Auction 19 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Or Yisrael Responsa, Kleve 1770 - Censored Edition

Opening: $600
Or Yisrael, questions and responsa by Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz.Kleve, 1770. Newly printed in Kleve. The only Hebrew book printed in Kleve.
Simanim 34-36 with the critical expressions against Frankfurt am Main rabbis were omitted from this copy, also Siman 33 was printed with many changes. (Compare with the copy from the first printing, in previous item). Corrections and erasures in ink on other leaves of book. [Some of these erasures are found also in the previous copy, and apparently they were done in the original].
Included in the omissions in Simanim 34-35: another responsum by Rabbi Aryeh Leib, Av Beit Din of Hanover against the Frankfurt Torah scholars (where he formerly served as rabbi), responsum by Rabbi Yitzchak Horwitz, Av Beit Din of Hamburg and polemic articles by Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz.
31, 33-66, 69-120 leaves. 20.3 cm. Very good condition, foxing. Antique and worn semi-leather binding.