Auction 18 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Letter from the Portuguese Community in Amsterdam to the Rabbis of Italy, 1738

Opening: $500
As Cabesas Geraִ“s. Da Universidade dos Judeus de Veneza. Amsterdam, 1738. Portuguese.
A printed letter, sent by the Gabbai and President of the "University of Jews in Venice", in the Marranosג€™ community of Amsterdam, to the Rabbis of Italy, Rabbi Jaacob Belilios and Rabbi Jaacob Saraval. The letter concerns the need to appoint emissaries to carry out a deal for the benefit of the "University" (banks are mentioned, a financial loan, terms of payment and profit percentage). Three pages, 38.5 cm. Good condition. Tears at borders and at folding marks.
Jewish Communities
Jewish Communities