Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
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Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Three Futurist poetry books:
• Сердце народное — Стенька Разин. Поэма [The People's Heart – Stenka Razin. A Poem], by Vasily Kamensky. Moscow, 1918. Russian.
A revolutionary poem by Kamensky (Васи́лий Васи́льевич Каме́нский; 1884-1961), about the 17th-century Cossack Stenka Razin, who led an uprising against the Russian Tsarist regime.
[17] leaves. 25 cm. Fair to fair-poor condition. Minor stains. Tears and open tears. Inscriptions. Rebound with original paper wrappers.
• Лирень [Liren], a collection of Futurist poems by Nikolai Aseev (Асе́ев), Yelena Guro (Гуро́), Vladimir Mayakovsky, Boris Pasternak, Grigory Petnikov (Пе́тников), and Velimir Khlebnikov (Хле́бников). [Moscow:] 1920. Russian. Designed by Mariia Siniakova (Мария Михайловна Синякова-Уречина; 1898-1989).
40 pages. 16 cm. Good condition. Stains and creases. Minor tears to margins of one leaf.
MoMA 316.
• Толстой – Горький. Поэмы [Tolstoy - Gorky. Poems], by David Burliuk. New York: Марии Никифоровны Бурлюк, 1929. Russain.
Two poems by David Burliuk (Давид Давидович Бурлюк; 1882-1967), one written in honor of Leo Tolstoy's 100th birth anniversary, and the other in honor of Maxim Gorky's 60th birthday, accompanied by two illustrations by Burliuk.
32 pages. 22 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Slight wear and minor blemishes to top of leaves. Hole and foxing at the point where the gatherings were stapled (staples missing). Detached wrappers and gatherings. Wear and minor tears to wrappers.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $300
Six booklets:
• Ямбы, (Соврем. стихи) [Iambs (Contemporary Poems)], by Alexander Blok (Блок). St. Petersburg: Алконост, 1919.
First edition. Russian. Cover designed by
Nikolai Kupreyanov (Николай Николаевич Купреянов; 1894-1993). Publisher's logo designed by
Yuri Annenkov (Юрий Павлович Анненков; 1889-1974). MoMA 227.
• Челкашъ [Chelkash], a short story by Maxim Gorky (Горький). Petrograd: Изданiе Петроградскаго Совѣта Рабочихъ и Красн. Депутатовъ, 1919. Russian. Cover designed by В.Х.
• Аль-Баррак, Октябрьские поэмы [Al Barrak, October Poems], by Alexander Kusikov (Кусиков). Berlin-Moscow: Накануне, 1923. Russian. Second edition. Cover designed by
Alexander Arnshtam (Александр Мартынович Арнштам; 1880-1969). MoMA 453.
• Бикокс и К°, Роман [Bicox & Co., A Novel], by Otto Pitsch (Питч). Translated from German by E. Levin (Е. Левин). Moscow: Издательство Межрабпом, 1925. Russian. Cover designed by
V. Trivas (В. Тривас).
• Строители мостов (The Day's Work) [Bridge Builders...], a collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Translated into Russian by Eva Brodersen (Бродерсен). Leningrad: Мысль, 1925. Russian. Modernist cover (rear cover missing).
• Улица Красных зорь, Стихи [Red Dawn Street, Poems], by Alexander Prokofiev (Прокофьев). Moscow-Leningrad: ЛАПП-Огиз – Государственное издательство художественной литературы, 1931. Russian. Cover designed by
Sergei Pozharsky (Сергей Михайлович Пожарский; 1900-1970).
Size and condition vary.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $100
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium
Five booklets:
• Конституция (основной закон) Российской Социалистической Федеративной Советской Республики... [Constitution of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic...]. Moscow: Издательство Всероссийского Центрального Исполнительного КомитетаР., С., К. и К. депутатов, 1918. Russian.
• Мятежники (Из воспоминаний о революции) [The Rebels (From Memories of the Revolution)], by Pavel Dybenko (Дыбенко). Moscow: Красная новь, 1923. Russian. Cover designed by
Alexander Rodchenko (Алекса́ндр Миха́йлович Ро́дченко; 1891-1956).
