Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $65,000
Large and important collection of letters by Rebbes of Slonim, copies of their Torah discourses, letters by Hassidic giants and various documents relating to Slonim Hassidism and its institutions. Collection includes:
* Two leaves of Torah discourse in holy handwriting of first Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg author of "Yesod Ha’Avodah" and "Be’er Avraham" (1804-1883), one dated 1881.
* Important and unknown letter from 1858, by elderly of Hassidim, Rabbi Yosef of Dzialoszyce, who invites the public to participate in the coronation of the "Yesod Ha’Avodah" after the demise of their rabbi and mentor, Rebbe Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin, during that year, when the majority of Hassidim of Lechovitch-Kobrin flocked after the prominent Rabbi Avraham Weinberg of Slonim (minority followed Rebbes of Lechovitch, Kobrin and Koidanov). In this historical letter he writes that the majority of the Hassidim will gather for Rosh HaShana and holidays by “Rabbi Avraham of Slonim…”, and he continues writing harshly against Rabbi of Koidanov and people of Chabad.
~ The holy Rabbi Yosef Dzialoszyce (passed away in Slonim on Tishrei 1858, Encyclopedia of Hassidism II, p 108), among Hassidic luminaries of Lithuania, closely associated with Rabbi Mordechai and his son Rabbi No’ach of Lechovitch. Among prominent Hassidim of Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin and disciple of Rabbi Avraham of Slonim. Holy and humble man to whom miracles and revelations of divine spirit are attributed.
* Signed letter and several leaves in holy handwriting of second Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg author of "Divrei Shmuel" (1850-1916).
* 12 letters by third Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the second) of Baranovich, author of "Beit Avraham" (1884-1933). All written and signed in his holy handwriting (except for one which was sent by him without a signature). Letters include a lengthy letter (of 7 pages) sent to Hassidim in Eretz Israel following the 1929 Palestine riots.
* 4 letters by his son, Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua (1913-1943, perished in the Holocaust). Three of the four signed in his holy handwriting.
* Two letters in handwriting of Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Kastelanitz-Slonim (1868-1953). One letter signed in his holy handwriting. * Draft of letter of coronation written by Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria, crowning the elderly Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim as Rebbe of Slonim [following the Holocaust in which majority of families of Rebbes residing in Poland were killed].
* 6 letters written and signed in holy handwriting (as well as some unsigned letters), of Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the third) author of "Birkat Avraham" (1889-1981). Letters contain content which is of major historical significance to matters pertaining to Agudat Yisrael and other matters.
* Manuscript of Hassidic discourse, from 1874, in handwriting of Rabbi Yehuda Kastelanitz-Slonim (nephew of the "Yesod Ha’Avodah". Immigrated to Tiberias and was prominent Hassid of Slonim. His son is Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim and his son-in-law is the Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Kliers). * Copies of articles of Hassidism by the "Divrei Shmuel" and the "Beit Avraham" (some dated), some apparently in handwriting of the righteous Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Midner. * Letters by Rabbi Moshe Kliers rabbi of Tiberias, Rabbi Tzvi (Hirsch) Luria of Tiberias and his sons Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria and Rabbi Aharon Yosef Luria, Rabbi Ezriel Zelig Lieder and others. * Letters by Hassidim of Poland and by Hassidim who traveled from Tiberias to Hassidic courts of Slonim in Baranovich and
Bialystok. * Important letter by Rabbi Ya’akov Sander Greenberg, with detailed description of most recent illness of Rebbe Rabbi Yissachar Leib Weinberg in 1928. * Letters regarding immigration from Poland to Eretz Israel (including recommendation upon official stationery of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook for immigration of Rebbe Rabbi Shalom No’ach Brozofsky to Eretz Israel). * Documents and letters pertaining to matters of management of Slonim Yeshiva in Jerusalem. * More.
Over 100 leaves (approx. 90 items). Various sizes and conditions.
* Two leaves of Torah discourse in holy handwriting of first Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg author of "Yesod Ha’Avodah" and "Be’er Avraham" (1804-1883), one dated 1881.
* Important and unknown letter from 1858, by elderly of Hassidim, Rabbi Yosef of Dzialoszyce, who invites the public to participate in the coronation of the "Yesod Ha’Avodah" after the demise of their rabbi and mentor, Rebbe Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin, during that year, when the majority of Hassidim of Lechovitch-Kobrin flocked after the prominent Rabbi Avraham Weinberg of Slonim (minority followed Rebbes of Lechovitch, Kobrin and Koidanov). In this historical letter he writes that the majority of the Hassidim will gather for Rosh HaShana and holidays by “Rabbi Avraham of Slonim…”, and he continues writing harshly against Rabbi of Koidanov and people of Chabad.
