Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
Displaying 1 - 12 of 49
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $500
Works by Haim Nahman Bialik and selected translations. Published by "Hovevei HaShira HaIvrit", Berlin, [1923].
Haim Nahman Bialik's writings in a handsome edition, parchment bindings with golden decorations, with golden upper-leaf cutting. The first volume is signed at the end by Haim Nahman Bialik and the three other volumes are signed by Bialik and Joseph Budko. This copy is not numbered.
First volume – poems; second volume – prose and literature; third volume – translation of Don Quixote; fourth volume – translation of Wilhelm Tell.
The book was printed in three thousand and two hundred copies…illustrated by Joseph Budko in Berlin…the first two hundred copies were printed on very heavy paper and the woodcuts are from the original drawings, all numbered by letters from Aleph to Resh, signed by the author and the artist, bound in parchment bindings and are not for sale…"
Volumes 25.5 cm. Good condition. Foxing marks, damages to bindings.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Haim Nahman Bialik's writings in a handsome edition, parchment bindings with golden decorations, with golden upper-leaf cutting. The first volume is signed at the end by Haim Nahman Bialik and the three other volumes are signed by Bialik and Joseph Budko. This copy is not numbered.
First volume – poems; second volume – prose and literature; third volume – translation of Don Quixote; fourth volume – translation of Wilhelm Tell.
The book was printed in three thousand and two hundred copies…illustrated by Joseph Budko in Berlin…the first two hundred copies were printed on very heavy paper and the woodcuts are from the original drawings, all numbered by letters from Aleph to Resh, signed by the author and the artist, bound in parchment bindings and are not for sale…"
Volumes 25.5 cm. Good condition. Foxing marks, damages to bindings.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $1,000
80 books by or about Haim Nahman Bialik. Collection includes first editions of his books, bibliophilic editions, compositions authored by him on various matters, compositions which he edited, articles of critique on his work and translations of his works.
This collection also includes the monumental enterprise of Bialik and Ravnitzky, “Sefer Ha’Agada” as well as various editions of "The Complete Works" of Bialik, single volumes of “Works by Haim Nahman Bialik and selected translations” published by Hovevei HaShira HaIvrit in Berlin in 1923, (bound in parchment bindings), and more. The collection also contains first and special editions, including:
1. Poems. First book. “Tushia” publication, Warsaw, 1901. First edition of poems by Chaim Nachman Bialik. Additional copy from earlier edition with slight variations.
2. MiShirei HaZa'am (Al HaShchita, Be’Ir HaHarega, Yadati, Be’Leil Arafel…). Odessa, 1906. First edition.
3. Megilat Ha’Esh. Printing press of Yosef Fischer, Krakow, 1906. First edition, two copies (one in especially fine binding, with ex-libris of Moshe Marks designed by Joseph Budko).
4. Chevlei Lashon. Odessa, 1908. First edition.
5. Chazon U’Masa. Odessa, [1910]. First edition.
6. Folk songs (songs and choruses). Odessa, [1910]. First edition.
7. German translations of his poems (Jüdischer Verlag editions, 1911).
8. Lieder, Originile un Ibergezetzta, Odessa, 1919.
9. Poems (Lieder un Poemen), “Klal-Verlag” publication), Berlin, 1922. Elegant copy, leather binding, from an edition of fifty numbered copies.
Various sizes and conditions.
Source: Collection of Arnie Druck.
This collection also includes the monumental enterprise of Bialik and Ravnitzky, “Sefer Ha’Agada” as well as various editions of "The Complete Works" of Bialik, single volumes of “Works by Haim Nahman Bialik and selected translations” published by Hovevei HaShira HaIvrit in Berlin in 1923, (bound in parchment bindings), and more. The collection also contains first and special editions, including:
1. Poems. First book. “Tushia” publication, Warsaw, 1901. First edition of poems by Chaim Nachman Bialik. Additional copy from earlier edition with slight variations.
