Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Displaying 265 - 276 of 402
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Long letter, by “Va'ad HaKehillot – Grodno region", in the name of the rabbis of the city and the region, with signatures of rabbis: Rabbi "Avraham ben R' Moshe Gelbord [?]". [Chief Torah authority of Grodno from 1890-1938], Rabbi "Reuven son of R' S. Katz Av Beit Din of Amdor [Indura]" [Later, Rabbi of Petach Tikva and author of Degel Reuven], and Rabbi "Michel David Rozovsky, Rabbi of Grodno" [father of Rabbi S. Rozovsky head of the Ponovezh Yeshiva]. Grodno, Erev Chanuka 1920. Sent to Rabbi Ozer Grodzinsky about the establishment of the religious institutions and regarding the city rabbinate after the destruction in the aftermath of World War I. In the margins, an addition by rabbis: “We have now read this letter of Rabbi S. HaCohen Shkop, and in his mention of the Torah V’Da’at society, our institute and the rabbis of the city and the region were not mentioned at all. Please let us understand the meaning of this”. [2] written pages, 22 cm. Fair condition, wear and stains.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $300
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Collection of printed proclamations, by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski of Vilna. · Lithographic copy of a letter in the handwriting of Rabbi Chaim Ozer and signed by the Chafetz Chaim for Va'ad HaYeshivot. Shevat 1932. · Stenciled proclamation on behalf of an institute for charedi teachers established in Grodno. Signed by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen of Radin, Rabbi Chaim Ozer and Rabbi Shimon Shkop. · "Shabbat Parshat Yitro Paran Va'ad HaYeshivot". Proclamation (Yiddish) by the Chafetz Chaim and Rabbi Chaim Ozer, for a campaign to raise funds for Va'ad HaYeshivot on Shabbat Parshat Yitro, 1930. · Proclamation on behalf of the Mir Yeshiva. Kislev 1926. 4 proclamations, size and condition vary.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium
Collection of printed proclamations - "Kol Koreh" by the author of the Chafetz Chaim, proclamations in his memory and old copies of letters by the author of the Chafetz Chaim. 9 items, varied size. Brittle paper, good to good-fair condition. For a complete list, please see Hebrew description.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $500
Sold for: $1,063
Including buyer's premium
Interesting letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi "Moshe Ladinski – Rosh Metivta at the Chafetz Chaim Yeshiva in Radin". Radin, summer 1934. Written within the first year following the death of the Chafetz Chaim, regarding the difficult physical state of the yeshiva. He expounds upon several of Chazal sayings related to giving charity and supporting Torah. At the end of the letter, he cites a thought which he told to the Chafetz Chaim explaining the verse in the Book of Yonah: "'And the men rowed to return to the dry land and they could not' – At the end of the Exile, all G-d fearing people will gather strength to support our holy Torah and it will be difficult for them". He brings the rejoinder of the Chafetz Chaim: "So explained the Vilna Gaon, that Yonah's entire vision alludes to Knesset Yisrael". [This saying in the name of the Chafetz Chaim is not well-known and is first published here]. Rabbi Moshe Landinski (1862-1938), head of the Radin Yeshiva, a leading Torah scholar, disciple of the Volozhin Yeshiva. In 1900, the Chafetz Chaim brought him to serve as head of the Radin Yeshiva, a position he held for almost 40 years. A dear and close friend of the Chafetz Chaim, with whom he would consult on all matters pertaining to the yeshiva and to public issues. In 1905, at the time the Chafetz Chaim founded the Kollel Kodshim in Radin, he appointed Rabbi Moshe to head the kollel and he delivered there discourses twice a week. He was renowned for his noble character and for his love for his fellow-beings. His great love for his students is also apparent in this letter, as he writes, "The situation in the yeshiva weighs upon me…It is difficult for me to see their pain…". After a short while, in 1935, Rabbi Moshe Landinski traveled to England to raise funds for the yeshiva. [2] pages, 19.5 cm. 33 handwritten lines. Good condition.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $500