~ The holy Rabbi Yosef Dzialoszyce (passed away in Slonim on Tishrei 1858, Encyclopedia of Hassidism II, p 108), among Hassidic luminaries of Lithuania, closely associated with Rabbi Mordechai and his son Rabbi No’ach of Lechovitch. Among prominent Hassidim of Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin and disciple of Rabbi Avraham of Slonim. Holy and humble man to whom miracles and revelations of divine spirit are attributed.
* Signed letter and several leaves in holy handwriting of second Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg author of "Divrei Shmuel" (1850-1916).
* 12 letters by third Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the second) of Baranovich, author of "Beit Avraham" (1884-1933). All written and signed in his holy handwriting (except for one which was sent by him without a signature). Letters include a lengthy letter (of 7 pages) sent to Hassidim in Eretz Israel following the 1929 Palestine riots.
* 4 letters by his son, Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua (1913-1943, perished in the Holocaust). Three of the four signed in his holy handwriting.
* Two letters in handwriting of Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Kastelanitz-Slonim (1868-1953). One letter signed in his holy handwriting. * Draft of letter of coronation written by Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria, crowning the elderly Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim as Rebbe of Slonim [following the Holocaust in which majority of families of Rebbes residing in Poland were killed].
* 6 letters written and signed in holy handwriting (as well as some unsigned letters), of Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Weinberg (the third) author of "Birkat Avraham" (1889-1981). Letters contain content which is of major historical significance to matters pertaining to Agudat Yisrael and other matters.
* Manuscript of Hassidic discourse, from 1874, in handwriting of Rabbi Yehuda Kastelanitz-Slonim (nephew of the "Yesod Ha’Avodah". Immigrated to Tiberias and was prominent Hassid of Slonim. His son is Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim and his son-in-law is the Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Kliers). * Copies of articles of Hassidism by the "Divrei Shmuel" and the "Beit Avraham" (some dated), some apparently in handwriting of the righteous Ga’on Rabbi Moshe Midner. * Letters by Rabbi Moshe Kliers rabbi of Tiberias, Rabbi Tzvi (Hirsch) Luria of Tiberias and his sons Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria and Rabbi Aharon Yosef Luria, Rabbi Ezriel Zelig Lieder and others. * Letters by Hassidim of Poland and by Hassidim who traveled from Tiberias to Hassidic courts of Slonim in Baranovich and
Bialystok. * Important letter by Rabbi Ya’akov Sander Greenberg, with detailed description of most recent illness of Rebbe Rabbi Yissachar Leib Weinberg in 1928. * Letters regarding immigration from Poland to Eretz Israel (including recommendation upon official stationery of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook for immigration of Rebbe Rabbi Shalom No’ach Brozofsky to Eretz Israel). * Documents and letters pertaining to matters of management of Slonim Yeshiva in Jerusalem. * More.
Over 100 leaves (approx. 90 items). Various sizes and conditions.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $10,000
Huge archive composed of hundreds of letters and documents, from archive of Rabbi Shmaya Luria, man of great accomplishments, among veteran activists of "Agudat Yisrael", "Beit Ya’akov" and Slonim Hassidism in Eretz Israel. Due to the archive’s enormous size the documents were arranged according to topics:
1.“Achim LaTzara” [fellow-sufferer] – Immigration and Certificates: Letter by Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg (perished in the Holocaust); numerous correspondences with heads of Yeshivot of Slonim in Baranovich and with Hassidic giants of Poland (includes formal certificates from Slonim Yeshiva in Baranovich, many letters by Rabbi Nissan Sheinberg Av Beit Din of Baranovich and additional rabbis); approximately 10 letters from "Ohr Torah" Yeshiva in Tiberias signed by Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Weinberg author of "Birkat Avraham"; letter by Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Moshe Kalish of Polaniec; lengthy correspondence with Rebbe Rabbi Ya’akov Elimelech Panet Av Beit Din of Desh (1889-1944) and his son Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Panet; letters by Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech son of Rabbi Yitzchak Yechiel Panet; letter by Rabbi Moshe Frankel Chief Av Beit Din of Zeshiva; letters by Rabbi Avraham Avli Rapaport Av Beit Din of Kielce; letter by Rabbi Ya’akov Yitzchak Weissblum Av Beit Din of Świrz; many additional letters.
