Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Mishne Torah LaRambam - Venice, 1550 - Handwritten Glosses by Rabbi Shalom Shabazi

Opening: $5,000
Mishne Torah LaRambam, with Migdal Oz commentary by Rabbi Shem Tov Ibn Gaon, with Maimonidean glosses. Second part. [Venice, 1550-1551. Ptinted by Justinian].
Dozens of glosses and corrections in ancient Yemenite handwriting, identified by researchers as the handwriting of Rabbi Shalom Shabazi - a foremost Yemenite scholar.
Rabbi Shalom (Shalem) Shabazi - the Rashash (1719-1795), called by Yemenite Jews Abba Shalom Shabazi. A leading Yemenite poet, a wonder-worker tsaddik, Torah scholar and Kabbalist and the Torah figure most revered by Yemenite Jewry. Born in the village of Najd al-Walid near Ta'izz in Southern Yemen, to the Mashtā family which was renowned for its lineage of Torah scholars and scribes. In his youth, he moved to Sana and studied in one of its yeshivot. Afterward, he returned to the city of Ta'izz where he lived and was active until his death. Rabbi Shalom Shabazi was exceedingly proficient in all parts of the Torah, revealed and hidden, in Kabbalah and philosophy and was one of the most prolific writers of his times. He dealt in practical kabbalah as well and was an expert in astronomy. He is especially famous for his abundant poems and piyyutim - over one thousand, today more than five hundred survived - with deep kabbalistic secrets and remazim. His poems and piyyutim are recited by Yemenite Jews on Shabbat and festivals, at se'udot mitzvah and at every stage of life.?Stories of wonders and miracles told about Rabbi Shabazi are common among Yemenite Jews. One story told is that every Erev Shabbat he had a miraculous Kvitzat HaDerech (instant arrival at a destination) and he would arrive in Eretz Israel to spend the Shabbat, once in Jerusalem, another time in Tiberias or in Acre or Hebron and on Motzei Shabbat he would return to his country. Rabbi Ya'akov Sapir who visited Yemen writes that he saw written explicitly in a composition by Rabbi Shalom Shabazi that "I was in Jerusalem and saw such and such and in Safed, I saw such and such…". In one of his poems he writes: "My heart is in Yemen, just my soul has flown to the Land of Israel…". He is celebrated for many miracles which he performed for the salvation of the general public and for individuals such as curing the ill and the childless. Among other works, he wrote the book Goral HaChol on practical kabbalah so that the Jews of his times would not be led astray by non-Jewish wonder-workers. His grave in the city of Ta'izz is famous as a holy site and Yemenite Jews would visit it each year.
Incomplete copy: 394-494, 496-534 leaves (lacking: title page and leaves 535-767, [5]). Includes parts: Haflaa-Tahara, missing parts Nezikin-Shoftim. Fair condition. Stains. Worming with damage to text and tears. Some of the first and last leaves have coarse tears, with damage to text and open tears. Damaged and detached binding.
The handwriting was identified as that of Rabbi Shalom Shabazi by Prof. Aharon Gaimani and Mr. Yoel Oshri from the Department of Jewish History in Bar Ilan University (See enclosed letter).
Yemenite Jewry - Manuscripts and Documents
Yemenite Jewry - Manuscripts and Documents