2. MiShirei HaZa'am (Al HaShchita, Be’Ir HaHarega, Yadati, Be’Leil Arafel…). Odessa, 1906. First edition.
3. Megilat Ha’Esh. Printing press of Yosef Fischer, Krakow, 1906. First edition, two copies (one in especially fine binding, with ex-libris of Moshe Marks designed by Joseph Budko).
4. Chevlei Lashon. Odessa, 1908. First edition.
5. Chazon U’Masa. Odessa, [1910]. First edition.
6. Folk songs (songs and choruses). Odessa, [1910]. First edition.
7. German translations of his poems (Jüdischer Verlag editions, 1911).
8. Lieder, Originile un Ibergezetzta, Odessa, 1919.
9. Poems (Lieder un Poemen), “Klal-Verlag” publication), Berlin, 1922. Elegant copy, leather binding, from an edition of fifty numbered copies.
Various sizes and conditions.
Source: Collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $300
Eight notebooks handwritten by Yehoshua Hana Ravtnitzky (1859-1944), author, publisher and editor; editor of "Pardess" periodical, one of the founders of "Moriya" publishing house and editor of "Sefer HaAgada" together with Haim Nahman Bialik, who said about him: " when I think about my life I feel that without Ravnitzky I would not have done what I did…we are so close that I cannot imagine my existence without him..". (Yochanan Pogravinsky, "Five Years with Bialik", HaDoar, year 24, issue 23, 1945, p.485).
The notebooks presented, include comments about poems, glosses, comments and additions to compositions by Ravnitzky and by others, citations from the Sages, HaZohar, Rambam, Poets of Spain, as well as copying of manuscripts by poets of Spain; memories and reflections.
In one of the notebooks appear memories of Bialik's arrival to Eretz Israel; memories about Dubnov and Mendele Moicher Seforim; substitute for the word Fountain Pen (in Hebrew), and more. Attached is a membership card of the World Confederation of HaZionim HaKlaliyim – National Union in Eretz Israel, in the name of Ravnitzky. Sizes and conditions vary.
The notebooks presented, include comments about poems, glosses, comments and additions to compositions by Ravnitzky and by others, citations from the Sages, HaZohar, Rambam, Poets of Spain, as well as copying of manuscripts by poets of Spain; memories and reflections.
In one of the notebooks appear memories of Bialik's arrival to Eretz Israel; memories about Dubnov and Mendele Moicher Seforim; substitute for the word Fountain Pen (in Hebrew), and more. Attached is a membership card of the World Confederation of HaZionim HaKlaliyim – National Union in Eretz Israel, in the name of Ravnitzky. Sizes and conditions vary.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $250
Collection of anthologies and significant literary works, including the following publications: * “Hapoel Hatza’ir, representative of Histadrut labor federation of Eretz Israel”, volume of issues from the first year, 1908, printed in Cairo. * Binder of “Reshafim” booklets edited by David Frishman, 1909. * “Hanir, Literary Collection”. Jerusalem, 1909. * Tmol, by Asher Barash. Jaffa, 1915. Includes inscription for Alexander Ziskind Rabinowitz. * Revivim, literary collection, edited by Yosef Chaim Brener. Lvov-Jaffa [1908-1919] – booklets 1,2,3,4, 6 (booklet 5 missing). * Masu'ot, anthologies for current questions demanding close study and literature, first book, edited by Dr. M. Glikson. Published by “Omanut”, Odessa, [1919]. * Aretz, anthology of fine literature and critique, [edited by Shlomo Tzemach and Eliezer Shteinman]. Published by “Aretz”, Odessa, 1919. * Yalkut Haro’im, no. 1 from 1943 and no. 3 from 1947. Various sizes and conditions.
Source: Collection of Arnie Druck.
Source: Collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $900
1-3. Three postcards handwritten by David Vogel. Sent from Vienna to his childhood friend Shimon Polack in New-York and in Detroit, 1923-1924.
