Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Remnants of Ancient Manuscripts on Parchment

Opening: $800
Sold for: $6,250
Including buyer's premium
Remnants of ancient manuscripts on parchment, removed from the "bindings Geniza".
* Remnants of an early manuscript of the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, end of Chapter Six and beginning of Chapter Seven. Without Rashi and Tosfot. [Spain?]. * Remnants of ancient Taj books (Torah and Haftarot), with Mesorah inscriptions at the margins. [Yemen]. * Section of an unidentified composition in Judeo-Arabic on the subject of Ta'amei Hamikra. * Remnant of a Yom Kippur Machzor.
Approximately 10 parchment leaf remnants. Varying size. Varying state of damage caused by the binding.
Remnants of ancient manuscripts on parchment, removed from the "bindings Geniza".
* Remnants of an early manuscript of the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, end of Chapter Six and beginning of Chapter Seven. Without Rashi and Tosfot. [Spain?]. * Remnants of ancient Taj books (Torah and Haftarot), with Mesorah inscriptions at the margins. [Yemen]. * Section of an unidentified composition in Judeo-Arabic on the subject of Ta'amei Hamikra. * Remnant of a Yom Kippur Machzor.
Approximately 10 parchment leaf remnants. Varying size. Varying state of damage caused by the binding.