Online Auction 012 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Printed Items about Political Matters - Israel, Late 1940s - Mid 1980s

Opening: $100
Six leaflets and posters about political matters. [Israel, late 1940s till ca. mid 1980s]. Hebrew, English and German.
1. "Help", printed leaf [paper wrapper of a brochure?] for fund raising on behalf of Palestine Resistance Committee.[ca. late 1940s].
2. "Wer Fortschrittlich Gesinnt Ist, Wendet Seine Sympathien Dem Schwachen Zu" [who holds advanced opinions identifies with the weak]. Poster. Illustration of a "Sabra" figure facing armed leaders from Arab countries: Jamal Abd-el-Nasser, Husein King of Jordan, Yasser Arafat and others. Signed in the plate: F. Kielueudz [?]. [ca. 1960s].
3. "Independence Scroll of Neighborhoods' Tents" (Hebrew), protest broadside on behalf of the "Tents Movement" in Jerusalem. Designed in the shape of the Independence Scroll of Israel. [ca. mid 1970s].
4. "Freedom for Jews in Arab Countries", poster on behalf of "Israeli Youth Movements Association". "Merkaz Hadefus" press / Studio Sabi", [ca. 1970s].
5. "Kantata LeFashla" [Failure Cantata], satiric leaflet with caricatures of ministers and politicians in Begin's government: Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, Yitzchak Shamir, Yitzchak Modai, Yoram Aridor, Simcha Erlich and others. [Late 1970s or early 1980s].
6. "Achshav BeShchem, Hakafor Shniyot" - poster on behalf of "Gari'n Shchem" and "Gush Emunim". Invitation to celebrate the holiday of Succot in the Tomb of Joseph, in Nablus. [1985].
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition.
The British Mandate and Underground Movements, The State of Israel
The British Mandate and Underground Movements, The State of Israel