Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Eulogy by Rosh Yeshiva of Volozhin on Rabbi Akiva Eiger

Opening: $500
Sold for: $938
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, “Great eulogy which the Gaon the Rosh Mativta of the holy congregation of Volozhin, lamented following the demise of the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger. [Volozhin, c. 1838].
Homiletic eulogy of Aggadah and allegories. Throughout the eulogy words of praise as well as many facts about the life of “our master Rabbi Akiva Eiger” are inserted in a very humble manner.
On page 9 the rabbis who passed away during that period are mentioned: “The Gaon Rabbi Dovid from Nevardok, the Gaon the Hassid Rabbi Leib from Brisk [they both passed away in the year 1837]. “This year we suffered the loss of Rabbi Baruch Minsker, Rabbi Avraham the Gaon and Hassid from Kraz who was the Mechutan of Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Rabbi Wolf Blumkes from Minsk, Rabbi Moshe Neushweiser [son in law of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, and grandfather of Rabbi Zalman Sander Shapira], one of the members of the Chavura; a neighbor and close friend; the esteemed Rabbi Akiva Veishenaver”. People who died in the cholera epidemic and in wars during that year after the death of Rabbi Akiva Eiger are mentioned as well “since the Taddik was taken due to evil”.
The manuscript was written by two writers. Apparently the eulogy was said sometime between Rosh Ha’Shana and Yom Kippur [1838, Rabbi Akiva Eiger passed away on the 13th of Tishrei, 1837]. The eulogizer is probably Rabbi Itzaleh of Volozhin, the Rosh Yeshiva. [Many rumors were spread regarding the destiny of Rabbi Itzaleh of Volozhin’s many manuscripts: that they were lost in the many fires which Volozhin encountered, or that they were stored in one of his great grandchildren’s home who refused to show them to anyone. See the introduction of the complete Peh Kadosh, Jerusalem Edition 1995, pages 12-14].
12 written pages. 23.5cm. Fair condition. Damaged margins. Tears in the folds of both last pages, text barely defected
Volozhin and Brisk
Volozhin and Brisk