• Пугачевщина, Картины народной трагедии [Pugachev, Pictures of a People's Tragedy], a play about Yemelyan Pugachev's revolt in the 18th century, by Konstantin Trenev (Тренев). Moscow: Мосполиграф, 1924. Russian. Cover and title page designed by
Vladimir Bekhteev (Владимир Георгиевич Бехтеев; 1878-1971).
• 10 дней которые потрясли мир [Ten Days That Shook the World], about the events of the October Revolution, by John Reed. Translated into Russian with an afterword by Vasily Yarotsky (Яковлевич). With introductions by Vladimir Lenin and his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya. Moscow: Красная новь, 1924. Second edition. Russian.
• Голуби мира, Поездка за границу [Doves of Peace, A Trip Abroad], by Ivan Mikitenko (Микитенко). Moscow-Leningrad: Государственное издательство, 1930. Russian.
Size and condition vary.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $300
Sold for: $425
Including buyer's premium
The collection includes:
• Вещи этого года, до 1 августа 1923 г. [Things of This Year, until August 1, 1923], poems and various texts by Vladimir Mayakovsky. Berlin: Накануне, [1924]. Constructivist cover designed by
Nikolai Zaretsky (Николай Васильевич Зарецкий; 1876-1959). MoMA 566.
• Мандрагора, комедия в пяти действиях [Mandragola, a Comedy in Five Acts], by Niccolò Machiavelli. Translated from Italian by Vladimir Rakint and Raisa Blokh; introduction by Yakov Blokh. Berlin: Petropolis, 1924. Cover and six autolithographic prints by
Leon Zack (Лев Васильевич Зак; 1892-1980).
• МЕА, Собрание стихов 1922–1924, a book of poems by Valery Bryusov (Валерий Яковлевич Брюсов; 1873-1924), from the years 1922-1924. Moscow: Государственное издательство, [1924]. Modernist cover design.
• Трубка [The Pipe], by Ilya Ehrenburg. Leningrad: Красная новь, 1924. Cover and illustrations by
Ilya Rubim (Reuven) Mazel (Илья Моисеевич Мазель; 1890-1967). Handwritten dedication from the year of printing, 1924.
• Бубновый валет и компания, рассказы [Jack of Diamonds and Company], four short stories by Ilya Ehrenburg. Moscow-Leningrad: Издательство Петроград, 1925 (on the cover: 1924). Avant-garde cover design.
• Конармия [Red Cavalry], by Isaac Babel. Moscow: Федерация объединений советских писателей, 1927. Publisher's cover in modernist design.
A collection of stories documenting Babel's service as a war correspondent in the Russian-Polish War (1919-1921), when he accompanied the Red Army's First Cavalry Army. The book is considered Babel's main work, and it documents, among other things, his encounter with the Jewish population and their sufferings during the war.
• Конармия [Red Cavalry], by Isaac Babel. Moscow-Leningrad: Государственное издательство, 1928. Cover designed by
Pyotr Alyakrinsky (Пётр Александрович Алякринский; 1892-1961).
• Закат, пьеса [Sunset, a Play], by Isaac Babel. [Moscow]: Артель писателей Круг, 1928. Original binding.
• Чадра [Veil], stories from the East by Stepan Kibalchich (Степан Александрович Кибальчич; 1903-1937). Zhitomir: Космос, [1927]. Cover designed by
В. Аверин.
• 1917 в сатире [1917 in Satire], a collection of satirical poems and texts published during 1917, the year of the Communist Revolution, with illustrations and caricatures by various artists. Edited by Shimon Dreizen who added an introduction. Moscow-Leningrad: Государственное издательство, 1928. Cover designed by
Leonid Khizhinsky (Леонид Семёнович Хижинский; 1896-1972).
Ten volumes. Size and condition vary.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $400
Two books with covers by Kirill Zdanevich:
1. Страна советская [The Soviet Country], by Sergei Yesenin. Tbilisi: Советский Кавказ, 1925. Russian.
The poetry book "Soviet Land" by renowned Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. The book – fifteen poems in total – was printed in the last year of the poet's life in Tbilisi and is considered the swan song of his work.
62, [1] pages. Approx. 20 cm. Fair-good condition. Traces of dampness, stains and wear. Some gatherings and leaves detached from wrapper and from each other. Minor tears to margins of some leaves. Inscriptions and stamp. Label on back wrapper. Stains, minor tears and creases to wrapper.
MoMA 448.