2. Agudat Yisrael: Letters and documents from period of division of congregations to "Knesset Yisrael"and "Ashkenazi City Committee"; many letters by Rabbi Moshe Blau, leader of Agudat Yisrael in Jerusalem and from his son; Great Assembly of Vienna [where Rabbi Shmaya was sent as a representative on behalf of "Agudat Yisrael Youth Movement" of Jerusalem]; polemic Rabbi Kook and polemic of slaughtering; many letters regarding visit of Rebbe of Gur in Jerusalem, and polemic in opposition of "Kol Israel" following visit of Rebbe by Rabbi Kook; letters pertaining to "Beit Ya’akov"; various proclamations and publications; more.
3. Press and Kol Israel Newspaper: Various letters pertaining to "Kol Israel" and articles by Rabbi Shmaya and others [includes articles by his brother Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria of Tiberias]; letter and documents regarding establishment of daily newspaper “Israel” by the initiative of Rabbi Shmaya Luria and Dr. Mordechai Bucksbaum; correspondences with general newspaper editorial staffs.
4. Tiberias and Safed: Letters by rabbi of city, Rabbi Moshe Kliers and his sons Rabbi Elisha and Rabbi Avraham Mordechai; copy of will of Rabbi Moshe Kliers; regulations of Chevra Kadisha of Ashkenazi Kollelot of Tiberias; polemic of Orthodox community in Tiberias, refusing to accept a rabbi on behalf of the Rabbanut Rashit of "Knesset Yisrael"; torrential rain in Tiberias and destruction of Mikva’ot [ritual baths]; letters by rabbis and members of Tiberias; interesting documents and letters by congregation of Safed.
5. Family: Many letters by his father Rabbi Tzvi (Hirsch) Luria, by his brother Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu, (collection includes dozens of letters by Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu). Letters of Torah and Hassidism discourse by his brother Rabbi Aharon Yosef. Letters by other family members. Letter from period of 1948 War of Independence and detailed description of security and economic situation in Tiberias, Safed and Jerusalem.
6. Miscellaneous: Copy of correspondence with Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn of Lubavitch (discussing whether author of "Ohr HaChaim" authored his composition while teaching Chumash to his daughters, or whether he was not blessed with children); historical letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin during period of Holocaust (dated 22 October, 1942), in which he writes in detail regarding the mass annihilation throughout Europe; letters by Rabbi Pinchas Epstein; many letters pertaining to matters of education and to Ministry of Education, and more.
Rabbi Shmuel Shmaya Luria (1905-1989) was born in Tiberias to his father Rabbi Tzvi Luria. Raised in the presence of giant Hassidim of Slonim in Tiberias under the leadership of his older brothers, Rabbi Aharon Yosef Luria (author of "Avodat Pnim") and Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria (author of "Sha’arei Limud", "Avkot Rochlim" and "Nachalei Emunah"). After his marriage he became one of the most prominent activists of "Agudat Yisrael" and "Mercaz Beit Ya’akov". Was among first editors of Agudat Yisrael’s newspaper "Kol Israel" [during period of polemic of Rabbi Kook]. Was greatly involved in the arrangement of certificates for immigration to Eretz Israel, and following the establishment of the State was appointed as supervisor of Orthodox education [“Zerem Revi’I” (fourth stream) which eventually became "Mercaz HaChinuch Ha’Atzma’I"]. Later on he was in charge of the post-primary education in Ministry of Education. Was among managers of the Slonim Yeshiva in Jerusalem and among leaders of congregation of Hassidism.
Over 500 items (more than 700 leaves). Various sizes and conditions.
1.“Achim LaTzara” [fellow-sufferer] – Immigration and Certificates: Letter by Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg (perished in the Holocaust); numerous correspondences with heads of Yeshivot of Slonim in Baranovich and with Hassidic giants of Poland (includes formal certificates from Slonim Yeshiva in Baranovich, many letters by Rabbi Nissan Sheinberg Av Beit Din of Baranovich and additional rabbis); approximately 10 letters from "Ohr Torah" Yeshiva in Tiberias signed by Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Weinberg author of "Birkat Avraham"; letter by Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Moshe Kalish of Polaniec; lengthy correspondence with Rebbe Rabbi Ya’akov Elimelech Panet Av Beit Din of Desh (1889-1944) and his son Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Panet; letters by Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech son of Rabbi Yitzchak Yechiel Panet; letter by Rabbi Moshe Frankel Chief Av Beit Din of Zeshiva; letters by Rabbi Avraham Avli Rapaport Av Beit Din of Kielce; letter by Rabbi Ya’akov Yitzchak Weissblum Av Beit Din of Świrz; many additional letters.
