karelitz, regarding organizing an assembly of heads of yeshivot, to assist Va’ad HaYeshivot in Poland. Rabbi Aharon Kotler (1892-1962), disciple of the "Saba of Slabodka" and a leading Torah scholar. [While yet a young man, the Or Sameach foresaw that he would become the Rabbi Akiva Eiger of the next generation]. Son-in-law of Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer. He served as head of Slutsk Yeshiva and during World War I fled with his disciples to Poland and established a yeshiva in the city of Kletsk. He was close to Rabbi Chaim Ozer and to the Chafetz Chaim. One of the founders of Va'ad HaYeshivot and member of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah in Lithuania. During the Holocaust, he reached the USA and established the Yeshiva Gedola in Lakewood, New Jersey. He was one of the heads of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah in the USA and of the Chinuch Ha'Aztma'i in Eretz Israel. Leaf, 22X12 cm. 8 handwritten lines. Good condition, file holes.