Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Regulation regarding the Right of Portuguese Jews (Marranos) to settle in Paris, 1777
Opening: $700
Copie d'une lettre, dont l'original et l'enveloppe, qui la contenait, ont eּteּ deּposeּs aּ€ Me Giraudeau, notaire, aּ€ Paris, le 18 novembre 1777, eּcrite le 15 du meּ‚me mois par M. Lenoir,... lieutenant geּneּral de police... au sieur Pereire, pensionnaire du roi, secreּtaire-interpreּ€te de S. M., de la Socieּteּ royale de Londres, agent de la nation juive portugaise aּ€ Paris; portant reּ€glement pour les juifs portugais. Paris, le 15 novembre 1777.
Copy of a letter given to Jacob Rodrigues Pereira, French citizen, secretary and interpreter, member of the London "Royal Society" and agent of the Portuguese Jews in Paris, granting the Jews the right to stay in Paris and hold a special passport issued for them. All the Jews that will request to settle in Paris will be obliged to present an official certificate signed by the leaders of their communities, including all their personal details. The addressee of this letter, Jacob Rodrigues Pereira (1715-1780) was the son of a Portuguese Marrano family. He re-converted to Judaism with his mother. Worked intensively for the rights of Jews in Southern France, Portugal and Spain and invested much effort in trying to achieve this regulation enabling the Jews to settle in Paris. [3] pp, 24.5 cm. Good condition. Several stains and creases.
Copy of a letter given to Jacob Rodrigues Pereira, French citizen, secretary and interpreter, member of the London "Royal Society" and agent of the Portuguese Jews in Paris, granting the Jews the right to stay in Paris and hold a special passport issued for them. All the Jews that will request to settle in Paris will be obliged to present an official certificate signed by the leaders of their communities, including all their personal details. The addressee of this letter, Jacob Rodrigues Pereira (1715-1780) was the son of a Portuguese Marrano family. He re-converted to Judaism with his mother. Worked intensively for the rights of Jews in Southern France, Portugal and Spain and invested much effort in trying to achieve this regulation enabling the Jews to settle in Paris. [3] pp, 24.5 cm. Good condition. Several stains and creases.
Jewish Communities
Jewish Communities