2. Письма – стихи [Letters: Verse], by Nikolai Cherniavsky. Tbilisi: Типография газеты Заря Востока, 1927. Russian.
The only poetry collection by Soviet poet and translator Nikolai Cherniavsky (Никола́й – Кола́у – Андре́евич Черня́вский; 1892-1942?), a prominent representative of the avant-garde movement and a notable member of the literary group 41° in Tbilisi, Georgia; collaborated with prominent writers and artists, including Alexander Blok, Konstantin Balmont, Alexei Remizov, Alexei Kruchenykh, Ilya Zdanevich, Igor Terentiev and others.
Kirill Zdanevich (Кири́лл Миха́йлович Здане́вич; 1892-1969), born in Tbilisi, engaged in painting from a young age. In 1910 he moved to Moscow and later studied art in St. Petersburg. He participated in various Futurist publications and was a member of the avant-garde group "Donkey's Tail" (Ослиный хвост) led by Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova. Throughout his life, he alternately lived and worked in Moscow, Paris, Istanbul and Tbilisi, and engaged, among other things, in stage and costume design and book design. He was one of the prominent figures in avant-garde artist circles in Georgia.
29, [1] pages. Approx. 23 cm. Overall good condition. Stains and minor blemishes. Open tears to margins of wrapper (wrapper professionally restored, with paper completion).
MoMA 730.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
A collection of five Soviet poetry books:
1. Брага, вторая книга стихов, 1921-1922 [Braga (an alcoholic beverage), Second Book of Poems, 1921-1922], by Nikolai Tikhonov (Николай Тихонов). Moscow: Круг, 1922. Cover designed by
Yuri Annenkov (Ю́рий Па́влович А́нненков; 1889-1974).
On the front flyleaf, a handwritten dedication by the Soviet literary critic Kornely Zelinsky (Корнелий Люцианович Зелинский; 1896-1970), dated 12.9.1930. MoMA 366.
2. Как пахнет жизнь [How Life Smells], poems by Alexander Bezymensky (Александр Безыменский); introduction by Leon Trotsky [his name crossed out in blue pen on the title page and at the end of the introduction]. Moscow: Издательство Красная Новь, 1924. Cover designed by
Yuri Annenkov (Ю́рий Па́влович А́нненков; 1889-1974). MoMA 528.
3. Червонное казачество [The Red Cossacks], poems by Dmitry Petrovsky (Дмитрий Петровский). Moscow-Leningrad: Земля и фабрика, 1928. Cover designed by L. Voronov (Л. Воронов).
4. 1920-1928, Стихотворения, poems by Pavel Antokolsky (Павел Антокольский). Moscow-Leningrad: Государственное издательство, 1929.
5. Стихи и поэмы [Poems and Poemas], by Boris Kornilov (Борис Корнилов). Leningrad: Гихл, 1933. Cover designed by A. Ushin (А. Ушина).
Five books. Size and condition vary.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Two books by Soviet-Jewish writer Ilya Ehrenburg:
1. Рассказы [Stories], two stories by Ilya Ehrenburg. Moscow: Огонек, 1926. Russian. Modernist cover design. Booklet number 166 in the "Библиотека Огонёк" series (at the end of the booklet appears a catalogue listing of 144 works published in the series, as well as small images of about 60 covers).
50, [6] pages. 14.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains and wear. Tears and wear to cover. Pen scribbles on one page.
2. Проточном переулке, Роман [In Protochny Lane, a Novel], by Ilya Ehrenburg. Riga: Грамату Драугс, 1927. Russian.
208 pages. 20.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, tears and wear. Inscriptions and stamps.
Ilya Ehrenburg (Илья Григорьевич Эренбург; 1891-1967), prolific Soviet-Jewish writer, wrote in various styles and genres – novels, satire, poetry, essays, and journalism. Born to a Jewish family in Kiev, however, in his writing he did not often deal with his Judaism, but rather delved into exploring various aspects of Soviet society. Ehrenburg's journalistic writing during World War II had a significant impact on the Soviet population, gaining him recognition from the authorities.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $100
Sold for: $138
Including buyer's premium
Six books:
• Литература завтрашнего дня [Literature of Tomorrow], description and analysis of trends in future Soviet literature, by Victor Pertsov (Перцов). Moscow: Федерация, 1929. Russian. Cover designed by
Alexander Rodchenko (Алекса́ндр Миха́йлович Ро́дченко; 1891-1956).
