Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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Displaying 529 - 540 of 612
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Gold, Hugo. Die Juden und Judengemeinden Mֳ₪hrens in vergangenheit und gegenwart [Jews and Jewish Communities of Moravia Past and Present]. Brֳ¼nn, 1929.
Book with abundant information and photographs of the history of Moravian Jews, tens of articles. 588 pp, 30.5 cm. Good condition. Binding and several sheets are somewhat loose. Torn spine.
Book with abundant information and photographs of the history of Moravian Jews, tens of articles. 588 pp, 30.5 cm. Good condition. Binding and several sheets are somewhat loose. Torn spine.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Collection of sermons and letters by Dr. Manfred Papo, rabbi and lecturer in the Folk University in Vienna. 1930s.
The collection contains: sermons said during prayers in religion lessons or special prayers for youth in school or Beit HaKnesset; drafts of sermons with verses in Hebrew; work on the liturgical poems of Shlomo Ibn Gvirol and Yehuda HaLevi, with Hebrew texts and German notes; several letters. Total of approximatey fifty items. Various sizes and conditions.
The collection contains: sermons said during prayers in religion lessons or special prayers for youth in school or Beit HaKnesset; drafts of sermons with verses in Hebrew; work on the liturgical poems of Shlomo Ibn Gvirol and Yehuda HaLevi, with Hebrew texts and German notes; several letters. Total of approximatey fifty items. Various sizes and conditions.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $700
Copie d'une lettre, dont l'original et l'enveloppe, qui la contenait, ont eּteּ deּposeּs aּ€ Me Giraudeau, notaire, aּ€ Paris, le 18 novembre 1777, eּcrite le 15 du meּ‚me mois par M. Lenoir,... lieutenant geּneּral de police... au sieur Pereire, pensionnaire du roi, secreּtaire-interpreּ€te de S. M., de la Socieּteּ royale de Londres, agent de la nation juive portugaise aּ€ Paris; portant reּ€glement pour les juifs portugais. Paris, le 15 novembre 1777.
Copy of a letter given to Jacob Rodrigues Pereira, French citizen, secretary and interpreter, member of the London "Royal Society" and agent of the Portuguese Jews in Paris, granting the Jews the right to stay in Paris and hold a special passport issued for them. All the Jews that will request to settle in Paris will be obliged to present an official certificate signed by the leaders of their communities, including all their personal details. The addressee of this letter, Jacob Rodrigues Pereira (1715-1780) was the son of a Portuguese Marrano family. He re-converted to Judaism with his mother. Worked intensively for the rights of Jews in Southern France, Portugal and Spain and invested much effort in trying to achieve this regulation enabling the Jews to settle in Paris. [3] pp, 24.5 cm. Good condition. Several stains and creases.
Copy of a letter given to Jacob Rodrigues Pereira, French citizen, secretary and interpreter, member of the London "Royal Society" and agent of the Portuguese Jews in Paris, granting the Jews the right to stay in Paris and hold a special passport issued for them. All the Jews that will request to settle in Paris will be obliged to present an official certificate signed by the leaders of their communities, including all their personal details. The addressee of this letter, Jacob Rodrigues Pereira (1715-1780) was the son of a Portuguese Marrano family. He re-converted to Judaism with his mother. Worked intensively for the rights of Jews in Southern France, Portugal and Spain and invested much effort in trying to achieve this regulation enabling the Jews to settle in Paris. [3] pp, 24.5 cm. Good condition. Several stains and creases.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $800
Lettres-Patentes du Roi, confirmatives des privileּ€ges dont les Juifs portugais jouissent en France depuis 1550; donneּes aּ€ Versailles, au mois de juin 1776. enregistreּes au parlement de Bordeaux. [Bordeaux, 1777].
Version of order by Louis XVI from 1776, the last of a series of orders, that permit Portuguese Jews (Anusim) to dwell in Bordeaux. Given to Mr. Farira (see previous item). [4] pages, 24.5 cm. Good condition. Foxing, few creases.
Version of order by Louis XVI from 1776, the last of a series of orders, that permit Portuguese Jews (Anusim) to dwell in Bordeaux. Given to Mr. Farira (see previous item). [4] pages, 24.5 cm. Good condition. Foxing, few creases.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $120
A printed circular announcing the opening of a translations office. D. Meldola, Paris, January 1832. French.