Letter by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Chasman signed with his initials: "Y.H.L.". Szczuczyn, Nisan 1925. The letter was sent to the Chairman of Va'ad HaYeshivot, Rabbi Yosef Shub, on the official postcard of the "Central Committee for Yeshivot Ketanot in Poland". Rabbi Yehuda Leib Chasman (1869-1934), a leading Torah scholar of his times, study partner and childhood companion of Rabbi Chaim Ozer from their native city of Iwye. Student of Beit HaTalmud in Kelm. Served as mashgiach of Telz Yeshivah during the time of Rabbi Shimon Shkop. From 1909, he served as Av Beit Din of Szczuczyn, and established a Yeshiva Gedola which was closed at the outbreak of World War I. After the war, with the ensuing destruction of Torah institutes and communities, he dedicated himself to the activities of the Va'ad HaYeshivot in Vilna. He was a confidant of the heads of the Va'ad: Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, the Chafetz Chaim and Rabbi Shimon Shkop. In 1927, the Saba of Slobodka called him to succeed him as mashgiach of his yeshiva in Hebron, a position he held until his death in 1935. His Torah novellae were printed in his book Minchat Yehuda and his discourses were printed by his leading disciples in the three volumes of Or Yahel. Postcard, 14X9.5 cm. More than 10 handwritten lines. Good condition. File holes.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Letter signed by Rabbi Shimon Yehuda HaCohen Shkop. Grodno, 1925. Request for support for the Sha'ar HaTorah Yeshiva in Grodno "which houses about 200 young men who study G-d's Torah with fierce diligence and will develop into future leaders of Torah and good attributes and will bring glory to the Jewish people!". Written by a scribe; signed by Rabbi Shimon Shkop. Rabbi Shimon Yehudah HaCohen Shkop (1860-1940, Otzar HaRabbanim 19962), disciple of Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik in the Volozhin Yeshiva, who guided him in the intricate and deep methodologies of Torah study. At the age of 24 Rabbi Shimon became Rosh Metivta in the Telz Yeshiva [established by his uncle, Rabbi Eliezer Gordon], where he taught his method of study, an approach which captivates the entire Torah world until this day. Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman was among his prominent disciples during that period. In 1920, he was requested to head the Sha’ar HaTorah Yeshiva in Grodno. His Books: Sha’arei Yosher, Ma’arechet HaKinyanim and Chiddushei Rabbi Shimon Yehudah HaCohen. Official stationery, 28 cm. Good condition, minor wear to paper folds.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,000
Letter signed by Rabbi Shimon Yehuda HaCohen Shkop, to Rabbi Yehuda Leib Chasman, Av Beit Din of Szczuczyn. [Grodno, 1924]. The letter concerns the emissary of the Grodno Yeshiva who was due to arrive at Szczuczyn, requesting that "You should please encourage him and support him in every possible manner". Written by a scribe; signed by Rabbi Shimon Shkop. Postcard, 14X9 cm. Good condition, stains and torn postage stamps. Damaged postmarks from Grodno and Szczuczyn.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,200
Sold for: $2,375
Including buyer's premium
Long letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shimon Yehuda HaCohen Shkop. London, Iyar [1931]. Sent to his disciple, Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman, who at that time served as Rabbi of Liverpool (England), with numerous details of the meeting of the London Beit Din and other conventions for the successful short trip of Rabbi Shimon to England on behalf of the Grodno Yeshiva. The letter contains many hitherto unknown particulars of Rabbi Shimon's travels to England in 1931. Rabbi Shimon Yehuda HaCohen Shkop (1860-1940, Otzar HaRabbanim 19962), head of Sha'ar HaTorah Yeshiva in Grodno. See item 270. Official stationery, 28 cm. [2] written pages, approximately 30 lines in his handwriting and with his signature. Good condition, creases.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $400
Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shraga Hindis, one of the heads of the Sha'ar HaTorah Yeshiva in Grodno, on the stationery of his father-in-law, Rabbi Shimon Yehuda HaCohen Shkop. Grodno, [1930s]. Sent to Rabbi Yosef Shub, chairman of the Va'ad HaYeshivot in Vilna requesting 50 dollars for ill yeshiva students "as promised by Rabbi Chaim Ozer… because the poverty we are facing is impossible to fathom". Rabbi Shraga Feivel Hindis (1878-1936), eminent son-in-law of Rabbi Shimon Shkop as well as his assistant in managing the yeshiva in Grodno. He himself studied at the Telz and Slobodka Yeshivot and from his youth was world renowned as the "Slutsk Illuy." An outstanding genius and amazing in his ability to produce novellae, he was still a young man when appointed head of the Torat Chesed Yeshiva in Lodz where he taught many disciples. Later, his father-in-law, Rabbi Shimon called him to stand by his side in managing the Brańsk Yeshiva. After Rabbi Shimon moved to Grodno, he called his cherished son-in-law to assist him in managing the yeshiva, in delivering discourses and in managing the yeshiva's finances. Upon his arrival in Grodno, new life streamed into the yeshiva and Rabbi Hindis