Auction 19 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

The Rebbe of Mukachevo - Three Letters

Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Three letters on stationery of the Rebbe of Mukachevo, Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz, 1978-1984.
The letters deal with construction of a mikveh next to the Rebbe's synagogue in Petach Tikva, and are addressed to the Religious Council of Petach Tikva and to the Ministry of Religious Services in Jerusalem.
All three letters are signed by the Rebbe. Attached to one of the letters is a letter of authorization from the head of the Petach Tikva Religious Council regarding activities which take place in the Rebbe's synagogue and Beit Midrash.
Rabbi Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel Rabinowitz (1915-1998), son of Rebbe Nathan David Rabinowitz of Parzew-Biala married the only daughter of the Minchat Eliezer of Mukachevo and succeeded him as Av Beit Din of Mukachevo for three years until the Holocaust. After much travail, he reached Jerusalem. In 1945, after the death of his first wife, he remarried and moved to Brazil where he served in the Sֳ£o Paulo rabbinate and studied at the local university. In 1963, he returned to Israel to serve in the Holon rabbinate and in 1976, moved to Petach Tikvah where he established his Beit Midrash and wrote his books "Binat Nevonim" and "Divrei Nevonim". His sons from his first wife are the famous Rebbes of Munkatch and Dinov in the US.
Various sizes and conditions.