Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Baraita Ma'aseh Torah with the Vilna Ga'on's Commentaries

Opening: $100
1. Baraita Ma'aseh Torah, ten compositions, by the Vilna Ga'on. Warsaw, [1863].
Approbations: Rabbi Yossef Shaul Ha-Levy Natansohn Av-Beit-Din Lvov and Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor Av-Beit-Din Novardok.
Ownership inscription: Rabbi Nachum Yitzchak ben Ya'akov Bezalel.
[1], 22 leaves. Volume 17cm. Good condition, stains.
Bound with: Sefer Ma'amar Haskel, attributed to Rabbi Eliezer ben Natan. Lyck (East Prussia), [1862]. Sentences were deleted with black ink [censorship? – see attached material].
3, 28, 28-74 leaves [originally there were more, missing: [1], 75-77 leaves].
The Vilna Gaon and his disciples
The Vilna Gaon and his disciples