Vogel writes about his intention to travel to America, about his failing health and his bad financial situation and asks his friend to help him to distribute his book "Lifnei HaSha'ar HaAfel" and sell it in the United States.
A postcard from October 1923 reads: "With me there is nothing new. Again the same old worries, worries about material matters which are the cause for trouble and sorrow. No money! No decent apartment and no possibility of relocation, to leave Vienna – and no possibility of concentrating and working. Everything is the way it was before! Sickness and hardship! No way out!" 9X14 cm. Good condition. Creases, tears to corners.
Vogel (1891-1944) – lived alternately in Vienna, Paris, Warsaw and other cities. In 1929 he visited Eretz Israel but did not adapt to the country and a year later returned to Europe. He stayed in occupied France during WW II; in February 1944 he was transferred to Germany where he was murdered by the Nazis. Polack was Vogel's childhood friend; in time he became a leading figure in the area of Jewish education in the USA. Their friendship is mentioned in the introduction written by the poet Dan Pagis to "Kol Shirei David Vogel".
4. Lifnei HaSha'ar HaAfel, poems, by David Vogel. Vienna: "Machar", 1923.
Vogel's only poetry book, published during his lifetime. Dr. Israel Mehlman writes in his essay "Reasons for Rarity of Hebrew Books": "sometimes the books were printed in a limited number of copies limited to poems by poets who were unknown at the time; after years, when the poet gained publicity – during his life or after his death – it became clear that the first edition of his book is scarce, for example David Vogel's Lifnei HaSha'ar HaAfel (Vienna 1923)". (Mehlamn, Genuzot Sefarim, p. 139(. 78, [2] pp, 23 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, ex-library copy. Cover and title page are worn and partly detached.
Vogel writes about his intention to travel to America, about his failing health and his bad financial situation and asks his friend to help him to distribute his book "Lifnei HaSha'ar HaAfel" and sell it in the United States.
A postcard from October 1923 reads: "With me there is nothing new. Again the same old worries, worries about material matters which are the cause for trouble and sorrow. No money! No decent apartment and no possibility of relocation, to leave Vienna – and no possibility of concentrating and working. Everything is the way it was before! Sickness and hardship! No way out!" 9X14 cm. Good condition. Creases, tears to corners.
Vogel (1891-1944) – lived alternately in Vienna, Paris, Warsaw and other cities. In 1929 he visited Eretz Israel but did not adapt to the country and a year later returned to Europe. He stayed in occupied France during WW II; in February 1944 he was transferred to Germany where he was murdered by the Nazis. Polack was Vogel's childhood friend; in time he became a leading figure in the area of Jewish education in the USA. Their friendship is mentioned in the introduction written by the poet Dan Pagis to "Kol Shirei David Vogel".
4. Lifnei HaSha'ar HaAfel, poems, by David Vogel. Vienna: "Machar", 1923.
Vogel's only poetry book, published during his lifetime. Dr. Israel Mehlman writes in his essay "Reasons for Rarity of Hebrew Books": "sometimes the books were printed in a limited number of copies limited to poems by poets who were unknown at the time; after years, when the poet gained publicity – during his life or after his death – it became clear that the first edition of his book is scarce, for example David Vogel's Lifnei HaSha'ar HaAfel (Vienna 1923)". (Mehlamn, Genuzot Sefarim, p. 139(. 78, [2] pp, 23 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, ex-library copy. Cover and title page are worn and partly detached.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $200
Two first anthologies of poems by Avraham Ben Yitzhak:
1. Poems, by Avraham Ben Yitzhak. Gift of "Turim" editorial to the authors of the weekly journal in 1938-39. Tel-Aviv: "HaMa'atik" printing press, [1939].
First printed edition, edited by Israel Zemorah, compiling twelve poems by Avraham Ben Yitzhak which were published in periodicals during his life time. Printed in 30 copies only. [18] leaves, 28 cm. Good condition. Minor stains, vertical folding mark, bound with a lace.