"I wish to announce that I opened an office for translations into Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, German, Dutchג€¦ I shall perform the translations with great accuracy, and with discretionג€¦ fees are modestג€¦" Leaf 25 cm. Very good condition. Folding-marks and minor creases.
"I wish to announce that I opened an office for translations into Latin, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, German, Dutchג€¦ I shall perform the translations with great accuracy, and with discretionג€¦ fees are modestג€¦" Leaf 25 cm. Very good condition. Folding-marks and minor creases.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $250
Sold for: $313
Including buyer's premium
Eight brochures printed by the Jewish Consistory, Consistoire Israֳ©lite de Paris, and on behalf of the Chief Orthodox Rabbi of Paris, Zadoc Kahn, Paris, 1877-1898. French.
Instructions and information in preparation for Yom Kippur, the time of the Kol Nidrey prayer, regulations of "Malbish Arumim" society, brochures on the occasion of Hanukkah - all include useful information on behalf of the chief rabbi of Paris. Average size: 22 cm. Very good condition. Folding-marks on some items, pin holes.
Instructions and information in preparation for Yom Kippur, the time of the Kol Nidrey prayer, regulations of "Malbish Arumim" society, brochures on the occasion of Hanukkah - all include useful information on behalf of the chief rabbi of Paris. Average size: 22 cm. Very good condition. Folding-marks on some items, pin holes.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $500
Thirty-six printed items issued by Jewish workers' organizations and various Socialist movements. Paris, 1910-1934. Yiddish and French.
Amongst the items: a questionnaire to a member who wishes to join the organization; membership card of the Jewish Workers Organization; leaflets for members; invitations to lectures and other cultural activities; three posters - invitation to Jewish Tailors meeting in Paris; lectures and conferences concerning various matters: Socialism, anarchism, workersג€™ rights, workers unions, etc. Amongst the mentioned organizations: "Jewish Workers Organization", Syndicate of Textile Workers, and more. Size varies, fair to very good condition.
Amongst the items: a questionnaire to a member who wishes to join the organization; membership card of the Jewish Workers Organization; leaflets for members; invitations to lectures and other cultural activities; three posters - invitation to Jewish Tailors meeting in Paris; lectures and conferences concerning various matters: Socialism, anarchism, workersג€™ rights, workers unions, etc. Amongst the mentioned organizations: "Jewish Workers Organization", Syndicate of Textile Workers, and more. Size varies, fair to very good condition.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $500
Sold for: $625
Including buyer's premium
1. In nome del Signore Iddio, Regole delle tasse della Natione hebrea de Ferrara, adi 14. maggio 1702. A large leaf on the topic of taxes and the wording of a ban in Hebrew letters. Ferrara, 1702. The wording of the ban is signed by: Yosef Burgo, Mordechai Tzahalon, Shabtai Elchanan Sangoiniti.
2-3. Sacra congregatione S. Officij Ferrarien. Oblationis puerorum ad fidem. Pro Abraham Dauid filio Leonis de Pisa contra Ven. Domum Cathecumenorum de Vrbe, siue Serui Deum Leui Catecumenum Sacra congregatione S. Officij Ferrarien.Pro Abraham Dauid filio. Rome, 1704 *Leonis de Pisa contra Ven. Domum Cathecumenorum de Vrbe, siue Seruidei Leui Cathecumenum. Rome 1704. Two booklets dealing with the demand that Jews convert to Christianity by force.
4. Regola per ricavarsi gl' Annui aggravj per le Spese, che occorono all' Universita degl'ebrei di Ferrara et alter Provisioni. Ferrara, 1718. The laws of the Jewish community of Ferrara, including various regulations of the community, lists of people who held positions in the community (many names are mentioned, including the names of renowned Italian families: Italy, Pinchi, Rusi, Bassan etc.), regulations for voting and additional laws. The rabbis of Ferrara signed at the end: Angel Tzahalon, Anglo Rekanati, Samuel Benedeto and Isaac Lampronti.
Various sizes and conditions. Good condition.
2-3. Sacra congregatione S. Officij Ferrarien. Oblationis puerorum ad fidem. Pro Abraham Dauid filio Leonis de Pisa contra Ven. Domum Cathecumenorum de Vrbe, siue Serui Deum Leui Catecumenum Sacra congregatione S. Officij Ferrarien.Pro Abraham Dauid filio. Rome, 1704 *Leonis de Pisa contra Ven. Domum Cathecumenorum de Vrbe, siue Seruidei Leui Cathecumenum. Rome 1704. Two booklets dealing with the demand that Jews convert to Christianity by force.
