SY Agnon – Eleven Books and Booklets with Dedications Handwritten by Agnon

Opening: $1,000
1. Al Kapot HaManul, love stories by Agnon. Berlin; Jüdischer Verlag, 1923. Dedication: "to the exceptional scholar Rabbi David Yelin, with great honor and greetings, S.Y. Agnon, Passover, 1924".
2. MiDira LeDira, a story. Jerusalem: Schocken, 1940. Dedication: "for G. Talphir with friendship S.Y. Agnon". Stains and a moth-hole.
3. Sipur Pashut (fifth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Berlin: Schocken, 1935. Family dedication: "to my dear brother in law R' Joseph Marx, S.Y. Agnon".
5. Elu VeElu (eighth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Jerusalem: Schocken, 1942. Dedication: " to Heintz Herman, sincerely, S.Y. Agnon". Dr. Heinz Herman was the director of the first Jewish psychiatric hospital "Ezrat Nashim" and the first psychiatrist who clinically diagnosed the "Jerusalem syndrome".
6. Elu veElu (eighth volume of "All of S.Y. Agnon's Stories"). Jerusalem: Schocken, 1942. Dedication: "to my friends Lola and Eliyahu Herman, with a 'good greeting', S.Y. Agnon".
7. MiShimnei HaAretz [reprint from the book Hanoch Yelon], Jerusalem, 1963. Dedication: "for Ephraim Broide, a greeting, S.Y. Agnon".
8. Shnei Talmidei Chachamim shehayu BeIreinu / Agadat HaSofer. Schocken publishing, 1967. Dedication: "to Alexander Broide, with friendship, S.Y. Agnon".
9. Ma'oz U-Machase [reprint]. Dedication:" to Alexander Broide, S.Y. Agnon".
10. Yosef Haim Brenner in his Life and Death [reprint from "Molad"]. Dedication:" to Mrs. Sivan, with a Shanah Tovah greeting, S.Y. Agnon".
11. Last chapter [reprint]. Dedication on the first page.
From the collelction of Arnie Druck.
Hebrew Literature
Hebrew Literature