• С кем вы, "мастера культуры"? (Ответ американским корреспондентам) [Whose Side Are You On, "Masters of Culture"? (Answer to American Correspondents)], by Maxim Gorky. Moscow-Leningrad: Государственное издательство художественной литературы, 1932. Russian. Cover designed by
Dmitry Bazhanov (Дмитрий Андреевич Бажанов; 1902-1946).
• Время лучших [Time of the Best], poetry collection by Nikolai Aseev (Асеев). [Moscow]: Московский рабочий, 1927. Russian.
• В землю Ханаанскую, Роман [To the Land of Canaan, A Novel], by Konstantin Shildkret (Шильдкрет). Leningrad: Московское товарищество писателей, 1928. Russian.
• Ровесники, Сборник Содружества писателей революции - "Перевал" 7 [Peers, Collection of the Fellowship of Revolutionary Writers – "Pereval" 7], literary journal, issue no. 7. Moscow-Leningrad: Земля и фабрика, 1930. Russian. Cover and decorations designed by
V. Alexandrovsky (В. Александровский). Numerous pen markings and highlights.
• Избранные стихи [Selected Poems], by Nikolai Tikhonov (Тихонов). Leningrad: Ленгихл, 1932. Russian. Cover and titles designed by
Vladimir Izenberg (Владимир Изинберг).
Size and condition vary.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $300
Sold for: $400
Including buyer's premium
Three books with covers and illustrations (woodcuts) by Vladimir Favorsky (Владимир Андреевич Фаворский; 1886-1964), a Soviet painter, graphic artist, printmaker, teacher, and theoretician.
• Фамарь, Трагедия [Tamar, A Tragedy], the story of Amnon and Tamar by Andrei Globa (Глоба). [Moscow]: Государственное издательство, 1923. Russian. Cover and illustrations (woodcuts) by Vladimir Favorsky.
100, [2] pages. Approx. 24 cm. Good condition. Inscriptions and stamp. Loose gatherings and cover. Stains and wear at edges of cover.
• Книга Руфь [The Book of Ruth]. Moscow: М. и С. Сабашниковых, 1925. Russian.
Russian translation of the Book of Ruth, by Abram Markovich Efros (1888-1954), a Jewish-Soviet literary and art critic and translator (he also translated the Song of Songs into Russian). Cover design and illustrations in the book (woodcuts) by Vladimir Favorsky.
42, [1] pages, 26 cm. Wide margins. Good condition. Minor stains. Loose gatherings.
MoMA 588.
• Vita Nuova [The New Life], poems by Dante Alighieri. Moscow: Academia, 1934. Russian.
Russian translation of the book by Italian poet Dante Alighieri, by Abram Markovich Efros, accompanied by an introduction and notes by the translator. With illustrations and five prints (woodcuts) by Vladimir Favorsky. Enclosed are four plates with woodcuts identical to four of the prints appearing in the book; printed on thin paper, detached from the book; three of them are signed, apparently by Favorsky.
239, [2] pages + [5] printed plates in the book + [4] detached prints (3 of which are signed). Approx. 14 cm. Overall good condition. Inscriptions and stamp. Cardboard binding with printed parchment paper. Housed in a cardboard case (with gilt print).
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $100
Sold for: $475
Including buyer's premium
Collection of books with covers and illustrations by Mendel Gorshman. Moscow and Leningrad, 1930-1947. Russian and Yiddish.
• Чудо св. Лариция [The Miracle of St. Laritia], six stories by Olga Guryan. Moscow-Leningrad: Государственное издательство, 1930. Illustrations by Mendel Gorshman; cover illustrated by artist Meir Axelrod (1902-1970).
• Сын сапожника [The Shoemaker's Son], by Semyon (Shlomo) Gekht. Moscow: Молодая гвардия, 1931. Pencil dedication on first page by the author, to "Kormaed Chiger", Jewish-Russain artist Efim Chiger (Ефим Яковлевич Хигер; 1899-1955), and original pencil illustration on last page.
• Конармия [Red Cavalry], by Isaac Babel. [Moscow]: Государственное издательство художественной литературы, 1933. Portrait of the author illustrated by Vladimir Milashevsky.