captured the yeshiva students' hearts. He was beloved by the city residents as well and was active in all areas of education and religion. He served as community activist on behalf of the Charedi sector and Agudat Yisrael and was responsible for the city's educational institutes, the Talmud Torah and Beit Ya'akov. Beloved by all his acquaintances, Rabbi Shraga Feivel had solid Torah views and understood human nature. Rabbi Chaim Ozer once said that he only knew a few truly original people in the world and Rabbi Shraga Feivel was one of them. He devoted himself to the yeshiva but the dire financial straits of Sha'ar HaTorah weighed upon him heavily to the point it affected his health. He died in Vienna at the age of 58. His death was kept a secret from Rabbi Shimon for several months. Official stationery, approximately 17 cm. Good condition. File holes to text.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $2,200
Sold for: $5,750
Including buyer's premium
A letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi "Elchanan Bunim son of R' Naftali Beinush", regarding Va'ad HaYeshivot. Baranovich, [ca. 1920]. Sent to Rabbi Yehuda Leib Chasman, Av Beit Din of Szczuczyn, concerning the transfer of funds from Va'ad HaYeshivot to the yeshivot ketanot in Lithuania. Rabbi Chaim Ozer is mentioned twice in the letter. Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman (1875-1941), disciple of Rabbi Shimon Shkop in the Telz Yeshiva and leading disciple of the Chafetz Chaim, served as lecturer and head of the Brisk Yeshiva, as well as other positions. After World War I, he established the Ohel Torah Yeshiva in the city of Baranovich and was one of the foremost Torah giants and head of yeshivot in Lithuania. Served as emissary of the Chafetz Chaim and Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski in the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah of Agudat Yisrael. Rabbi Elchanan wrote many Torah hashkafah articles which later formed his book Ikvete D'Meshicha in which he expressed the Torah stance of his teacher, the Chafetz Chaim, on Zionist nationalism and on the spiritual state of the Jewish people. During the Holocaust, he was deported to the Kovno Ghetto and sent to the Ninth Fort at the time he was studying the laws of Kiddush Hashem. His Torah teachings and discourses were published in the books: Kovetz Shi'urim, Kovetz He'arot, Kovetz Inyanim, Kovetz Igrot HaGra", etc. His study method and books are still used today as the basic method of deep yeshiva study throughout the Torah world. Official stationery of the Ohel Torah-Baranovich Yeshiva, 21 cm. Approx. 11 handwritten lines. Fair condition, restored tear to paper (without damage to text).
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $1,800
Sold for: $2,250
Including buyer's premium
Letter signed by Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman. Baranovich, Kislev 1930. Request for assistance for the Ohel Torah Yeshiva in Baranovich. The letter was sent to a rabbi in Bayonne, New Jersey. The letter details the difficult financial state of the yeshiva "which does not have an emissary abroad because of the difficulty of securing a visa…". Written by a scribe; signed by the head of the yeshiva, Rabbi "Elchanan Bunam Wasserman, Rosh Metivta here in Baranovich". Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman (1875-1941), the leading disciple of the Chafetz Chaim and foremost Torah sage and leading head of Lithuanian yeshiva - the Ohel Torah Yeshiva in Baranovich. See previous item. Official stationery, 28.5 cm. Good condition, wear to paper folds.
Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
January 19, 2016
Opening: $800
Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Aharon Kotler. Kletsk, Kislev 1928. Sent to Vilna, to Rabbi Meir Karelitz, regarding organizing an assembly of heads of yeshivot, to assist Va’ad HaYeshivot in Poland. Rabbi Aharon Kotler (1892-1962), disciple of the "Saba of Slabodka" and a leading Torah scholar. [While yet a young man, the Or Sameach foresaw that he would become the Rabbi Akiva Eiger of the next generation]. Son-in-law of Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer. He served as head of Slutsk Yeshiva and during World War I fled with his disciples to Poland and established a yeshiva in the city of Kletsk. He was close to Rabbi Chaim Ozer and to the Chafetz Chaim. One of the founders of Va'ad HaYeshivot and member of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah in Lithuania. During the Holocaust, he reached the USA and established the Yeshiva Gedola in Lakewood, New Jersey. He was one of the heads of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah in the USA and of the Chinuch Ha'Aztma'i in Eretz Israel. Leaf, 22X12 cm. 8 handwritten lines. Good condition, file holes.