2. Agudat Yisrael: Letters and documents from period of division of congregations to "Knesset Yisrael"and "Ashkenazi City Committee"; many letters by Rabbi Moshe Blau, leader of Agudat Yisrael in Jerusalem and from his son; Great Assembly of Vienna [where Rabbi Shmaya was sent as a representative on behalf of "Agudat Yisrael Youth Movement" of Jerusalem]; polemic Rabbi Kook and polemic of slaughtering; many letters regarding visit of Rebbe of Gur in Jerusalem, and polemic in opposition of "Kol Israel" following visit of Rebbe by Rabbi Kook; letters pertaining to "Beit Ya’akov"; various proclamations and publications; more.
3. Press and Kol Israel Newspaper: Various letters pertaining to "Kol Israel" and articles by Rabbi Shmaya and others [includes articles by his brother Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria of Tiberias]; letter and documents regarding establishment of daily newspaper “Israel” by the initiative of Rabbi Shmaya Luria and Dr. Mordechai Bucksbaum; correspondences with general newspaper editorial staffs.
4. Tiberias and Safed: Letters by rabbi of city, Rabbi Moshe Kliers and his sons Rabbi Elisha and Rabbi Avraham Mordechai; copy of will of Rabbi Moshe Kliers; regulations of Chevra Kadisha of Ashkenazi Kollelot of Tiberias; polemic of Orthodox community in Tiberias, refusing to accept a rabbi on behalf of the Rabbanut Rashit of "Knesset Yisrael"; torrential rain in Tiberias and destruction of Mikva’ot [ritual baths]; letters by rabbis and members of Tiberias; interesting documents and letters by congregation of Safed.
5. Family: Many letters by his father Rabbi Tzvi (Hirsch) Luria, by his brother Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu, (collection includes dozens of letters by Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu). Letters of Torah and Hassidism discourse by his brother Rabbi Aharon Yosef. Letters by other family members. Letter from period of 1948 War of Independence and detailed description of security and economic situation in Tiberias, Safed and Jerusalem.
6. Miscellaneous: Copy of correspondence with Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn of Lubavitch (discussing whether author of "Ohr HaChaim" authored his composition while teaching Chumash to his daughters, or whether he was not blessed with children); historical letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin during period of Holocaust (dated 22 October, 1942), in which he writes in detail regarding the mass annihilation throughout Europe; letters by Rabbi Pinchas Epstein; many letters pertaining to matters of education and to Ministry of Education, and more.
Rabbi Shmuel Shmaya Luria (1905-1989) was born in Tiberias to his father Rabbi Tzvi Luria. Raised in the presence of giant Hassidim of Slonim in Tiberias under the leadership of his older brothers, Rabbi Aharon Yosef Luria (author of "Avodat Pnim") and Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria (author of "Sha’arei Limud", "Avkot Rochlim" and "Nachalei Emunah"). After his marriage he became one of the most prominent activists of "Agudat Yisrael" and "Mercaz Beit Ya’akov". Was among first editors of Agudat Yisrael’s newspaper "Kol Israel" [during period of polemic of Rabbi Kook]. Was greatly involved in the arrangement of certificates for immigration to Eretz Israel, and following the establishment of the State was appointed as supervisor of Orthodox education [“Zerem Revi’I” (fourth stream) which eventually became "Mercaz HaChinuch Ha’Atzma’I"]. Later on he was in charge of the post-primary education in Ministry of Education. Was among managers of the Slonim Yeshiva in Jerusalem and among leaders of congregation of Hassidism.
Over 500 items (more than 700 leaves). Various sizes and conditions.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $250
Sold for: $525
Including buyer's premium
A historical letter by "Va'ad Chassidei Slonim", concerning the leadership of the Chassidut in the interim (after the death of the rebbes in the Holocaust) and the establishment of the council of the elder Chassidim for electing the new rebbe. Jerusalem, Iyar 1945.
