Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Kavanat HaAggadot – Interesting Dedications from Rabbi Getschlick Schlesinger – The Holy R. Getsch of Hamburg – Altona, 1841

Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Kavanat HaAggadot, Kaftor VaFerach, elucidation of Talmudic Aggadot, by R. Yaakov Luzzatto, Amsterdam, 1709.
An early signature appears on the title page: "Chaim Michel". The title page contains two interesting dedications, handwritten and signed by R. Getsch (Getschlik) Schlesinger, dedicated to his friend R. Eliyahu Munk of Danzig (Gdańsk), while learning together in the yeshiva of the Aruch LaNer in Altona, 1841:
"A remembrance offering of a covenant of love… to my beloved, dear friend… the outstanding young man R. Eliyahu HaKohen of Danzig. Here in Altona… 1841. From me, Elyakum Getschlik".
"Souvenir of a love of friendship… therefore my beloved, my friend and close companion, this too I request of you, may my memory arise in your thoughts and pure heart, since even when our bodies will be separated, our souls and spirits will be linked in love. Therefore my beloved, accept my gift, the gift of a pauper, for the purity of my heart and intention, from me - your friend, who is attached to you with bonds of love – Elyakum Getschlik son of Tevele".
The holy scholar R. Elyakum Getschlik Schlesinger (1813-1900), known as R. Getsch of Hamburg was born to R. David Tevele in Flehingen (south-western Germany). He was a disciple of R. Yaakov Ettlinger, the Aruch LaNer, in the Mannheim yeshiva, and relocated with his teacher to Altona as the first student of the Altona yeshiva, when the latter went there to serve in the rabbinate (in 1836). He served for over fifty years as dayan and teacher in the yeshiva of the Hamburg Kloiz. He was renowned as a holy man, who studied Talmud and Halacha ceaselessly, and delved extensively into Kabbalistic works. He was known in Hamburg as a pious and holy wonder-worker, and more than once, an ill person suddenly recovered following his visit. The epitaph on his tombstone reads: "Our master and teacher, light of Israel, pillar of Torah…, the great scholar and Chassid… erudite in all realms of Torah… stood as a mast for his generation… holy and pure from birth… sat in the company of scholars in the study hall of the old and new Kloiz of our community for over 55 years…".
His dear friend, R. Eliyahu HaKohen Munk (1815-1899), was the son of R. Michel Leib (Yechiel Aryeh) Munk Head of the Danzig Beit Din. He was a close disciple of R. Akiva Eiger in the Poznań yeshiva (some say also of the Beit Meir). After the passing of his teacher R. Akiva Eiger, R. Eliyahu went over to learn in the Altona yeshiva by the Aruch LaNer. In that period, he built close friendship ties with R. Getsch Schlesinger, bond they maintained their whole life – later even becoming related by marriage, when R. Moshe Schlesinger, son of R. Getsch, married Heni, daughter of R. Eliyahu (in the next generation, some of their grandchildren also married each other). R. Eliyahu disseminated Torah in Altona and was one of the editors of the Shomer Tzion HaNe'eman journal. He served as rabbi of the Hamburg Kloiz from 1873, and was appointed dayan of Hamburg in 1880. His sons and grandsons served in rabbinates of Germany, England and the United States. On p. 2a of this book, a (faded) stamp in English appears, of R. Munk of London.
131 leaves. 19 cm. Fair condition, wear and worming (affecting text). Old binding, worn.
Books with Handwritten Notes, Signatures and Dedications - Ashkenazi Rabbis
Books with Handwritten Notes, Signatures and Dedications - Ashkenazi Rabbis