Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Kuntras Ha-Reayot / Sefer Hapardess – Koenigsberg, 1759 – Handwritten Glosses

Opening: $500
Aryeh Leib Epstein [author of the Pardess]. Koenigsberg, [1759]. “Halakha Acharona” is the Halakhic decision, the “Be’er Ha-Acharonim” is an innovative commentary by the Acharonim and the “Kuntres Ha-Reayot” is the author’s innovative commentary [both commentaries are on the “Halakha Acharona”].
Approved by: Rabbi Yehonathan Eibshitz and more rabbis.
[1], 29-42 leaves [originally 2, [1] – missing one leaf and title page]. Page count from “Kuntres Ha-Reayot” printed in 1754, 28 leaves.
Originally printed and bound with:
2. Sefer Hapardess, by Rabbi Eliyahu Leib Epstein. Koenigsberg, 1759. Some copies of this book are known to have a different pagination, in the present copy the leaves are numbered 8, 4-23, 1-22, 81-86 and do not include leaves 127-144, which can be found in other copies. (Leaves maybe missing after the first eight leaves). In the present copy, there are [56] leaves.
Few antique handwritten glosses in the margins of the Pardess.
Owner’s inscription before the title page: “This book belongs to… Yoel son of Yitzchak Rabbi of Sad”. Owner’s stamps.
Volume 21cm., good condition. Few stains and light tears on the borders. Slightly worn binding with leather spine.
Very rare.
The Vilna Gaon and his disciples
The Vilna Gaon and his disciples