"In light of the decisions at our meeting… that the opinion of our elders is good and will influence the chosen committee's activities in all important matters that demand responsibility and resolving, it has been agreed amongst us to assemble a fixed council of the elders of our community … tzaddikim and elevated Chassidim from the previous generation…".
Signed by Rabbis: "Avraham Weinberg" [the author of Birkat Avraham, who later was appointed rebbe in 1954]; "Aharon Yosef Luria"; "Mendel Wieg"; "Yisrael Shimon Kastilinitz" etc.
22X14 cm. Good condition.
"In light of the decisions at our meeting… that the opinion of our elders is good and will influence the chosen committee's activities in all important matters that demand responsibility and resolving, it has been agreed amongst us to assemble a fixed council of the elders of our community … tzaddikim and elevated Chassidim from the previous generation…".
Signed by Rabbis: "Avraham Weinberg" [the author of Birkat Avraham, who later was appointed rebbe in 1954]; "Aharon Yosef Luria"; "Mendel Wieg"; "Yisrael Shimon Kastilinitz" etc.
22X14 cm. Good condition.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $350
Including buyer's premium
Letter by Rebbi Avraham Elimelech Perlow, Pinsk Karlin, in scribal writing and signed by" Avraham Elimelech of Karlin".
A letter of receipt upon receiving money from the woman" Malka bat Perel", and blessing her "that she should be blessed from The Source of Blessings with a plenty of blessing and good and should merit having pleasure and nachas from her children with peace and tranquility and Hashem should fulfill all her heart's desire for the good…".
Rebbe Avraham Elimelech Perlow (1891-1943, Encyclopedia L'Chassidut Vol. 1, Page 97), was the most renowned of the six sons of the Rebbe "HaYanuka", Rabbi Yisrael of Stolin (The Frankfurter). Most of his father's Chassidim in Russia and Eretz Yisrael flocked to him and to prevent controversy with the Chassidim of his brother Rabbi Moshe of Stolin, he moved his court to Karlin near Pinsk. He established the Karlin Yeshiva in Luninitz. He and his descendants perished in the Holocaust.
C. 11 cm. Fair condition, margins cut and torn (no damage to text), pasted on leaf for preservation.
A letter of receipt upon receiving money from the woman" Malka bat Perel", and blessing her "that she should be blessed from The Source of Blessings with a plenty of blessing and good and should merit having pleasure and nachas from her children with peace and tranquility and Hashem should fulfill all her heart's desire for the good…".
Rebbe Avraham Elimelech Perlow (1891-1943, Encyclopedia L'Chassidut Vol. 1, Page 97), was the most renowned of the six sons of the Rebbe "HaYanuka", Rabbi Yisrael of Stolin (The Frankfurter). Most of his father's Chassidim in Russia and Eretz Yisrael flocked to him and to prevent controversy with the Chassidim of his brother Rabbi Moshe of Stolin, he moved his court to Karlin near Pinsk. He established the Karlin Yeshiva in Luninitz. He and his descendants perished in the Holocaust.
C. 11 cm. Fair condition, margins cut and torn (no damage to text), pasted on leaf for preservation.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $350
Letter of acknowledgment for receipt of “Kaspei Ma’amadot”, by Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlow, Pinsk Karlin.
The letter is written in scribe writing and at conclusion the Rebbe added approximately two lines in his holy handwriting: “Wishing a good and blessed year, Avraham Elimelech son of the holy Rebbe”.
The holy Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlow (1891-1943, perished in the Holocaust, Encyclopedia of Hassidism, I, p. 57). For additional information related to him see previous item.
20 cm. Good condition.
The letter is written in scribe writing and at conclusion the Rebbe added approximately two lines in his holy handwriting: “Wishing a good and blessed year, Avraham Elimelech son of the holy Rebbe”.
The holy Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlow (1891-1943, perished in the Holocaust, Encyclopedia of Hassidism, I, p. 57). For additional information related to him see previous item.
20 cm. Good condition.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Letter in handwriting and signature of Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlow. [Undated].
Authorization of receipt of money for redemption of the soul and blessings. “… and I bless you… that the Almighty bless you with wealth and that you merit to see pleasure from your descendants…”.
11X13 cm. Good condition. Tears on margins and folding marks.
Authorization of receipt of money for redemption of the soul and blessings. “… and I bless you… that the Almighty bless you with wealth and that you merit to see pleasure from your descendants…”.