2. Eleven poems by Avrham Ben Yitzhak. Duplicate of a handwritten text, [Gestetner, Tel-Aviv], [1941].
"Gift of the first month of study of the Histadrut (between Adar 11 and Pesach 1941) for the participants of the Poetry Group". Printed in fifty copies, "with poet's permission". This copy is not numbered. Includes eleven poems by Ben Yitzhak (the poem "HaZore'a" is omitted). 17, [1] pp, 21 cm. Fair condition. Tears, detached leaves. Originally bound with a lace through two filing holes; one hole is torn throughout the leaves. Re-bound with staples. Back cover is missing. Handwritten dedication on the cover. Attached are two leaves handwritten in Yiddish.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
1. Poems, by Avraham Ben Yitzhak. Gift of "Turim" editorial to the authors of the weekly journal in 1938-39. Tel-Aviv: "HaMa'atik" printing press, [1939].
First printed edition, edited by Israel Zemorah, compiling twelve poems by Avraham Ben Yitzhak which were published in periodicals during his life time. Printed in 30 copies only. [18] leaves, 28 cm. Good condition. Minor stains, vertical folding mark, bound with a lace.
2. Eleven poems by Avrham Ben Yitzhak. Duplicate of a handwritten text, [Gestetner, Tel-Aviv], [1941].
"Gift of the first month of study of the Histadrut (between Adar 11 and Pesach 1941) for the participants of the Poetry Group". Printed in fifty copies, "with poet's permission". This copy is not numbered. Includes eleven poems by Ben Yitzhak (the poem "HaZore'a" is omitted). 17, [1] pp, 21 cm. Fair condition. Tears, detached leaves. Originally bound with a lace through two filing holes; one hole is torn throughout the leaves. Re-bound with staples. Back cover is missing. Handwritten dedication on the cover. Attached are two leaves handwritten in Yiddish.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $250
Sold for: $313
Including buyer's premium
1. Land of Israel Earth, Samuel Joseph Agnon. Jerusalem: "Tarshish", [1942]. English. A story by S.Y. Agnon translated to English. Printout from Palestine Stories, edited and translated by Israel-Meir Lask. Printed in forty copies. On the cover appears a dedication handwritten by Agnon: "To my very dear friend…Raphael Hamitzer, S.Y. Agnon". The physician and sculptor Raphael Hamitzer (1882-1957) was an acquaintance of Agnon from their joint stay in Germany. 20, [1] pp, 21.5 cm. Good condition.
2. In the Heart of the Seas, a Story of a Journey to the Land of Israel by Shmuel Yosef Agnon, translated from Hebrew by I. M. Lask, with drawings by T. Herzl Rome. New-York: Schocken Books, 1947. English.
"Belevav Yamim", by S.Y. Agnon. Translated to English by I.M. [Israel Meir] Lask. Printed in 300 copies. The book opens with a handwritten dedication by Agnon, in German: Meinen --- Freund, Herrn Dr. R. Chamizer, S Y Agnon". 122, [1] pp, 24 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. In a cardboard slipcase
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
2. In the Heart of the Seas, a Story of a Journey to the Land of Israel by Shmuel Yosef Agnon, translated from Hebrew by I. M. Lask, with drawings by T. Herzl Rome. New-York: Schocken Books, 1947. English.
"Belevav Yamim", by S.Y. Agnon. Translated to English by I.M. [Israel Meir] Lask. Printed in 300 copies. The book opens with a handwritten dedication by Agnon, in German: Meinen --- Freund, Herrn Dr. R. Chamizer, S Y Agnon". 122, [1] pp, 24 cm. Good condition. Minor stains. In a cardboard slipcase
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
On the vorsatz of both books presented here are Ex-Libris labels "From the books of Moshe Ben Shimshon Marx" (designed by Joseph Budko) and facing them appear dedications handwritten by Agnon: in "Yamim Noraim"- "for my dear brother in law Moshe Marx, S.Y. Agnon" and in "T'mol Shilshom" – "for my dear brother in law Moshe Marx, greetings, S.Y. Agnon".
Moshe Marx (1885-1973) was a Jewish bibliographer and librarian, of Soncino Gesellschaft Society founders. His sister – Esther – was Agnon's wife.
1. Yamim Noraim, a book of customs, Midrash and legends for Rosh Hashanah and Yom HaKipurim and the days between them, edited by Shmuel Yosef Agnon. "Schocken" [Jerusalem], 1938. The typesetting for the book was done in Germany and printing was done in Jerusalem. Agnon considered "Yamim Noraim", a composition on which he worked for two and a half years, sixteen hours per day, as one of the highlights of his literary creations. In "Ma'ariv" newspaper from September 14 1956 Agnon is cited: "I was born on such and such a day, in such and such a place, I immigrated to Eretz Israel in such and such a year, I composed several books amongst them "Yamim Noraim". Attached: promotional leaf for an edition of all of Agnon's stories in four volumes and a greeting card (printed) from the author and Schocken publishing house. Volume 19.5 cm. Wear to binding. Front binding somewhat loose.
2. T'mol Shilshom (ninth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv: Schocken, 1946. Volume 19.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Moshe Marx (1885-1973) was a Jewish bibliographer and librarian, of Soncino Gesellschaft Society founders. His sister – Esther – was Agnon's wife.
1. Yamim Noraim, a book of customs, Midrash and legends for Rosh Hashanah and Yom HaKipurim and the days between them, edited by Shmuel Yosef Agnon. "Schocken" [Jerusalem], 1938. The typesetting for the book was done in Germany and printing was done in Jerusalem. Agnon considered "Yamim Noraim", a composition on which he worked for two and a half years, sixteen hours per day, as one of the highlights of his literary creations. In "Ma'ariv" newspaper from September 14 1956 Agnon is cited: "I was born on such and such a day, in such and such a place, I immigrated to Eretz Israel in such and such a year, I composed several books amongst them "Yamim Noraim". Attached: promotional leaf for an edition of all of Agnon's stories in four volumes and a greeting card (printed) from the author and Schocken publishing house. Volume 19.5 cm. Wear to binding. Front binding somewhat loose.
2. T'mol Shilshom (ninth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv: Schocken, 1946. Volume 19.5 cm. Good condition. Minor stains.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $600
Sold for: $1,625
Including buyer's premium
1-5. Five letters handwritten by S.Y. Agnon, 1940s-60s. Sent to different addressees (Gabriel Talphir, Joseph Uppin, Mr. Gelber).
6-7. A note handwritten by Agnon; postcard with a short letter by Agnon.
8. Reprint, Agnon's story "HaPerek HaAcharon" with a handwritten dedication by Agnon, for Gabriel and Rivka Talphir.
9-10. Two postal envelopes, addressed to Gabriel Talphir, handwritten by Agnon.
11. New Year greeting from "Union of Judaica Collectors in Israel" with postal stamps, "Day of Appearance" ink stamp and Agnon's handwritten signature.
12-13. Postcard with Agnon's photo, portrait painting of Agnon (printed).
Sizes and conditions vary.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
6-7. A note handwritten by Agnon; postcard with a short letter by Agnon.
8. Reprint, Agnon's story "HaPerek HaAcharon" with a handwritten dedication by Agnon, for Gabriel and Rivka Talphir.
9-10. Two postal envelopes, addressed to Gabriel Talphir, handwritten by Agnon.
11. New Year greeting from "Union of Judaica Collectors in Israel" with postal stamps, "Day of Appearance" ink stamp and Agnon's handwritten signature.
12-13. Postcard with Agnon's photo, portrait painting of Agnon (printed).
Sizes and conditions vary.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $1,000
1. Al Kapot HaManul, love stories by Agnon. Berlin; Jüdischer Verlag, 1923. Dedication: "to the exceptional scholar Rabbi David Yelin, with great honor and greetings, S.Y. Agnon, Passover, 1924".
