Auction 19 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Letter by the Sadigura Rebbe Tel Aviv

Opening: $250
Sold for: $313
Including buyer's premium
A letter, handwritten and signed by Rebbe Shlomo Chaim Friedman of Sadigura. Tel Aviv, 1958.
A letter to the management of Batei Avot. Includes blessings and good wishes: "Have a kosher and happy chag and we should merit immediate salvation and redemptionג€¦".
Rebbe Shlomo Chaim Friedman of Sadigura (1887-1972, Encyclopedia L'Chassidut Volume 3, 1993-1978), called R' Shlomo'neu, son of Rebbe Yisrael of Sadigura. After his father's death in 1907, he was appointed Rebbe when only 19 years old. During World War I, he was exiled to Vienna with the Ruzhin rebbes. There he stepped down from being rebbe in spite of the urging of his Chassidim, to devote himself to public activities to benefit refugees, saying that Vienna has more than enough rebbes but is lacking public askanim (activists). In 1938, he immigrated to Eretz Yisrael and settled in Tel Aviv. Renowned for his great humility and widespread activities for Jewish society and love of humanity. His Torah thoughts were compiled in the book "Chayei Shlomo" (Jerusalem 2006).
One leaf. 20 cm. Good condition, tears to file holes.