11X13 cm. Good condition. Tears on margins and folding marks.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
Letters by the heads of the Karlin Chassidism in Jerusalem, to the editors of the newspaper" Kol Yisrael". Jerusalem, 1945.
The letter was written in the wake of the dispute "that some people sent by the evil inclination rose to incite dispute and quarreling amongst the holy congregation of Karlin Chassidism who have a good name all over the city". They request the newspaper editorial board to "have compassion on Heaven's honor… and to be considerate of the honor of the tzadikim the rebbes founders of Karlin Chassidism for the past 180 years".
The following signed the letter in their own handwriting: Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Heltovsky, Rabbi Shnuer Zalman Grossman, Rabbi [Menachem] Ben Tzion Shwartz, Rabbi David Zvi Gutstein, Rabbi Zalman Brizel and Rabbi Aharon Heltovsky.
28 cm. dry paper, good condition.
The letter was written in the wake of the dispute "that some people sent by the evil inclination rose to incite dispute and quarreling amongst the holy congregation of Karlin Chassidism who have a good name all over the city". They request the newspaper editorial board to "have compassion on Heaven's honor… and to be considerate of the honor of the tzadikim the rebbes founders of Karlin Chassidism for the past 180 years".
The following signed the letter in their own handwriting: Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Heltovsky, Rabbi Shnuer Zalman Grossman, Rabbi [Menachem] Ben Tzion Shwartz, Rabbi David Zvi Gutstein, Rabbi Zalman Brizel and Rabbi Aharon Heltovsky.
28 cm. dry paper, good condition.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $350
Letter by Rebbe of Bolchov Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Perlow (letter in Yiddish to his daughter and son-in-law). Bolchov, [post 1924].
The righteous Ga’on Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Perlow (1880-1943), son of the Rebbe Rabbi Ya’akov of Novominsk and son-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel-Padua Av Beit Din of Bolichov (Galicia). Exalted genius and author of many books in Halacha and Hassidism. At the age of 12 already corresponded in Halacha with Torah giants of his generation. From 1904 succeeded his father-in-law as Rebbe and Rabbi of Bolichov where he established an important Yeshiva. Perished in the Holocaust.
Postcard (with printed logo) 15X10.5 cm., written on both sides (approx. 33 lines) in his handwriting and signature. Good-fair condition, wear, slight tear on fold, stamp torn off.
The righteous Ga’on Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Perlow (1880-1943), son of the Rebbe Rabbi Ya’akov of Novominsk and son-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel-Padua Av Beit Din of Bolichov (Galicia). Exalted genius and author of many books in Halacha and Hassidism. At the age of 12 already corresponded in Halacha with Torah giants of his generation. From 1904 succeeded his father-in-law as Rebbe and Rabbi of Bolichov where he established an important Yeshiva. Perished in the Holocaust.
Postcard (with printed logo) 15X10.5 cm., written on both sides (approx. 33 lines) in his handwriting and signature. Good-fair condition, wear, slight tear on fold, stamp torn off.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $500
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Letter signed by Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam Rebbe of Bobov. New York, (1981).
The holy Ga’on Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam (1907-2000), son of Rebbe Rabbi Ben-Tzion Halberstam author of "Kedushat Tzion", arrived in New York after the Holocaust and reestablished the Bobov dynasty, which is one of the largest and most dominant Hassidic courts.
Official stationery, 27 cm. some of the handwritten letter photocopied, signature in his holy handwriting: “Shlomo Halberstam”. Good condition, folding marks.
The holy Ga’on Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam (1907-2000), son of Rebbe Rabbi Ben-Tzion Halberstam author of "Kedushat Tzion", arrived in New York after the Holocaust and reestablished the Bobov dynasty, which is one of the largest and most dominant Hassidic courts.
Official stationery, 27 cm. some of the handwritten letter photocopied, signature in his holy handwriting: “Shlomo Halberstam”. Good condition, folding marks.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $300
Sold for: $525
Including buyer's premium
A bundle of letters by the Rebbe of Zmigrod Rabbi Yisrael Halberstam, and documents signed by Chief Rabbi Ben Tzion Chai Uziel and Rabbi Yisrael Halberstam, in regard to the Rebbe's travels, as an emissary of Rabbi Uziel, for fundraising in the Far East. Bombay (India), Singapore and Sydney (Australia). 1947.
Interesting letters, one is a detailed long letter (9 pages) with many details of his travels including a description of the state of Jewry in Bombay and in the Jewish camps of Afghanistan refugees.
