Auction 22 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Archive Rabbi Shmaya Luria ( Tiberias,Agudat Yisrae,Beit Ya’akov, Immigration to Eretz Israel, Holocaust and 1948 War, Slonim Hassidism and more)

Opening: $10,000
Huge archive composed of hundreds of letters and documents, from archive of Rabbi Shmaya Luria, man of great accomplishments, among veteran activists of "Agudat Yisrael", "Beit Ya’akov" and Slonim Hassidism in Eretz Israel. Due to the archive’s enormous size the documents were arranged according to topics:
1.“Achim LaTzara” [fellow-sufferer] – Immigration and Certificates: Letter by Rebbe of Slonim, Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua Weinberg (perished in the Holocaust); numerous correspondences with heads of Yeshivot of Slonim in Baranovich and with Hassidic giants of Poland (includes formal certificates from Slonim Yeshiva in Baranovich, many letters by Rabbi Nissan Sheinberg Av Beit Din of Baranovich and additional rabbis); approximately 10 letters from "Ohr Torah" Yeshiva in Tiberias signed by Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Weinberg author of "Birkat Avraham"; letter by Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Moshe Kalish of Polaniec; lengthy correspondence with Rebbe Rabbi Ya’akov Elimelech Panet Av Beit Din of Desh (1889-1944) and his son Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Panet; letters by Rebbe Rabbi Elimelech son of Rabbi Yitzchak Yechiel Panet; letter by Rabbi Moshe Frankel Chief Av Beit Din of Zeshiva; letters by Rabbi Avraham Avli Rapaport Av Beit Din of Kielce; letter by Rabbi Ya’akov Yitzchak Weissblum Av Beit Din of Świrz; many additional letters.
2. Agudat Yisrael: Letters and documents from period of division of congregations to "Knesset Yisrael"and "Ashkenazi City Committee"; many letters by Rabbi Moshe Blau, leader of Agudat Yisrael in Jerusalem and from his son; Great Assembly of Vienna [where Rabbi Shmaya was sent as a representative on behalf of "Agudat Yisrael Youth Movement" of Jerusalem]; polemic Rabbi Kook and polemic of slaughtering; many letters regarding visit of Rebbe of Gur in Jerusalem, and polemic in opposition of "Kol Israel" following visit of Rebbe by Rabbi Kook; letters pertaining to "Beit Ya’akov"; various proclamations and publications; more.
3. Press and Kol Israel Newspaper: Various letters pertaining to "Kol Israel" and articles by Rabbi Shmaya and others [includes articles by his brother Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria of Tiberias]; letter and documents regarding establishment of daily newspaper “Israel” by the initiative of Rabbi Shmaya Luria and Dr. Mordechai Bucksbaum; correspondences with general newspaper editorial staffs.
4. Tiberias and Safed: Letters by rabbi of city, Rabbi Moshe Kliers and his sons Rabbi Elisha and Rabbi Avraham Mordechai; copy of will of Rabbi Moshe Kliers; regulations of Chevra Kadisha of Ashkenazi Kollelot of Tiberias; polemic of Orthodox community in Tiberias, refusing to accept a rabbi on behalf of the Rabbanut Rashit of "Knesset Yisrael"; torrential rain in Tiberias and destruction of Mikva’ot [ritual baths]; letters by rabbis and members of Tiberias; interesting documents and letters by congregation of Safed.
5. Family: Many letters by his father Rabbi Tzvi (Hirsch) Luria, by his brother Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu, (collection includes dozens of letters by Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu). Letters of Torah and Hassidism discourse by his brother Rabbi Aharon Yosef. Letters by other family members. Letter from period of 1948 War of Independence and detailed description of security and economic situation in Tiberias, Safed and Jerusalem.
6. Miscellaneous: Copy of correspondence with Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn of Lubavitch (discussing whether author of "Ohr HaChaim" authored his composition while teaching Chumash to his daughters, or whether he was not blessed with children); historical letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin during period of Holocaust (dated 22 October, 1942), in which he writes in detail regarding the mass annihilation throughout Europe; letters by Rabbi Pinchas Epstein; many letters pertaining to matters of education and to Ministry of Education, and more.
Rabbi Shmuel Shmaya Luria (1905-1989) was born in Tiberias to his father Rabbi Tzvi Luria. Raised in the presence of giant Hassidim of Slonim in Tiberias under the leadership of his older brothers, Rabbi Aharon Yosef Luria (author of "Avodat Pnim") and Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria (author of "Sha’arei Limud", "Avkot Rochlim" and "Nachalei Emunah"). After his marriage he became one of the most prominent activists of "Agudat Yisrael" and "Mercaz Beit Ya’akov". Was among first editors of Agudat Yisrael’s newspaper "Kol Israel" [during period of polemic of Rabbi Kook]. Was greatly involved in the arrangement of certificates for immigration to Eretz Israel, and following the establishment of the State was appointed as supervisor of Orthodox education [“Zerem Revi’I” (fourth stream) which eventually became "Mercaz HaChinuch Ha’Atzma’I"]. Later on he was in charge of the post-primary education in Ministry of Education. Was among managers of the Slonim Yeshiva in Jerusalem and among leaders of congregation of Hassidism.
Over 500 items (more than 700 leaves). Various sizes and conditions.
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts
Hassidism – Letters and Manuscripts