4. Regola per ricavarsi gl' Annui aggravj per le Spese, che occorono all' Universita degl'ebrei di Ferrara et alter Provisioni. Ferrara, 1718. The laws of the Jewish community of Ferrara, including various regulations of the community, lists of people who held positions in the community (many names are mentioned, including the names of renowned Italian families: Italy, Pinchi, Rusi, Bassan etc.), regulations for voting and additional laws. The rabbis of Ferrara signed at the end: Angel Tzahalon, Anglo Rekanati, Samuel Benedeto and Isaac Lampronti.
Various sizes and conditions. Good condition.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $2,500
Sold for: $3,125
Including buyer's premium
1-26. CorriereIsraelitico, Periodicomensilepel la storia. La spirit e ilprogresso.del gudaismo, A di S. Curiel e Prof. Leone Rocah. 1-26. [Monthly Magazine on Jewish History and Spiritual Matters]. First five volumes (1862-1866) and twenty one non-consecutive volumes from 1884-1913. Some have notes in Italian handwriting.
27-41. CorriereIsraelitico, Israel, weekly magazine published as sequel to monthly magazine.
Fifteen volumes, issues from 1916-1928 (Years 7-21). The ninth year volume is missing.
42-67. VessiloIsraelitico, rivistamensile per la storia, la scienza e lo spirit del giudaismo. [The Jewish Educator, Weekly Magazine of History and Religion]. Twenty one consecutive volumes, 1853-1874.
Various sizes and conditions. Many double volumes.
27-41. CorriereIsraelitico, Israel, weekly magazine published as sequel to monthly magazine.
Fifteen volumes, issues from 1916-1928 (Years 7-21). The ninth year volume is missing.
42-67. VessiloIsraelitico, rivistamensile per la storia, la scienza e lo spirit del giudaismo. [The Jewish Educator, Weekly Magazine of History and Religion]. Twenty one consecutive volumes, 1853-1874.
Various sizes and conditions. Many double volumes.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $500
As Cabesas Geraִ“s. Da Universidade dos Judeus de Veneza. Amsterdam, 1738. Portuguese.
A printed letter, sent by the Gabbai and President of the "University of Jews in Venice", in the Marranosג€™ community of Amsterdam, to the Rabbis of Italy, Rabbi Jaacob Belilios and Rabbi Jaacob Saraval. The letter concerns the need to appoint emissaries to carry out a deal for the benefit of the "University" (banks are mentioned, a financial loan, terms of payment and profit percentage). Three pages, 38.5 cm. Good condition. Tears at borders and at folding marks.
A printed letter, sent by the Gabbai and President of the "University of Jews in Venice", in the Marranosג€™ community of Amsterdam, to the Rabbis of Italy, Rabbi Jaacob Belilios and Rabbi Jaacob Saraval. The letter concerns the need to appoint emissaries to carry out a deal for the benefit of the "University" (banks are mentioned, a financial loan, terms of payment and profit percentage). Three pages, 38.5 cm. Good condition. Tears at borders and at folding marks.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $120
Sold for: $200
Including buyer's premium
Loteriah Di Kupat Mohar Umatan. Izmir (Turkey), 1874.
"Lottery ג€¦ for Jewish orphans. The lottery consists of 4,000 ticketsג€¦" Leaf printed in five languages: Ladino, Ottoman-Turkish, French, Greek and Armenian. 22.5x20.5 cm. Good condition, stains and wear at borders.
"Lottery ג€¦ for Jewish orphans. The lottery consists of 4,000 ticketsג€¦" Leaf printed in five languages: Ladino, Ottoman-Turkish, French, Greek and Armenian. 22.5x20.5 cm. Good condition, stains and wear at borders.
Jewish Communities
Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
December 7, 2011
Opening: $150
Hayehudim BeKina, address by the sage Marcus Adler in the house of the Committee of Jewish Studies Researchers in London, translated from English by Elchanan Segal. Vilnius, 1901.
Booklet about the history of Jews in China. Original cover, illustrated.
35, [1] pp, 21 cm. Good condition. Cover detached and worn, tears at borders. Loose pamphlets. Ex-library copy.
Booklet about the history of Jews in China. Original cover, illustrated.
35, [1] pp, 21 cm. Good condition. Cover detached and worn, tears at borders. Loose pamphlets. Ex-library copy.
Jewish Communities