Auction 91 Part 1 Jewish and Israeli History, Culture and Art
Mendele's Mocher Seforim's first book.
148 pp. (mispagination). Two leaves bound out of sequence. 17 cm. Good condition. Stains and creases. Minor tears to edges. Hardbound, with the original wrappers (slightly worn). Binding slightly loose, with minor blemishes. Ownership stamp (on two pages).
"Itiel HaKushi MeVenezia…" ["Ithiel the Cushite of Venice"], by Isaac Edward Salkinsohn, with preface by Peretz Smolenskin." Vienna: Spitzer & Holzwarth Jun., 1874. First Hebrew translation of the play "Othello" by William Shakespeare.
Isaac Salkinsohn's Hebrew translation of "Othello": The earliest Hebrew translation of a complete Shakespearean play. This translation was published in Vienna; it was commissioned by the Hebrew author and publicist Peretz Smolenskin. In the preface to the book, Smolenskin writes as follows: "Vengeance was visited upon the British; the latter had taken our Holy Scriptures and treated them as their own; they copied them, scattered them to all corners of the world as if they were their own. And we shall yet repay them in kind, insofar as we shall take those writings of theirs that are as dear in their eyes as the Holy Scriptures – the plays by Shakespeare – and bring them into the treasure trove of our Holy Tongue, and how sweet shall be this vengeance?! […].
Isaac Salkinsohn (1820-1883), Hebrew translator of the "Haskalah" (Jewish Enlightenment) period, a Jewish convert to Christianity and a Christian missionary, was also responsible for translating into Hebrew Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" (under the title "Ram and Yael"), John Milton's "Paradise Lost" (under the title "So He Drove Out the Man"), and other literary works.
XXXV, [1], 198, [2] pp. Bound in card binding with leather spine, with the original printed cover. Pages XIX-XXX are bound out of order. 19 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Tears to several leaves. Inked library stamps. Tears and blemishes to binding.
Ein Hungerkünstler: Vier Geschichten [A Hunger Artist; Four Stories]. Published within the series Die Romane des 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Die Schmiede, 1924. German. First edition.
Four stories by Kafka: Erstes Leid, Eine kleine Frau, Ein Hungerkünstler and Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse.
85, [3] pp., 19.5 cm. Good condition. Minor foxing and creases. Short tear to one leaf. Original cloth over boards (printed labels on front board and spine), with fading at edges and spine, and stains.
Franz Kafka's incomplete first novel, written between 1911 and 1914 and published posthumously.
391, [1] pp., approx. 19.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Original red cloth over boards (printed labels on front board and spine), with minor fading. Top edges painted blue.
1. Ein Landarzt: kleine Erzählungen [A Country Doctor – Short Stories]. Munich and Leipzig: Kurt Wolff, 1919.
[3] ff., 189 pp, [1] f., approx. 23 cm. Good condition. Foxing and minor blemishes. Pen notation to title page. Remnants of paper and adhesive to pastedowns. Wear, stains and abrasions to spine and boards.
2. Der Prozess [The Trial], published within the series Die Romane des 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Die Schmiede, 1925.
[6], 411, [1] pp., 19.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Small ink stains to some pages, with minor damage to text. Original cloth over boards (printed labels on front board and spine). Pen notation to inside back board. Binding slightly faded, with minor stains. Tear to top of spine.
3. Das Schloss [The Castle]. Munich: Kurt Wolff, 1926.
[6], 503, [1] pp., 19.5 cm. Good condition. Foxing (some dark staining). Marginal tear to one leaf (pp. 97-98). Minor creases. Wear and stains to binding. Minor tears to edges of spine. Spine faded.
1. Uriel Acosta, a tragedye in finf akten [Uriel Acosta, a tragedy in five acts], by Karl Gutzkow (Yiddish translation by Judah Lerner). Saint Petersburg: И.С. Леви, 1888.
2-5. Bleter fun a Togbukh, essays by Ish Yehudi (Yehuda Leib Rabinovich). Saint Petersburg: Rabinovich & Sokolovski, 1901. Four issues: 7, 34, 35 and 37.
6. Lieder [Poems], by Isaac Jacob Propus. Saint Petersburg: Der fraynd press, 1905.
7. Di natsyonale frage un di sotsyal-demokraṭye [The national question and social democracy], by Engelbert Pernerstorfer. Saint Petersburg: I. Luria press, 1906.
8-10. Die Yiddishe Velt [The Jewish World], monthly edited by B. Muzikant. Issues 1-3. Saint Petersburg: A. Meirovich, 1912.
Size and condition vary. New bindings. The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
Enclosed: 1905: Еврейское Рабочее Движение [1905: The Jewish Labor Movement], by Abram Davidovich Kirzhnits. Moscow: Государственное издательство, 1928. Russian.
1-3. Three works by Dr. Abraham Caspe (Mintz): • "Mekhanike" (New York, 1899; Singerman 5530) and "Astronomye" ([New York, 1900]; Singerman 5529) – introductions to mechanics, astronomy and the work of Isaac Newton. • "Onfang fun khemye" (Introduction to chemistry). New York, 1900 (Singerman 5531) – the earliest known Yiddish book on chemistry. See: Stephen M. Cohen, Chemical Literature in Yiddish: A Bridge between the Shtetl and the Secular World; Aleph, no 7 (2007); pp. 183-251.
4. "Der mensch und die natur" ["Man and Nature"] by M. Baranov. From the series "Die Internationale Bibliothek". New York, 1903.