Rabbi Yisrael Halberstam Rebbe of Zmigrod (1891-1981), son of Rebbe Sinai of Zmigrod, fled from the Nazi inferno via Siberia and Tehran [he was involved in the "Yaldei Tehran" affair] and he reached Jerusalem. After some time, he moved to the US where he established his beit midrash. His renowned sons are Rabbi Sinai Rabbi of Zmigrod NY and Rabbi Baruch Shimshon Rabbi of Rudnik NY.
6 letters and documents, varied size, good conditions.
Interesting letters, one is a detailed long letter (9 pages) with many details of his travels including a description of the state of Jewry in Bombay and in the Jewish camps of Afghanistan refugees.
Rabbi Yisrael Halberstam Rebbe of Zmigrod (1891-1981), son of Rebbe Sinai of Zmigrod, fled from the Nazi inferno via Siberia and Tehran [he was involved in the "Yaldei Tehran" affair] and he reached Jerusalem. After some time, he moved to the US where he established his beit midrash. His renowned sons are Rabbi Sinai Rabbi of Zmigrod NY and Rabbi Baruch Shimshon Rabbi of Rudnik NY.
6 letters and documents, varied size, good conditions.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Four letters on public matters, by Rebbes of Desh in the United States.
Letter in handwriting and signature of Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Panet of Desh [1957]; two letters by his son, Rebbe Rabbi Tzvi Meir Panet [1957, 1964]; letter by his son, Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech Alter Panet [1952].
The Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Panet (1895-1962, Otzar HaRabbanim 8512). Son of Rebbe Rabbi Yechezkel Panet author of "Knesset Yechezekl", Av Beit Din of Desh. From 1929 served as Av Beit Din and Rosh Yeshiva in Transylvania. Following the Germen conquest escaped from Desh ghetto to Romania together with nine of his children and survived. After the War he emigrated to the United States, settled in Brooklyn – New York and reestablished the Hassidic Desh dynasty, while his sons succeeded him as Rebbes.
4 letters. Various sizes. General condition good, stains and filing marks.
Letter in handwriting and signature of Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Panet of Desh [1957]; two letters by his son, Rebbe Rabbi Tzvi Meir Panet [1957, 1964]; letter by his son, Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech Alter Panet [1952].
The Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Panet (1895-1962, Otzar HaRabbanim 8512). Son of Rebbe Rabbi Yechezkel Panet author of "Knesset Yechezekl", Av Beit Din of Desh. From 1929 served as Av Beit Din and Rosh Yeshiva in Transylvania. Following the Germen conquest escaped from Desh ghetto to Romania together with nine of his children and survived. After the War he emigrated to the United States, settled in Brooklyn – New York and reestablished the Hassidic Desh dynasty, while his sons succeeded him as Rebbes.
4 letters. Various sizes. General condition good, stains and filing marks.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
May 8, 2012
Opening: $350
Shana Tova letter, in the holy handwriting of the Rebbe Rabbi Baruch Hager of Seret-Vizhnitz. Haifa, Tishrei 1953.
“… may you be blessed with a merciful salvation, sealed for a life of blessing, happiness, redemption and success…”.
The holy Rebbe Rabbi Baruch Hager of Seret-Vizhnitz (1895-1963, Otzar HaRabbanim 4066), fourth son of the "Ahavat Yisrael" of Vizhnitz. Ordained as rabbi by Maharam Arik and Rabbi A. M. Steinberg of Brody. Served in the rabbinate from 1923. In 1936 was coronated as Rebbe in Seret. In 1947 immigrated to Haifa where he reestablished his Beit Midrash and congregation institutions. Member of Council of Torah Sages.
Airmail letter, height of letter approx. 18.5 cm. Good-fair condition, creases.
“… may you be blessed with a merciful salvation, sealed for a life of blessing, happiness, redemption and success…”.
The holy Rebbe Rabbi Baruch Hager of Seret-Vizhnitz (1895-1963, Otzar HaRabbanim 4066), fourth son of the "Ahavat Yisrael" of Vizhnitz. Ordained as rabbi by Maharam Arik and Rabbi A. M. Steinberg of Brody. Served in the rabbinate from 1923. In 1936 was coronated as Rebbe in Seret. In 1947 immigrated to Haifa where he reestablished his Beit Midrash and congregation institutions. Member of Council of Torah Sages.
Airmail letter, height of letter approx. 18.5 cm. Good-fair condition, creases.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts