Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Three Books Printed by the Shapira Family in Slavita and Zhitomir

Opening: $500
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Books printed by the Shapira family in Slavita and Zhitomir – incomplete copies: · Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, with Hebrew glossary and Yiddish translation. [Zhitomir, 1857?]. (Missing: title page and four last leaves). · Machzor for the Three Festivals with Korban Aharon commentary. Zhitomir, 1851. (Missing Leaves 144-164 at end). · Tehillim with Targum Unkelus, Rashi commentary, Metzudot and Yiddish-Deitch. [Joint copy of two different editions of the HaMagid Nach printed in Slavita]. (Missing 3 leaves: The title page, leaf 1 and leaf 137. The last four leaves are replaced by leaves from another edition, with different pagination). Three books. Size and condition vary. Worming and wear.
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland