Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
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Displaying 133 - 144 of 200
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $1,000
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000
Sold for: $5,750
Including buyer's premium
Yeven Metzulah, "tells extensively of the persecutions and wars in Russia, Lithuania and Poland", by R. Natan Nata Hannover. Venice: Vendramin, 1653. First edition, printed in the lifetime of the author.
An important chronicle of the history of the Chmielnicki massacres (1648-1649) and the wars in Russia, Lithuania and Poland, and the Tatar and Cossack Revolt led by Bogdan Chmielnicki.
The author, R. Natan Nata Hannover (d. 1683), author of Shaarei Tzion and Safah Berurah, was an eminent kabbalist who served as rabbi in Iziaslav, Livorno, Jassy and elsewhere (see Lots 36 and 179). He was an eyewitness to the destruction of Jewish communities in Poland in the years 1648-1649 and documented the events in the present work, which is one of the primary sources for the history of that period.
On the last page, a lamentation by the proofreader "Yaakov son of Naftali of Gniezno near Poznań" (this text forming the acrostic and printed in larger type; the lamentation within a decorated frame).
Signatures on title page: "I, Yosef Heilprun ---"; "--- Achiyah Segre".
12 leaves. 18.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Some tears, including open tear affecting text of one leaf. Title page repaired with paper strips to verso. New binding.
Early Printed Books – Italy
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $800
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000
Sold for: $2,000
Including buyer's premium
Two books published by R. Yosef Richetti in Mantua, 1676, in one volume:
· Chochmat HaMishkan, explanation of the form of the Tabernacle vessels and the priestly vestments, by R. Yosef Richetti. Mantua: printer not indicated, [1676]. Only edition.
The introduction to the work was authored by the famous kabbalist R. Moshe Zacuto – the Ramaz (see article by M. Benayahu, cited below).
The final page of this book contains a key for 18 illustrations of each of the Tabernacle vessels and priestly vestments. The author intended to print along with the book illustrations for each one of the Tabernacle vessels and priestly vestments, as he writes in the "author's apologia" on the last leaf: "At the beginning of this labor of mine I intended to design pictures… And I began to make considerable efforts to have the artists engrave the pictures, but it all came to nought, for the labor was ruined, since the artists in this city are not so adept at this work…". The author goes on to state his intention to complete the printing of the pictures when he arrives in Venice, based on the detailed key he printed, but the planned illustrations were evidently never produced.
Gloss in Sephardic script on p. 13a, trimmed, signed: "Ze'eiri HaKohen".
· "Letter on the attribution of Tzaddikim of Eretz Israel", on gravesites of Tzaddikim and holy sites in Eretz Israel. Mantua: printer not indicated, 1676. Published by R. Yosef Richetti.
This work contains the names and descriptions of holy sites in Eretz Israel, with the names of Tzaddikim buried in each of the sites.
Early pilgrims to Eretz Israel would perform "Ziyarah" – tours following a set route, the central element of which was visiting various gravesites of Tzaddikim (most of which were based on identifications by the Arizal). The book begins by listing the sites included in the "Hakafah Ketanah" (short tour), intended for pilgrims visiting only Safed and the area; and continues with the details of the "Hakafah Gedolah" (long tour), which includes various sites throughout the Galilee; followed by the sites to be visited as part of the tour of Jerusalem.
Further details about the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem, as well as Hebron and Halhul, are printed on the last page, with each pair of cities within a decorative frame.
The content of this work was printed by emissaries of Eretz Isael throughout the 17th century in several editions, both in book format and as printed posters. A statement from the emissaries of Eretz Israel is printed on the verso of the title page: "When we see… how unfortunately, due to the length of the exile… our holy city has almost been forgotten by our brethren…" (this text appears in the first known edition of the letter in leaf format, 1626).
On the various editions of the letter, both as a book and as a printed poster, see: M. Benayahu (cited below).
R. Yosef Richetti was a talented artist who worked as copyist, scribe and decorator of Megillot and ketubot, painter, potter, metalworker and more. Born in Italy (most likely in Venice) to R. Eliezer Shalit Richetti, he immigrated to Safed in his youth, between 1640-1643, later returning to Italy as emissary of Safed between 1674-1676. He printed the two present works in Mantua that year. See on him at length: M. Benayahu, R. Yosef Richetti – A Young Artist from Italy Who Immigrated to Safed, Asufot, II, 1988, pp. 359-372 (Hebrew).
Chochmat HaMishkan: 9, [3] leaves; Letter on gravesites of Tzaddikim: [4] leaves. Approx. 19 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including large dampstains. Close trimming, affecting bottom of title frame of first book, and slightly affecting text of several leaves. New binding.
Early Printed Books – Italy
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $500
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Chanukat HaBayit, explanation of the layout and structure of the destroyed Temple, by R. Moshe Chefetz. Venice: Bragadin, [1696]. Only edition.
Includes many illustrations of the Temple and its vessels. The book was apparently printed in two stages: during printing, blank spaces were left for the illustrations, which were later added from engraved plates. This copy contains all the illustrations.
Large folded plate with plan of the Temple, courtyards and Temple Mount, bound after first [4] leaves. At the bottom is a legend to locations marked in the map with letters (in other copies the legend is handwritten rather than printed).
At the beginning and end of the book are printed poems by Italian rabbis.
[4], 52 leaves + [1] folded plate. 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Worming, affecting text and folded map. Tears to map affecting illustrations, and open tear to last leaf, not affecting text, repaired with paper filling. New binding.
CB, no. 6451,1.
Early Printed Books – Italy
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $2,000
Estimate: $3,000 - $4,000
Sold for: $8,125
Including buyer's premium
Maaseh Toviah, astronomy and science, medicine and anatomy, by R. Toviah Katz HaRofe (Tobias Cohn, physician). Venice: Bragadin, 1707. First edition.
The title page is dated 1707, while the approbations are dated 1708.
Numerous illustrations and diagrams, including an engraved portrait of the author at age 48 on verso of title page.
A detailed illustration of the human body including the internal organs, paralleling it to a multi-story building, is featured on p. 106a.
The book comprises three parts, with divisional title pages. Approbation by R. David Oppenheim and Venetian rabbis. Poems in praise of the author and book.
On leaves 27-29, Zikaron Livnei Yisrael, a report on the examination of Nathan of Gaza by the rabbis of Venice (first printed on a single leaf in Venice, 1668).
On last page, license of censor in Padua (in Italian), dated 1708.
[6], 158 leaves. 21.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Small tear to title page and small marginal tears to several other leaves. Close trimming, affecting headers of leaves in several places. Stamps. Old binding, with leather spine. Wear and damage to binding.
Early Printed Books – Italy
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $1,000
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Leshon Limudim, grammatical work by R. David ibn Yachya. Constantinople: Eliezer son of Gershom Soncino, 1542.
Despite the statement on the title page that the author's son agreed to print the book "for a second time", the present book is the third edition (previously printed in Constantinople in 1506 and 1520).
Colophon on last leaf: "This magnificent book was completed on 3rd Nisan 1542… just as G-d granted us the merit to complete it, so may G-d grant us the merit to complete Tehillah LeDavid by the author of this book, and many other books…" (Tehillah LeDavid appears to have never been completed by its author; see: Ben Yaakov, Otzar HaSefarim, p. 616, no. 46).
On last leaf, signatures of censors Domenico Jerosolimitano and Domenico Carretto (second signature dated 1608).
[45] leaves. 20 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dampstains (dark stains to title page). Worming, affecting text. Close trimming, slightly affecting text of several leaves. New binding.
Early Printed Books – Turkey and the East
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $5,000
Estimate: $10,000 - $15,000
Sold for: $15,000
Including buyer's premium
Chovot HaLevavot by R. Bachya ibn Pakuda the dayan, and Tikun Midot HaNefesh by R. Shlomo ibn Gabirol, both translated by R. Yehudah ibn Tibbon. Constantinople: Moshe Parnas by Yitzchak son of Chaim Chazan, 1550. Third edition of Chovot HaLevavot and first edition of Tikun Midot HaNefesh.
This edition of Chovot HaLevavot was printed based on a manuscript different from the ones used by other editions. The publisher, R. Yitzchak son of Chaim Chazan, writes in his preface: "I have seen it printed twice, and both are full of errors and omissions… But G-d led me to find this book… proofread by an exceptional scholar from an old manuscript copy… and I set myself to printing it…".
Tikun Midot HaNefesh, attributed to R. Shlomo ibn Gabirol, was first printed in the present book, and was subsequently printed in many editions.
The title page gives the starting date of the printing: "Thursday, 15th Tamuz [1550]". The colophon on the last page gives the end date: "Erev Rosh Hashanah, [1550]".
Inscriptions on title page and last leaf: "Purchased by me, Yosef ibn Reuven".