2. MiDira LeDira, a story. Jerusalem: Schocken, 1940. Dedication: "for G. Talphir with friendship S.Y. Agnon". Stains and a moth-hole.
3. Sipur Pashut (fifth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Berlin: Schocken, 1935. Family dedication: "to my dear brother in law R' Joseph Marx, S.Y. Agnon".
5. Elu VeElu (eighth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Jerusalem: Schocken, 1942. Dedication: " to Heintz Herman, sincerely, S.Y. Agnon". Dr. Heinz Herman was the director of the first Jewish psychiatric hospital "Ezrat Nashim" and the first psychiatrist who clinically diagnosed the "Jerusalem syndrome".
6. Elu veElu (eighth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Jerusalem: Schocken, 1942. Dedication: "to my friends Lola and Eliyahu Herman, with a 'good greeting', S.Y. Agnon".
7. MiShimnei HaAretz [reprint from the book Hanoch Yelon], Jerusalem, 1963. Dedication: "for Ephraim Broide, a greeting, S.Y. Agnon".
8. Shnei Talmidei Chachamim shehayu BeIreinu / Agadat HaSofer. Schocken publishing, 1967. Dedication: "to Alexander Broide, with friendship, S.Y. Agnon".
9. Ma'oz U-Machase [reprint]. Dedication:" to Alexander Broide, S.Y. Agnon".
10. Yosef Haim Brenner in his Life and Death [reprint from "Molad"]. Dedication:" to Mrs. Sivan, with a Shanah Tovah greeting, S.Y. Agnon".
11. Last chapter [reprint]. Dedication on the first page.
From the collelction of Arnie Druck.
2. MiDira LeDira, a story. Jerusalem: Schocken, 1940. Dedication: "for G. Talphir with friendship S.Y. Agnon". Stains and a moth-hole.
3. Sipur Pashut (fifth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Berlin: Schocken, 1935. Family dedication: "to my dear brother in law R' Joseph Marx, S.Y. Agnon".
5. Elu VeElu (eighth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Jerusalem: Schocken, 1942. Dedication: " to Heintz Herman, sincerely, S.Y. Agnon". Dr. Heinz Herman was the director of the first Jewish psychiatric hospital "Ezrat Nashim" and the first psychiatrist who clinically diagnosed the "Jerusalem syndrome".
6. Elu veElu (eighth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Jerusalem: Schocken, 1942. Dedication: "to my friends Lola and Eliyahu Herman, with a 'good greeting', S.Y. Agnon".
7. MiShimnei HaAretz [reprint from the book Hanoch Yelon], Jerusalem, 1963. Dedication: "for Ephraim Broide, a greeting, S.Y. Agnon".
8. Shnei Talmidei Chachamim shehayu BeIreinu / Agadat HaSofer. Schocken publishing, 1967. Dedication: "to Alexander Broide, with friendship, S.Y. Agnon".
9. Ma'oz U-Machase [reprint]. Dedication:" to Alexander Broide, S.Y. Agnon".
10. Yosef Haim Brenner in his Life and Death [reprint from "Molad"]. Dedication:" to Mrs. Sivan, with a Shanah Tovah greeting, S.Y. Agnon".
11. Last chapter [reprint]. Dedication on the first page.
From the collelction of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $200
1. Shriftn in dray teyln, S.Y. Agnon. Yiddish: Eliezer Rubinstein. Tel-Aviv: "HaMenorah" publishing, 1969. Writings of S.Y. Agnon in "Three Parts", in one heavy volume. Illusatrations by Yosl Bergner, graphics by Eli Gross, essay about Agnon by Dov Sadan. Special copy, no. 18 from an edition of 50 numbered copies, with author's signature (on first title page). Nice dedication by the translator. 605, [1] pp, 23.5 cm. Good condition.