• Повесть о рыжем Мотэле, Господине Инспекторе, Раввине Исайе и Комиссаре Блох [A Tale of Red-Haired Motele, Mr. Inspector, Rabbi Isaiah and Commissar Bloch], a poem by Joseph Utkin. Moscow: OGIZ - Молодая гвардия, 1933 (on cover – 1934).
- Enclosed: Copy from an earlier edition of the book: [Kharkov]: Пролетарий, [1928]. Cover and illustrations by Adolf Strakhov.
• Shir-Hashirim, mayn ershter roman, Ester [Song of Songs, My First Novel, Esther], a youth novel by Sholem Aleichem. Moscow: Ogiz Melukhe-Farlag "Der Emes", 1947. Yiddish (in Soviet Russian orthography).
• Счастье привалило [Good Fortune Has Come], by Sholem Aleichem. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo Khudozhestvennoi Literatury, 1959. Two identical copies. Dedication on the endpaper.
• Неунывающие: рассказы, by Sholem Aleichem. Moscow: Izdatelstvo khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1965. With the original dust jacket.
Mendel Gorshman (Мендель Хаимович Горшман; 1902-1972), Soviet-Jewish graphic artist, illustrator and painter, born to a traditional Jewish family in Borisov, Minsk region, Belarus. Studied at Yakob Kruger's art school in Minsk, later at Nikolai Kupreyanov's art workshop in Kostroma and in the graphics department of Vkhutemas in Moscow.
Member of several Soviet art groups, including OST (OCT) and "Four Arts" (Четыре искусства). Worked for several important publishing houses in Russia, illustrating works by major Jewish writers and poets including Isaac Babel, Sholem Aleichem, I.L. Peretz, Mendele Mocher Sforim, Peretz Markish and others. His illustrations also accompanied several classic works of Russian literature. His works were exhibited over the years in several important exhibitions in the Soviet Union and abroad and are now preserved in important collections and museums in Russia, including the Pushkin Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
Six books and booklets. Size and condition vary.
Collections of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fiction Books
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium
Kruchenykh – St. Petersburg, 1913 – Cover in Lithographic Print Designed by Olga Rozanova
Чорт и рѣчетворцы [The Devil and the Speechmakers], by Aleksei Kruchenykh. St. Petersburg: Свѣт, [1913].
Anthology of Futurist texts by the poet Aleksei Kruchenykh (Алексе́й Кручёных, 1886-1968). Cover designed by Olga Rozanova (Ольга Розанова, 1886-1918).
15, [1] pages. 21 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Some inscriptions and stamps. Minor creasing. Minor tears to spine. Corners of spine reinforced with tape.
MoMA 41.
Books of Poetry and Prose with Artistically Designed Covers
Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection
Nov 5, 2024
Opening: $500
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Byben [Tambourine], a collection of Futurist poetry by Bozhidar [Bogdan Gordeev]. Moscow: Лирень, 1914. Russian. The first and only edition printed during the author's lifetime (the next edition was printed after his death in 1916).
A collection of Futurist poems, handwritten and reproduced in lithographic print. The book's title in Russian – Byben – combines letters from the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.
On the title page is a printed dedication to the author's friend Grigory Petnikov.
Bozhidar (pen name of Bogdan Gordeev – Богда́н Петро́вич Горде́ев; 1894-1914), was a Russian poet of Ukrainian origin. In 1913, upon finishing high school, a deep friendship developed between Bozhidar and the Futurist poet Velimir Khlebnikov, which influenced his artistic world and left a profound mark on his poetry. During this period he joined the Futurist poets group "Centrifuge", which also included Boris Pasternak, Nikolai Aseev and Sergei Bobrov.
In 1914, together with his friends Nikolai Aseev and Grigory Petnikov, Bozhidar established the publishing house "Liren" (Лирень) in Kharkov, where he published this poetry collection, "Tambourine". Bozhidar took his own life shortly after publishing "Tambourine", with the outbreak of World War I, at the age of 20. After his death, a second edition of "Tambourine" was printed, with several additional unpublished poems, designed by artist Maria Sinyakova.
[2] leaves (printed cover and title page), 12, [2] pages. 18 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. Inscriptions. Small open tear to edge of cover. Label pasted on cover.
MoMA 84.
Books of Poetry and Prose with Artistically Designed Covers