Early stamps on pp. 9a and 21a ("Yedidiah[?] son of R. Yitzchak HaKohen").
[6], 9-102 leaves. Leaves 13-14 bound out of sequence, after leaf 10. 19.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dampstains and traces of former dampness. Wear. Worming, affecting text. Tears affecting text, repaired with tape, and small marginal open tears to several leaves. Old binding.
Rare edition.
CB, no. 4526,3; Zedner, p. 73.
Early Printed Books – Turkey and the East
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $1,200
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Zichron Torat Moshe, index of rabbinic passages in both Talmudim, Midrashim and early books, by R. Moshe Piccio. Constantinople: [Moshe son of Elazar Parnas HaRofe], 1554. First edition.
The year of printing is given as 1554 on the title page, while the colophon on p. [132a] is dated 11th Tamuz 1553 (another colophon on p. [170b], lacking in the present copy, is dated 8th Elul 1553).
On last leaf, signature of censor Camillo Jaghel, dated 1617.
Handwritten references in margins and within text on most leaves. Several glosses.
[171] leaves. Missing 3 leaves towards the end of the book (leaves [170], [172]-[173]). 31.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains, including large, dark dampstains, and traces of former dampness with light mold stains. Worming, tears and open tears to title page and other leaves, affecting text, partially repaired with paper filling. Some leaves in several places may have been supplied from another copy. Stamp. New leather binding.
On the printer, see: A. Yaari, HaDefus HaIvri BeKushta, no. 154; Yosef Hacker, Areshet, V, p. 484. On a copy with variants to title page and other pages, see: Yitzchak Rivkind, Dikdukei Sefarim, Kiryat Sefer, IV, 1927-1928, p. 277, no. 31.
Provenance: Christie's, Amsterdam, December 1990, Lot 396.
CB, no. 6463,1; Zedner, p. 573.
Early Printed Books – Turkey and the East
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $2,000
Estimate: $3,000 - $4,000
Sold for: $15,000
Including buyer's premium
Lechem Yehudah, narrative in prose and rhyming poetry by R. Yehudah Zarko of Rhodes. Constantinople: Shlomo son of Yitzchak Yaavetz, 1560. Only edition.
Love story in the form of a maqama about a beautiful princess whose father prevented all her courters from entering the palace, and five princes who, with the help of an elderly advisor, tried with all their might to penetrate to the palace. The lines of poetry are printed in square type. Between the lines of poetry is an allegorical commentary printed in semi-cursive (Rashi) type.
The poems in the book form a complex acrostic of the name of the author and his father, as the author states in his introduction (p. 3b): "The riddle poems are ordered according to the Atbash sequence… with one circuit of poetry going in one direction and the other coming towards it until they meet".
Signature (partially cut off) on second leaf: "Avraham… HaLevi".
[40] leaves. Approx. 20 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Light wear to some leaves. Tears, including large open tear to title page, repaired with paper, bordering text, and tears to other leaves, slightly affecting text. New leather binding.
Complete copy of a particularly rare edition. The present book was published in a limited facsimile edition in 1960 with a foreword by the scholar and bibliographer A.M. Haberman. In the foreword, Haberman notes that he knows of only four copies of the book, one of which is the present copy. The book is documented in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book based on a facsimile, and the NLI catalogue also only contains a facsimile.
Enclosed (separately) are four leaves of another copy of the book (29-32), with damage and tears.
CB, no. 5772,1; Zedner, p. 395.
Early Printed Books – Turkey and the East
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $2,000
Estimate: $3,000 - $5,000
Sold for: $10,000
Including buyer's premium
Responsa of the Geonim. Constantinople: David Casti and Eliezer son of Yitzchak Ashkenazi, 1575. First edition.
The book contains four hundred brief responsa, with an index. Most questions relate to civil law, while the others relate to marriage law.
On the verso of the title page is an introduction by the publisher and proofreader, R. Shlomo Kabuli, who found the work in the estate of his father – R. Menachem Kabuli, a leading Constantinople rabbi.
The book was printed by Eliezer son of Yitzchak Ashkenazi, who printed Hebrew books in various cities, including Prague, Lublin and Constantinople. He was also involved in the first printing of books in Safed in the 16th century. His printer's mark appears on p. 8a, depicting an erect lion donning a crown and facing rightwards, surrounded by a floral frame (see: Yaari, Diglei HaMadpisim HaIvriyim, Jerusalem 1944, p. 142, note to illustration 51).
