Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Two Leaf-Remnants of an Ancient Manuscript of the Zohar – 15th Century

Opening: $500
Sold for: $875
Including buyer's premium
Two leaf-remnants of an ancient manuscript of the Zohar, removed from the Binding Geniza. Oriental writing, [Italy? 15th century].
A section of the Idra Rabba (Parshat Naso). Appears in the first edition (Mantua, 1458), in Part 3, Leaves 134/a-135/a.
The watermark matches the paper produced in Modena, Italy in 1435 (according to the Briquet Index 3984).
[4] pages. Approximately 28 cm. Major damages, varying condition among the pages (the two outer pages are legible whereas the inner pages are heavily damaged). Professionally restored. New binding.
Manuscripts - Kabbalah
Manuscripts - Kabbalah