Without a 12-page addendum (list of "Die Internationale Bibliothek" publications).
5. "Der ayntsiger mitel", story by Leo Tolstoy, translated to Yiddish by Moshe Katz. From the series "Die Internationale Bibliothek". New York, 1902.
6. "Patriotizmus un regierung" ["Patriotism and Government"] by Leo Tolstoy, translated to Yiddish by Moshe Katz. From the series "Die Internationale Bibliothek". New York, 1903.
7. "Maxim Gorky, Ertseylungen, mit zayn bild un lebens-beshreybung", stories by Maxim Gorky, translated to Yiddish by Chaim Aleksandrov. New York, 1903.
Volume: 16 cm. Condition varies. The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
1. Объ языкѣ евреевъ жившихъ въ древнее время на Руси и о славянскихъ словахъ встрѣчаемыхъ у еврейскихъ писателей [On the language of Jews who lived in ancient times in Rus, and on Slavic words in the writings of Jewish authors], by Abraham Harkavy. Saint Petersburg, 1865. Russian.
Inscribed by the author on title page (Russian).
2. Еврейская грамматика В. Гезеніуса; перевод К. Коссовича – Russian translation of the book Hebräische Grammatik by Wilhelm Gesenius. Saint Petersburg, 1874. Russian.
3. Евреиская Христоматия, с ссылками на грамматику гезениуса и глоссарием еврейскорусским [Hebrew Chrestomathy…], by K. Kossovicz (Каетан Андреевич Коссович, 1814-1883). Saint Petersburg, 1875. Russian.
4. Грамматика еврейскаго языка [Hebrew Grammar], by Ivan Troitsky (Иван Гаврилович Троицкий, 1858-1929). Saint Petersburg, 1897. Russian.
5. Die slavischen Glossen bei Isaak ben Mose Or Sarua, essay on Slavonic glosses in the "Or Zarua'" of Isaac ben Moses, by Isaak Markon (1875-1949). Saint Petersburg, 1906. German.
New bindings. Size and condition vary.
The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
1. Восемнадцативъковые предразсудки, translation of the work "Dix-Huit Siecles de Préjugés Chrétiens" ("Eighteen Centuries of Christian Prejudice") by Léon Hollaenderski. Saint Petersburg, 1870.
2. Талмудъ. Мишна и Тосефта [Talmud. Mishnah and Tosefta]. Translation: Nehemiah Pereferkovich (1871-1940). Volume III (Nashim). Saint Petersburg, 1900.
3. Талмудъ: Авотъ рабби Наѳана въ обѣихъ версіяхъ, съ прибавленіемъ Трактата Авотъ [Talmud: Avot de-Rabbi Nathan in Both Versions, with the Addition of Tractate Avot]. Translation: Nehemiah Pereferkovich (1871-1940). Saint Petersburg, 1903.
4. Ключ Веры [The Key to Faith], by Mikhail Osipovich Gershenzon (1869-1925). Saint Petersburg: эпоха, 1922.
5. Еврейская мысль, Научно-литературный сборник [Jewish Thought, Literary-Scientific Periodical], issued by the Society for the Promotion of Culture among the Jews of Russia (общество распространения просвещения между евреями). Leningrad (Saint Petersburg): сеятель, 1926.
New bindings. Size and condition vary.
The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
1. Сіонизм и территоріализм с имиграціонно-колонизаціонной точки зрѣнія, двѣ статьи [Zionism and Territorialism…], by M. Rabinovich. Published by "Tzeirei Tzion", Warsaw; I. Luria press, Saint Petersburg, 1905.
2. Еврейская колонизація в Палестинѣ, историческій обзоръ [Jewish Colonization in Palestine, Historical Review], by I. Schwartzburg. Yekaterinoslav (Dnipro), 1918.
3. Методы еврейской колонизаціи в Палестинѣ [Methods of Jewish Colonization in Palestine], by Akiva Ettinger. Published by the JNF bureau in The Hague, Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), 1918. Features a map of Palestine.
4. Еврейскій вопросъ въ освѣщеніи Н.[sic] Каутскаго и С.Н. Южакова [The Jewish Question from the Perspective of N (i.e. K.) Kautsky and S. N. Yuzhakov], by Moishe Zilberfarb. [Saint Petersburg]: Викторъ Кугель (Victor Kugel), [1906].
5. Возникновеніе капитализма у евреев Западной Европы (до конца ХІІ вѣка) [The Emergence of Capitalism among the Jews of Western Europe (until the end of the 12th century)], by Ignacy Schiper. Saint Petersburg, 1910.
6. Враги ли евреи рабочим и крестьянам? [Are the Jews Enemies of Workers and Peasants?]. Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), 1919.
New bindings. Size and condition vary.
The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
Complete set of the Jewish Encyclopedia published by Brockhaus and Efron – the first encyclopedia published in the Russian Empire dedicated "to Jewry and its culture in the past and present". Over 20,000 articles, with illustrations, pictures, maps and sheet music. Original bindings; gilt titles on front boards and spines.
16 volumes, 26 cm. Condition varies (overall good condition). The set was not thoroughly examined, and is being sold as is.
The periodical "Voskhod", a product of the Haskalah movement, was published from 1881 to 1906. Among its editors were Simon Dubnow and Judah Leib Gordon.
110 issues (some double), 21.5 cm. New bindings. The volumes were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.