While this anthology of responsa preserves early Geonic material, most importantly fragments of Sefer HaMaasim Livnei Eretz Yisrael, it also contains many forged responsa (more than a hundred, over a quarter of the responsa in the book) which, rather than Geonic responsa, are adaptations of the Shulchan Aruch or other sources (see at length: S. Emanuel, Teshuvot HaGeonim HaKetzarot, in: Atara L'Haim, Studies… in honor of Professor Haim Zalman Dimitrovsky, Jerusalem 2000, pp. 439-459).
This responsa anthology was reprinted in several editions. It was reprinted within a few years in Prague, ca. 1590.
46 leaves. 18.5 cm. Overall good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Small marginal open tear to one leaf, not affecting text. Several corrections and short glosses (late script). New binding.
CB, no. 4051.
Early Printed Books – Turkey and the East
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $1,500
Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
Sold for: $2,375
Including buyer's premium
Tehillah LeDavid, philosophical work on the principles of faith and the Torah, by R. David son of R. Yehudah Messer Leon. Constantinople: Yosef son of Yitzchak Yaavetz, 1576. First edition.
The book was brought to press by grandsons of the author, R. Aharon Messer Leon.
The work comprises three parts. Part I: "Regarding the virtue of Torah and the perfection of those who accepted it and of Moses"; Part II: "Regarding the principles called faith which are above examination"; Part III: "Regarding the principles of theology, on examining G-d's attributes and names, His thirteen attributes and providence, reward and punishment, investigation of astrology, free will and divine visions".
On leaf 97, the publisher writes: "Up to this point was found in the author's autograph, which he had left open, intending to add lessons and go on at length, but he did not manage to achieve his intention before he was called to the heavenly yeshiva…". The publisher goes on to discuss him and the printing of the present book, also mentioning various works by the author and his father which remained in manuscript.
108 leaves. Leaves 89-92 misordered (misfoliation). Pages of leaves 81-82 printed out of order in original. 19.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Dark stains to last leaves. Worming (mainly to last leaves), slightly affecting text. Tears, including small open tear slightly affecting text of last leaf. Old leather binding.
Without last 4 leaves with two additional homilies by author, which the publisher obtained after the printing was completed, and do not appear in all copies.
Early Printed Books – Turkey and the East
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $1,000
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000
Sold for: $1,625
Including buyer's premium
Ot Emet, glosses and references to various Midrashic books and Yalkut Shimoni, as well as the liturgy, by R. Meir Benveniste. Salonika: Yosef son of Yitzchak Yaavetz, 1565. First edition.
Work comprising hundreds of emendations to the printed editions of Midrashic books (Mechilta, Sifra, Sifrei, Midrash Rabbah, Midrash Tanchuma and Yalkut Shimoni), as well as sections of the prayer service ("Seder Kedushah", with glosses copied from the Siddur of R. Shlomo Alkabetz), based on manuscripts and accurate texts.
Handwritten signatures and inscriptions on title page and second leaf. One inscription dated 1623.
182 leaves. 19 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains and heavy dark stains to several leaves. Worming in many places, affecting text. Tears and open tears, affecting text, partially repaired with paper filling. New leather binding.
CB, no. 6294,1; Zedner, p. 522; Roest, p. 780.
Early Printed Books – Turkey and the East
Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Jan 21, 2025
Opening: $1,200
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,500
Sold for: $1,750
Including buyer's premium
Lev Avot – Tractate Avot with commentaries of Rashi and R. Shlomo son of R. Yitzchak HaLevi. Salonika: Yosef son of Yitzchak Yaavetz, 1565. First edition.
The author, R. Shlomo HaLevi the Elder son of R. Yitzchak (1532-1600), one of the Jews expelled from Portugal, Rabbi of Salonika and eminent in his generation. His printed works include: Divrei Shlomo (Venice, 1596), Lechem Shlomo (Venice, 1597), Cheshek Shlomo (Salonika, 1600).
In his introduction, the author recounts that after he completed an early manuscript draft of the work, he corrected it about a decade later: "For I authored this work in my youth, and I completed it on Erev Shavuot 1553, the very day I betrothed my beloved wife, as you will discover and see from the first version, and it was also on that day that I sang and recited to her metrical poems about this work… Afterwards… I corrected it again… While I was twenty-one years old in the first version, now upon completing it for a second time I am thirty-one years old…" (p. 2a).
128 leaves. 19.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Worming, slightly affecting text. New leather binding.
CB, no. 6944,3; no. 1442; Zedner, p. 551.
Early Printed Books – Turkey and the East