Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Life and Peace – Dedication by Author's Son Rabbi Ovadia Hadaya

Opening: $120
Sefer Ha-Chaim ve-Hashalom, Derushim, by Rabbi Shalom Hadaya. Jerusalem, 1926.
The Ga'on Rabbi Ovadia Hadaya, born 1893 in Aleppo, moved at young age to Jerusalem. Of the heads of Yeshivat Porat Yossef and of Beit Din Jerusalem. Served as chief rabbi of Petach Tikvah. Member of Beit Din Gadol in Jerusalem. Established the "Beit El" Yeshivah in the new city. Died 1969. Author of eight volumes "Yaskil Avdi" book of responsum, and other books.
[2], 120, [2] leaves. 23.5cm. Very good condition, original binding with leather back, rubbed.