2. A Pshute Mayse, S.Y. Agnon. Yiddish: Eliezer Rubinstein. New-York: "Der Kwal" publishing, 1958. Translation into Yiddish of the novel "Sipur Pashut". Foreword by Aharon Zeitlin. Essay about Agnon's writings in Yiddish by Dov Sadan, illustrations by Yosl Bergner. Printed in 1208 copies. 291, [2] pp, 23 cm. Good condition.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
2. A Pshute Mayse, S.Y. Agnon. Yiddish: Eliezer Rubinstein. New-York: "Der Kwal" publishing, 1958. Translation into Yiddish of the novel "Sipur Pashut". Foreword by Aharon Zeitlin. Essay about Agnon's writings in Yiddish by Dov Sadan, illustrations by Yosl Bergner. Printed in 1208 copies. 291, [2] pp, 23 cm. Good condition.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections
November 20, 2013
Opening: $200
Sold for: $350
Including buyer's premium
Sixteen books by S.Y. Agnon, some of which are first editions.
* VeHaya HeAkov LeMishor. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1919. * Givat HaChol. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1919. * MeHamat HaMetzik. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1921. * BeSod Yesharim, Sipurei Ma'asiyot. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1921. Includes the stories "Agunot", Ma'ase Rav MeEretz HaKodesh", "Agadat HaSofer", "Ma'a lot UMoradot", and "Hotev HaEtzim". * Al Kapot HaManul, love stories by S.Y. Agnon. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1922. * Polin, Sipurei Agadot shel S.Y. Agnon. Tel-Aviv: "Hedim", 1925. First edition, printed in 1600 copies. * Ma'ase Rabbi Gadiel HaTinok, S.Y. Agnon. Berlin: Marx & Co, 1925. Printed in 500 copies. * Ma'ase HaMeshulach MeEretz HaKedosha Shel S.Y. Agnon. Tel-Aviv "Kupat HaSefer", 1925. * Sipur HaShanim HaTovot/MaAse HaRav VeHa'oreach, S.Y.Agnon, Sifriya Ketana published by P. Ginsburg (book 22), 1927. * BeLevav Yamim, Sipur Agadah by S.Y. Agnon, Berlin: Schocken, 1935. Title page is missing. * Mazal Dagim, with illustrations by Yosl Bergner. Published by the JNUL, Jerusalem, 1981. Numbered copy from an edition of 200 copies, signed by Bergner. * Five additional books by Agnon published in the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Attached is a "HaAretz" newspaper supplement published when Agnon won the Noble Prize for Literature. Sizes and conditions vary.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
* VeHaya HeAkov LeMishor. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1919. * Givat HaChol. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1919. * MeHamat HaMetzik. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1921. * BeSod Yesharim, Sipurei Ma'asiyot. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1921. Includes the stories "Agunot", Ma'ase Rav MeEretz HaKodesh", "Agadat HaSofer", "Ma'a lot UMoradot", and "Hotev HaEtzim". * Al Kapot HaManul, love stories by S.Y. Agnon. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1922. * Polin, Sipurei Agadot shel S.Y. Agnon. Tel-Aviv: "Hedim", 1925. First edition, printed in 1600 copies. * Ma'ase Rabbi Gadiel HaTinok, S.Y. Agnon. Berlin: Marx & Co, 1925. Printed in 500 copies. * Ma'ase HaMeshulach MeEretz HaKedosha Shel S.Y. Agnon. Tel-Aviv "Kupat HaSefer", 1925. * Sipur HaShanim HaTovot/MaAse HaRav VeHa'oreach, S.Y.Agnon, Sifriya Ketana published by P. Ginsburg (book 22), 1927. * BeLevav Yamim, Sipur Agadah by S.Y. Agnon, Berlin: Schocken, 1935. Title page is missing. * Mazal Dagim, with illustrations by Yosl Bergner. Published by the JNUL, Jerusalem, 1981. Numbered copy from an edition of 200 copies, signed by Bergner. * Five additional books by Agnon published in the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Attached is a "HaAretz" newspaper supplement published when Agnon won the Noble Prize for Literature. Sizes and conditions vary.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature