Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Beit Din Act - R. Mordechai Vorhand Rabbi of Nitra

Opening: $400
Sold for: $1,063
Including buyer's premium
Handwritten copy of a Beit Din act recording the giving of a get (divorce document), handwritten, signed and stamped by R. Mordechai Vorhand Rabbi of Nitra. Nitra, Nisan [1938?].
In this copy, the rabbi copied in his handwriting the signatures of the dayanim in his Beit Din who had signed on the original Beit Din act: "Zalman Leib Halberstam" and "Chaim Dov Meislik".
R. Mordechai Vorhand (1886/1887-1944), son of R. Moshe Rabbi of Makova, disciple of R. Eliezer Deutsch author of Tevuat Sadeh, the Kedushat Yom Tov of Sighet and the Arugat HaBosem. In his youth, he frequented the courts of Rebbe Mordechai of Nadvorna and Rebbe Yechezkel of Shinova. In 1909, he was appointed dayan and posek in Bethlen (Beclean), Hungary, and in 1912, he began serving as rabbi and dean of Nitra, Slovakia, where he headed a large yeshiva. He was particularly drawn to manuscripts of Rishonim and clarifying their early versions. During his stay in Italy in 1924 for health reasons, he spent many hours in the Vatican Library, attempting to locate various manuscripts. In that time, he also recorded an index, in which he describes numerous manuscripts which he saw. During this visit, he held a lengthy and sensitive audience with Pope Pius XI. He composed over forty books in Halacha and Aggadah, some of which were published. His halachic works which were printed in his lifetime was very well received, and earnt enthusiastic approbations from leading Hungarian rabbis.
[1] double leaf, official stationery of the "Beit Din of the Nitra Community". 23.5 cm. Good condition. Light stains and folding marks.
Letters - Hungarian, Galician and Central European Rabbis
Letters - Hungarian, Galician and Central European Rabbis