Auction 91 Part 1 Jewish and Israeli History, Culture and Art

Six Books in Russian – Zionism, Settlement in Palestine, Jewish History, and More – Saint Petersburg and Yekaterinoslav, 1905-1919

Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Six Books in Russian. Saint Petersburg and Yekaterinoslav, 1905-1919.
1. Сіонизм и территоріализм с имиграціонно-колонизаціонной точки зрѣнія, двѣ статьи [Zionism and Territorialism…], by M. Rabinovich. Published by "Tzeirei Tzion", Warsaw; I. Luria press, Saint Petersburg, 1905.
2. Еврейская колонизація в Палестинѣ, историческій обзоръ [Jewish Colonization in Palestine, Historical Review], by I. Schwartzburg. Yekaterinoslav (Dnipro), 1918.
3. Методы еврейской колонизаціи в Палестинѣ [Methods of Jewish Colonization in Palestine], by Akiva Ettinger. Published by the JNF bureau in The Hague, Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), 1918. Features a map of Palestine.
4. Еврейскій вопросъ въ освѣщеніи Н.[sic] Каутскаго и С.Н. Южакова [The Jewish Question from the Perspective of N (i.e. K.) Kautsky and S. N. Yuzhakov], by Moishe Zilberfarb. [Saint Petersburg]: Викторъ Кугель (Victor Kugel), [1906].
5. Возникновеніе капитализма у евреев Западной Европы (до конца ХІІ вѣка) [The Emergence of Capitalism among the Jews of Western Europe (until the end of the 12th century)], by Ignacy Schiper. Saint Petersburg, 1910.
6. Враги ли евреи рабочим и крестьянам? [Are the Jews Enemies of Workers and Peasants?]. Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), 1919.
New bindings. Size and condition vary.
The books were not thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.
Literature and Periodicals
Literature and Periodicals